Speed reading - Süleyman Şah Üniversitesi

B1 Module 4
Worksheet 3, Week 3
25 April 2014
Listen to the recording and answer Questions 1-10.
Questions 1-10
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Traditional Samoan Houses
Overall design
house: round or 1……………..
no walls
2………………: to shelter occupants from wind and rain
floor: 3……………to control temperature
dome-shaped and thatched using 4……………..leaves
5………………..sides prevent dampness
high top permits 6………………..loss
Supporting posts
made using wood from the 7………………….around the village
used to show 8……………….of chiefs and speakers at meetings
attached using rope made by the 9………………..in the village
rope pulled tightly to form a 10……………….around beams and posts
Questions 1-5
Complete the form below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Booking Form
Arrival date:
…23rd August…
Length of stay:
Type of accommodation:
Mr and Mrs 3…………………and children
29 Tower Heights,
EH41 2GK
Contact telephone:
Purpose of trip:
Speed reading
What is speed reading, and why do we need it?
A Speed reading is not just about reading fast. It is also about how much information
you can remember when you have finished reading. The World Championship
Speed-Reading Competition says that its top competitors average between 1,000 and
2,000 words a minute. But they must remember at least 50 percent of this in order to
qualify for the competition.
B Nowadays, speed reading has become an essential skill in any environment where
people have to master a large volume of information. Professional workers need
reading skills to help them get through many documents every day, while students
under pressure to deal with assignments may feel they have to read more and read
faster all the time.
C Although there are various methods to increase reading speed, the trick is deciding
what information you want first. For example, if you only want a rough outline of an
issue, then you can skim the material quickly and extract the key facts. However, if
you need to understand every detail in a document, then you must read it slowly
enough to understand this.
D Even when you know how to ignore irrelevant detail, there are other improvements
you can make to your reading style which will increase your speed. For example,
most people can read much faster if they read silently. Reading each word aloud
takes time for the information to make a complete circuit in your brain before being
pronounced. Some researchers believe that as long as the first and last letters are in
place, the brain can stili understand the arrangement of the other letters in the word
because it logically puts each piece into place.
E Chunking is another important method. Most people learn to read either letter by
letter or word by word. As you improve,this changes. You will probably find that
you are fixing your eyes on a block of words, then moving your eyes to the next
block of words, and so on. You are reading blocks of words at a time, not individual
words one by one. You may also notice that you do not always go from one block to
the next: sometimes you may move back to a previous block if you are unsure about
F A skilled reader will read a lot of words in each block. He or she will only look at each
block for an instant and will then move on. Only rarely will the reader's eyes skip back
to a previous block of words. This reduces the amount of work that the reader's eyes
have to do. It also increases the volume of information that can be taken in over a
giyen period of time.
G On the other hand, a slow reader will spend a lot of time reading small blocks of
words. He or she will skip back often, losing the flow and structure of the text, and
muddling their overall understanding of the subject. This irregular eye movement
quickly makes the reader tired. Poor readers tend to dislike reading because they feel it
is difficult to concentrate and comprehend written information.
H The best tip anyone can have to improve their reading speed is to practise. In order
to do this effectively, a person must be engaged in the material and want to know
more. If you find yourself constantly having to re-read the same paragraph, you may
want to switch to reading material that grabs your attention. If you enjoy what you
are reading, you will make quicker progress.
adapted from speed-reading-techniques.com
A. Questions 1-6
The reading passage has seven paragraphs, A-H.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter, A-H.
NB You may use any letter more than once.
1 the types of people who need to read more quickly______
2 the fastest reading speeds_____
3 how a reader can become confused______
4 why reading material should be interesting____
5 a definition of speed reading_____
6 what you should consider before you start reading ______
B. Read the instructions for Questions 7-13 and the title of the table.
Which three paragraphs do you need to read carefully to complete the
Questions 7-13
Complete the table below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
type of
10 .........
reading method effect of method
on reader
 many
 reader's
7 .......... in
8 .........
a block
 reader
less work
hardly ever  more
goes back
9 .......... is
 small blocks  reader easily
 reader
gets 12 ...........
11 ............
 finds it hard
goes back
13 .............
on passage
A. Circle the correct option.
1) Oil was………………. into the sea and it caused pollution.
a. generated
b. consumed
c. released
d. restored
2) The two athletes are …………….. for the gold medal.
a. embracing
b. conquering
c. generating
d. competing
3) Britain's mineral……………… include coal and gas deposits.
a. resources
b. ingredients
c. produces
d. wastes
4) Water, or hydropower, is the ……………….. energy source that produces the
most electricity in the United States.
a. innovative
b. renewable
c. vivid
d. urban
5) My mother couldn't bear……….... - she always made us eat everything on our
a. waste
b. recycling
c. aspect
d. precaution
6) Humans are ……………… among mammals in several respects.
b. perceive
c. mental
d. unique
7) The island……………….attracts French tourists.
a. aspect
b. bravely
c. chiefly
d. environmentally
8) The Japanese ………….... more than half their waste paper.
a. embrace
b. recycle
c. earn
d. restore
9) Companies shouldn’t use……………….. damaging chemicals
a. alternatively
b. environmentally
c. bravely
d. chiefly
10) Are there any………………..drinks or is there only Cola?
a. unique
b. efficient
B. Match the synonyms.
_____1) urban(adj)
_____2) polluted(adj)
_____3) threaten(v)
_____4) generate(v)
_____5) innovative(adj)
_____6) traditional(adj)
_____7) efficient(adj)
_____8) restore(v)
_____9) produce(n)
a) produce
b) renew
c) effective
d) conventional
e) endanger
f) dirty
g) city-like
h) green goods
i) original
c. traditional
d. alternative
C. Match the words with the correct definitions.
_____1) trait
a) something that tests strength, skill, or ability, especially in
a way that is interesting
_____2) aspect
b) to understand or think of something or someone in a
particular way
_____3) notable
c) lifelike, dramatic, clear or powerful
_____4) challenge
d) something you do in order to prevent something
dangerous or unpleasant from happening.
_____5) pursuit
e) relating to the health or state of someone’s mind
_____6) perceive
f) a particular quality in someone’s character
_____7) tolerance
g) an activity that you spend time doing, usually when
you’re not working
_____8) mental
h) understanding, sympathy for or acceptance of feelings, or
habits which are different from one’s own
_____9) vivid
i) one part of a situation, problem, subject, etc.
_____10) precaution
j) important, interesting, excellent or unusual enough to be
noticed or mentioned
D. Match the words with the antonyms.
_____1) bravely
a) unidentifiable
_____2) significant
b) secondary
_____3) ultimate
c) fearfully
_____4) distinctive
d) unimportant
_____5) conquer
e) unambitious
_____6) determined
f) lose
A. James and Richard are arranging a trip to a football match. Read their telephone
conversation below and choose the best forms concerning the future (Present
Simple, Future Simple, to be going to) in this context.
James: Richard, how’re you doing?
Richard: Fine, yes. Yourself?
James: Yeah, good. Busy.
Richard: I’m sure. Listen, the reason I’m calling is I’ll take / I’m going to take my nephew
Sam to his first football match on Saturday. United will play / play City, as I’m sure you
know. I just wondered if you fancy coming too?
James: I’s love to…..ah, but I’ve just remembered…..we have / will have lunch over at my
mum’s on Saturday, so it depends on the time…..
Richard: Well, it starts at five…I’ve just phoned to check.
James: Five o’clock? Hmmmm..that means I’d have to leave about half three…yeah, I’m sure
Mum isn’t going to / won’t mind if I leave / will leave then….I’ll tell / I’m going to tell her
it’s something really important. I’m sure she’ll understand / she’s going to understand.
Richard: Well, what could be more important than going to your first football match?
James: Exactly. By the way, have you thought about how to get there? Are you going to take
/ Will you take the train like we did last time?
Richard; No, I’ve decided I’m going to drive / I’ll drive . It’s easier with my nephew. My
sister drops/is going to drop him at my place around three, so that we’ve got plenty of time.
I’m going to pick you up / I’ll pick you up from your mum’s if you like.
James: That would be great. About what time?
Richard: We’d better leave about four, in case the traffic is / will be bad.
James: Yeah, it is likely to be pretty busy, I guess. I tell you what, give me a call before you
leave/you will leave for Mum’s.
Richard: Yes, that’s a good idea. Speak to you then.
Adapted from: Cunningham, Sarah, Moor, Peter; Cutting Edge, Upper-Intermediate;
Longman, page 108.
B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of Future Tenses – to be going to,
Future Simple, Present Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect , Future Perfect
a) ‘Have you decided what colour to paint the bathroom?’
‘Yes, we____________(paint) it yellow. It’s such a cheerful colour.’
b) ‘Have you got the name for the new baby yet?’
‘Well, we____________(call) her Alice if____________(be) a girl, but if
it____________(be) a boy, we don’t really know.
c) Don’t worry! You ____________(wait) for just 10 minutes when it arrives.
d) ‘Watch that little boy! He____________(run) into the road.
e) They____________(talk) for over an hour by the time John arrives.
f) This time next year, I think I____________(live) in the USA with my family.
g) The referee looks furious, I think he____________(send) Ricardo off!
h) Next year John____________(have) his driver’s licence for 15 years.
i) ‘I’m afraid we’ve run out of today’s special.’
‘OK; never mind. I____________(have) the pasta instead.
j) I think____________(make) a few extra copies pf these notes in case
anyone____________(forget) theirs.
k) By the next September, she____________(leave) school and she____________(start)
studying engineering at university.
l) ‘Write it down for me or I____________(forget).
m) ‘Oh no! That bottle____________(fall).
n) In two hours’ time, we____________(board) our plane and____________(fly) to
Past simple or present perfect?
C. Read the extract from the blog (online diary) of someone who has taken six
months’ leave from work to travel around Central and South America. Fill in the
gaps using the past simple or present perfect form of the verb given in brackets and
any other given words. Do Exercise 2 before checking your answers.
It is Saturday and finally I have arrived 1 (arrive) in Arequipa in the south-west corner of
Peru after setting off from Quito ten days ago. I __________2 (not / write) anything on
my blog since last week and I _____________3 (already / fill up) the memory stick on my
new digital camera. I _____________4 (do) so much this week, it _____________5 (be)
truly incredible.
I ____________6 (cross) the border with Ecuador at Tumbes and ____________7 (look
around) for a bit before taking a plane straight to Lima. When I ____________8 (get to)
Lima, I ____________9 (take) a bus to the centre and then a taxi to the hostel that I had
booked. I ___________10 (only / stop off) in Lima for a day and then _________11
(jump) on a bus straight down to Pisco and then Nazca. I ____________12 (always /
have) a lifelong ambition to see the Nazca lines in the desert. I can honestly say that I
___________13 (never / see) anything so amazing in my life.
In the middle of the desert, there are huge designs and drawings of shapes and animals
that can only be seen from the air. I _____________________ 14 (join) a group of five
people from my hotel. We __________15 (take off) in a small plane and ___________16
(circle) the Nazca lines. The pilot ________17 (tilt) the plane to the side so we could look
straight down at the designs below. I ___________18 (even / manage) to take some
photos so click the link to have a look at my photo album! I must finish uploading all my
photos soon because I ___________19 (not / do) them all yet and I need the space on my
camera. There ____________20 (be) too many distractions this week! With all this going
on, I mustn’t forget that I am going on to Cuzco early tomorrow morning by train.
2 Before you check your answers, try to
put the number of each gap in the text into
the table below. This will help you to think
about the meaning of each sentence as well
as the form of the verb. Past simple for
finished actions in the past (often when
describing a sequence of events or with a
specific date/time)
Present perfect for
finished actions in a
time period that
continues up to now
Present perfect for
general life experience
with no specific time
Present perfect simple and present perfect continuous
D. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Then decide
which rule gives the best explanation of why that form is used: A, B, C or D.
Present perfect simple
A To describe an action started in the past which is completed. Use of the present perfect
means that there is some link with the present or that it has been done recently, e.g. I’ve
prepared the leaflets you asked for. (The leaflets are ready now.)
B To describe an action started in the past. It may emphasise the result of the activity. This
may be answering the question ‘how much’ or ‘how many’, e.g. I’ve done 50 of these
puzzles already.
Present perfect continuous
C To describe an action that started in the past and to emphasise that it is still continuing,
e.g. I’ve been doing this puzzle all morning. (I’m still doing it now.)
D To describe an action that started in the past and to emphasise the duration of the
activity. This may answer the question ‘how long’, e.g. I’ve been doing this activity for 20
minutes. (And I still haven’t finished.)
1 I ’ve already done (do) half of the questions in this activity and I still don’t understand
it. Can you help me? Explanation B (possibly also Explanation A)
2 I (apply) for jobs since last January but I even (not have) an interview yet.
3 I have excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office because I (teach) computer skills for the
last two years in my current position.
4 I (finish) my CV. Do you think I should send it to them now?
5 Can you believe I (write) eight covering letters in the last two days?
6 I (write) covering letters for years now but I’m still terrible at them.
7 You (have) too much time to think about this application. Just get on and write it.
8 I know I need to find a job! Stop hassling me! I (look) in the newspaper, OK?
Dependent prepositions
E. Look at this extract from the briefing notes for someone who has just started a
new job as an administrator in an office. Complete the gaps with the correct
Your knowledge of 1 software applications will be important for you to be successful 2
this role. Furthermore, you are responsible 3 ensuring that your administrative team
achieve the same level of skills that you possess yourself. It is particularly important that
all staff develop their knowledge 4 our database and the way it works. We expect you to
excel 5 this area and to demonstrate that you can enhance the prospects 6 our employees
by passing these skills on to them. You will answer 7 the Director of Administration
(DoA). Although you will report directly 8 the DoA, you may also be asked from time to
time to do presentations to the Executive Board who will depend 9 you to give a clear and
perceptive snapshot of the dynamics 10 your team.
F. Simple past or present perfect
What has happened in these situations?
1. Jack had a beard. Now he hasn't got a beard. He has shaved off his beard.
2. Linda was here five minutes ago. Mow she's in bed. She _______________________
3. The temperature was 25 degrees. Now it is only 17. The temperature
4. The light was off. Now it is on. Somebody _______________________
5. The tree was only three metres high. Now it is four. The tree
6. The plane was on the runway a few minutes ago. Now it is in the air.
The plane _______________________
G. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
1. 'Where's your key?' 'I don't know. I've lost it.' (lose)
2. I was very tired, so I lay down on the bed and went to sleep. (be)
3. Mary _______________________to Australia for a while but she's back again now.
4. 'Where's Ken?' 'He _______________________out. He'll be back in about an hour.'
5. I did German at school but I _______________________most of it. (forget)
6. I meant to phone Diane last night but I __________________________________
7. I _______________________a headache earlier but I feel fine now. (have)
8. Look! There's an ambulance over there. There _______________________an accident.
9. They're still building the new road. They _______________________it. (not/finish)
10. 'Is Helen still here?' 'No, she _______________________out.' (just/go)
11. The police _______________________three people but later they let them go. (arrest)
12. Ann _______________________me her address but I'm afraid I
_______________________it. (give, lose)
13. Where's my bike? It _______________________outside the house. It
__________________________________ (be, disappear)
14. What do you think of my English? Do you think I _______________________?
H. (Section C) Put the verb into the most suitable form, present perfect or past
1. A: Look! Somebody has split (spill) coffee on the carpet.
B: Well, it wasn't (not/be) me. I didn't do (not/do) it.
2. A: Ben __________________________________ (break) his leg.
B: Really? How __________________________________ (that/happen)?
A: He __________________________________ (fall) off a ladder.
3. A: Your hair looks nice. __________________________________ (you/have) a
B: Yes.
__________________________________ (you/go) to the hairdresser?
B: No, a friend of mine __________________________________ (do) it for me.
I. Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use the present perfect or past simple.
1. (it/not/rain/this week) It hasn't rained this week.
2. (the weather/be/cold/recently) The weather _______________________
3. (it cold/last week) It _______________________
4. (I not/read/a newspaper yesterday) I _______________________
5. (I not/read/a newspaper today) __________________________________
6. (Ann/earn/a lot of money/this year) _______________________
7. (she not/earn/so much/last year) __________________________________
8. (you have/a holiday recently?) __________________________________
J. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
1. I don't know where Amy is. Have you seen (you/see) her?
2. When I _____(get) home last night, I ________________ (be) very tired and I
________________ (go) straight to bed.
3. Your car looks very clean ________________ (you/wash) it?
4. George ________________ (not/be) very well last week.
5. Mr Clark ________________ (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
6. Molly lives in Dublin. She ________________ (live) there all her life.
7 ________________ (you/go) to the cinema last night?' 'Yes, but it ________________
(be) a mistake. The film (be) awful.
8. My grandfather ________________ (die) 30 years ago. I ________________
(never/meet) him.
9. I don't know Carol's husband. I ________________ (never/meet/him).
10. A: Is your father at home?
B: No, I'm afraid he ________________ (go) out.
A: When exactly ___________________________ (he/go) out? B: About ten minutes
11. A: Where do you live?
B: In Boston.
A: How long ___________________________ (you/live) there?
B: Five years.
A: Where ___________________________ (you/live) before that?
B: In Chicago.
A: And how long ___________________________ (you/live) in Chicago?
B: Two years.
K. Write sentences about yourself using the ideas in brackets.
1. (something you haven't done today)
I haven't eaten any fruit today.
2. (something you haven't done today)
3. (something you didn't do yesterday)
4. (something you did yesterday evening)
5. (something you haven't done recently)
6. (something you've done a lot recently)
L. Read the situations and write two sentences using the words in brackets.
1. Tom started reading a book two hours ago. He is still reading it and now he is on page
(read/for two hours) He has been reading for two hours.
(read/53 pages so far) He has read 53 pages so far.
2. Linda is from Australia. She is travelling round Europe at the moment. She began her
tour three months ago.
(travel/for three months) She _____________________________________.
(visit/six countries so far) _____________________________________.
3. Jimmy is a tennis player. He began playing tennis when he was ten years old. This year
he is national champion again--for the fourth time.
(play/tennis since he was ten) _____________________________________.
4. When they left college, Mary and Sue started making films together. They still make
(make/films since they left college) _____________________________________.
M. For each situation, ask a question using the words in brackets.
1. You have a friend who is learning Arabic. You ask: (how long/learn/Arabic?) How long
have you been learning Arabic?
2. You have just arrived to meet a friend. She is waiting for you. You ask: (how
long/wait?) _____________________________________.
3. You see somebody fishing by the river. You ask: (how many fish/catch?)
4. Some friends of yours are having a party next week. You ask: (how many
people/invite?) _____________________________________.
5. A friend of yours is a teacher. You ask: (how long/reach?)
6. You meet somebody who is a writer. You ask: (how many books/write?)
(how long/write/books?) _____________________________________.
7. A friend of yours is saving money to go on holiday. You ask: (how long/save?)
(how much money/save?) _____________________________________.
N. Put the verb into the more suitable form, present perfect simple (I have done etc.)
or continuous (I have been doing etc.).
1. Where have you been? Have you been playing (you/play) tennis?
2. Look! Somebody __________________________________ (break) that window.
3. You look tired. __________________________________ (you/work) hard?
4. '__________________________________ (you/ever/work) in a factory?' 'No, never.'
5. 'Jane is away on holiday.' 'Oh, is she? Where __________________________________
6. My brother is an actor. He __________________________________ (appear) In
several films.
7. 'Sorry I'm late.' 'That's all right. I __________________________________ (not/wait)
8. 'Is it still raining?' 'No, it __________________________________ (stop).'
__________________________________ (you/see) it anywhere?
10. I __________________________________ (read) the book you lent me but I
__________________________________ (not/finish) it yet.
11. I __________________________________ (read) the book you lent me, so you can
have it back now.
O. Circle the correct answer.
Hi Dear Karen,
(1) I’m having / I have a great time here in England. My college term (2) isn’t starting/
doesn’t start until next month, so (3) I'm taking / I take the opportunity to earn some
money. (4) I'm staying / I stay with my English friend, Robbie. His parents (5) are owning /
own a software business. In the evenings (6) I’m driving / I drive into London with Robbie
to go dubbing. (7) I’m making / I make a lot of new friends.
(8) I think / I'm thinking my pronunciation is much better than when I arrived, and (9) I’m
understanding / understand almost everything now. On weekdays (10) I’m helping / I help
Robbie’s dad. At the moment (11) he’s working / he works on a new website and (12) he’s
needing / he needs help with it. It’s quite tiring work, but (13) I’m liking / I like it and (14)
I’m learning / I learn some really useful stuff about the Web.
(15) Do you come / Are you coming to visit me soon? (16) Now it is summer but I’m
spending / I spend the winter holiday here at Robbie’s. His parents (17) are wanting / want
to meet you and there’s plenty of space. But you must bring your warmest clothes. (18) It’s
getting / It gets very cold here in the winter.
Let me know as soon as (19) you’re deciding / you decide. And tell me what (20) you’re
doing / you do these days. Do you miss me?
Love Pedro .
P. Rewrite the sentences.
0. Look at those clouds! There’s rain on the way. (to)
……Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain…………………………………
1. A service charge is not included in the price. (not)
2. I’ve never been to Egypt before. (time)
3. I looked at the photograph on the desk while she was out of the room. (waiting)
4. He started to play when he was young. (been)
5. The office is still dirty. (cleaned)
6. We’ll probably get to the cinema, the film…………………………………………..
started. (will)
By the time we get to the cinema, the film…………………………………….started.
R. Make the positive or negative past perfect simple
1) When I arrived at the cinema, the film………………… (start).
2) She…………………….. (live) in China before she went to Thailand. .
3) After they………………… (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel sick. .
4) If you…………………… (listen) to me, you would have got the job. .
5) Julie didn’t arrive until after I…………………… (leave). .
6) When we……………………. (finish) dinner, we went out. .
7) The garden was dead because it ……………………(be) dry all summer. .
8) He……………………. (meet) her somewhere before.
9) We were late for the plane because we……………… (forget) our passports.
10) She told me she…………………………. (study) a lot before the exam. .
S. Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps in the correct tense - Past Perfect or Simple
1) After Fred………………. (to spend) his holiday in Italy he………………….. (to want) to
learn Italian.
2) Jill……………………… (to phone) Dad at work before she………………… (to leave) for
her trip.
3) Susan……………………… (to turn on) the radio after she…………………… (to wash)
the dishes.
4) When she……………………… (to arrive) the match already…………………… (to start).
5) After the man …………………………(to come) home he…………………….. (to feed)
the cat.
6) Before he……………………. (to sing) a song he………………………… (to play) the
7) She……………………… (to watch) a video after the children……………………… (to
go) to bed.
8) After Eric……………………… (to make) breakfast he……………………… (to phone)
his friend.
9) I…………………….. (to be) very tired because I…………………….. (to study) too much.
10) They…………………… (to ride) their bikes before they………………………. (to meet)
their friends.
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
For each question, mark the correct letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet.
A travelled
B departed
C toured
D visited
Levi Strauss
In 1853, Levi Strauss (0)……………….to San Francisco from New York. His brothers
(1)………………………a business there selling pillows, blankets and clothes and Levi went
to help them. He worked (2) …………………, and over the (3)…………………twenty years,
he expanded the business.
(4)………………….day in 1872, Levi (5)…………………….a letter from Jacob Davis who
made men’s clothes. In the letter Jacob (6)…………………….Levi about a different
customer. He kept (7)………………..tearing the pockets of his trousers. Jacob had found an
answer-he had added some metal to the corners of the pockets. Levi recognised a business
opportunity (8)…………………the two men started working together. They decided to
(9)…………………….some trousers out of denim, a material which was suitable for working
clothes. The first pair of denim blue jeans (10)………………..produced in 1873. Today
people all around the World wear Levi jeans every day.
1. a. commanded
b ran
c. influenced
d. controlled
2. a. long
b. strong
c. heavy
d. hard
3. a. next
b later
c. last
d. final
4. a. That
b One
c. A
d. The
5. a. realised
b. fetched
c. got
d. gave
6. a. said
b. told
c. discussed
d. described
7. a. on
b. at
c. up
d. in
8. a. while
b. but
c. so
d. Since
9. a. making
b. made
c. makes
d. Make
10. a. was
b. is
c. did
d. had