2014-2015 Recommended Social Work Study Plan for the 4-Year Honours Program Name: Revised: 4.16.14 Student Number: You must have 20 courses completed (or in progress) in order to apply to the professional years. Use those in bold as a guide. Place an “X” in the box next to the course number if the course has been completed or “IP” if in progress. Pre-Professional Social Work Courses: 02-47-117 Meeting Human Needs through Social Welfare 02-47-118 Meeting Human Needs through Social Work 02-47-204 Issues and Perspectives in Social Welfare 02-47-210 Social Work and Diversity Other Requirements: 01-01-150 Foundations of Academic Writing I Year 3 Requirements: Fall 02-47-336 Theory and Practice of Social Work with Individuals 02-47-337 Theory and Practice of Social Work with Small Groups 02-47-344 Research I: Foundations of Social Work Research 6. 01-01-151 Foundations of Academic Writing II 02-02-250 Basic Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences 7. Science Course #1: Winter Science Course #2: 02-47-338 Theory and Practice of Social Work with Families Six1 courses (minimum) from one of the following disciplines: Anthropology; Communication, Media & Film; Diaspora Studies; Disability Studies; Family and Social Relations; History; Labour Studies; Political Science; Psychology; Sociology; Women’s Studies. Discipline: 1. 02-47-339 Theory and Practice of Social Work with Communities and Organizations 02-47-371 Field Preparation 8. 9. 2. Year 4 Requirements: 3. Fall 4. 02-47-416 Social Work and Intersectionality 5. 02-47-430 Integration Seminar I 6. 02-47-423 Social Policy and Social Welfare 2 Nine courses from any discipline, including Social Sciences and Social Work Electives (four of these courses may be taken in year 3): 02-47-473 Field Education I (6.00 credit hours) Winter 1. 02-47-431 Integration Seminar II 2. 02-47-475 Field Education II (12.00 credit hours) 3. 4. 5. You have the option to choose other courses and slot them into position 6, 7, 8 and/or 9 if you cannot complete this section prior to your application to year 3. 1 2 Courses from any discipline, including Social Work electives, may be used to fulfill these requirements IMPORTANT: NO MORE THAN 14 100-LEVEL COURSES MAY BE COUNTED FOR CREDIT This worksheet is available electronically on our website at: http://www.uwindsor.ca/socialwork/course-sequences