Regular Session

Rockwall Independent School District
Board of Trustees Meeting
April 20, 2015
Regular Session
The Board of Trustees of the Rockwall Independent School District met in regular session on Monday,
April 20, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 600 of the Administration/Education Center of the Rockwall
Independent School District located at 1050 Williams Street in Rockwall, Texas. In attendance were:
Vice President
Mr. Chris Cuny
Mrs. Linda Duran
Mrs. Stephanie Adams
Mr. Jon Bailey
Mr. Russ Childers
Mrs. Leigh Plagens (Absent)
Mr. Jim White
Mr. Jeff Bailey
President Cuny called the meeting to order at approximately 6:30 p.m., declaring a quorum in attendance
and the meeting duly called with notice posted according to provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas
Government Code Chapter 551.
Upon a motion by Mrs. Duran and a second from Mr. White, the Board voted 6 to 0 to adjourn into
Executive Session. (Plagens Absent)
President Cuny adjourned the open meeting of the Board at approximately 6:30 p.m. to immediately
reconvene the Board in executive session under the authority of the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas
Government Code Chapter 551.071 and 551.074.
Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071:
Private consultation with the District’s attorney, in person or by phone, to seek the advice regarding
(1) pending or contemplated litigation, (2) a settlement offer, or (3) on a matter in which the duty of
the attorney to the District under Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State
Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
Consultation with the District’s attorney, regarding update on pending or
contemplated litigation and/or settlement offers involving students, personnel,
and related matters.
Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074:
Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline of a public officer or
employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee.
At approximately 7:15 p.m., the President adjourned executive session for the Board to attend a
reception for the District’s School Resource Officers (SRO’s) and the Education Foundation Spring 2015
Grant Recipients. The President reconvene the Board in open session at approximately 7:30 p.m.
No action was taken following the executive session.
Mr. Russ Childers offered the invocation and led the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United
States of America and the pledge to the flag of Texas.
James VanDyke, Interim, Chief Communication Officer, introduced the following teachers
of the year for the 2014-2015 school year.
Rockwall Independent School District
2014 – 2015
Teachers of the Year
Vicki McCoy
Connie Westerman
Jaclyn Almon
Helen Gulley
Patrick McClendon
Stephanie Barentine
Theresa Chorba
Shelly Baldwin
Eva Garza
Justin Foley
Edna Solis
Carman Dennard
Amanda McCampbell
Katie Braden
Jenae Glanton
Marcus Edwards
Nichelle Wallace
Candy Holland
Renea Miller
Amanda Rochell Elementary School
Amy Parks – Heath Elementary School
Billie Stevenson Elementary School
Celia Hays Elementary School
Doris Cullins-Lake Pointe Elementary School
Dorothy Pullen Elementary School
Dorris Jones Elementary School
Grace Hartman Elementary School
Howard Dobbs Elementary School
Nebbie Williams Elementary School
Ouida Springer Elementary School
Sharon Shannon Elementary School
Virginia Reinhardt Elementary School
J.W. Williams Middle School
Maurine Cain Middle School
Herman Utley Freshman Center
Rockwall High School
Rockwall-Heath High School
Rockwall Quest Academy
Mrs. Adams read a Resolution honoring the Teachers of the Year.
Board of Trustees
Whereas, the public schools are an important and integral part of our society and our community, and
Whereas, public school teachers are members of the most important profession in the world; they empower
students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed and motivate them to aspire for excellence, and
Whereas, the 2015 Rockwall Independent School District Teachers of the Year represent the very highest
ideals in the profession, and
Whereas, it is a privilege to acknowledge and honor the 2015 Rockwall Independent School District
Teachers of the Year by celebrating their accomplishments and paying tribute to the vital work of school teachers
in our community, state, and nation,
Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Board of the Trustees of the Rockwall Independent School
District hereby congratulates these exemplary ambassadors for public education and expresses sincere
appreciation for their energy, talents, and excellence in teaching.
Signed this 20th day of April, 2015.
The Board voted 6 to 0 to approve the above resolution. (Plagens Absent)
Mr. Bart Rosebure, Director of Safety and Security, introduced the following District’s School Resource Officers:
Benjamin Woodruff
Matthew Mayo
Jose Urive
Jevin Womack
Melissa Clay
John Donaldson
Dee Brumit
David Andrews
Duece Waters
Chad Caldwell
John Kissane
Rockwall High School
Rockwall-Heath High School
Quest Academy
Cain Middle School
Utley Middle School
Williams Middle School
Amy Parks-Heath Elementary; Pullen Elementary & Springer Elementary
Hartman Elementary; Hays Elementary; Williams Elementary & Dobbs Elementary
Reinhardt Elementary; Jones Elementary; Rochell Elementary & Shannon Elementary
Cullins-Lake Pointe Elementary
Stevenson Elementary
Mrs. Cindy Tayem, Grant Chairman, introduced the Rockwall ISD Education Foundation’s Spring 2015
Innovative Teaching Grant recipients. The total amount of nine grants awarded was $16,236.86.
Mr. Bailey presented Mike Ball, Chief Financial Officer, Jan Arrington, Executive Director of Finance and
Lynn Lott, Administrative Assistant with a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.
The Certificate of Achievement is presented to government units whose annual financial reports are judged to
adhere to program standards and represents the highest award in government financial reporting.
Mr. Childers moved to approve the following consent agenda items:
Minutes of regular session held on March 16, 2015 and a Work Sessions held on
March 23, 2015 and April 6, 2015.
March 2015 Financial and Investment Reports and to file it for audit.
the resignation of:
Nancy Kirk
Jennifer Arnold
Susan Marstaller
Irma Martinez
Christina Carrion
Sydney Yeager
Cynthia Jones
Julie McTaggart
Melissa Nelson
Speech Therapist
1st Grade Teacher
Language Science Teacher
Head Start Bilingual Teacher
Instructional Technologist
English Teacher
Math Teacher
Special Education Teacher
English Teacher
Rochell Elementary
Pullen Elementary
Dobbs Elementary
Springer Elementary
Utley Middle School
Rockwall High School
Rockwall High School
Rockwall High School
Budget Amendment.
Acceptance of Donations to the District.
Approved the Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification for 2015-2016
Approved a contract award to United Pump Supply in the amount of $59,949 for the
Administration Building Generator Project.
Approved a one year extension of the agreement with Martin Eagle Oil as provided in
Request for Proposal 14-5.17-149.
Approved and award “as needed” contracts to the following vendors for food and
Baker’s Ribs
Cantina Laredo
Cool River
Donut Palace
El Chico
Firehouse Subs
Jimmy John’s
McAlister’s Deli
Milano’s Pizza
Papa John’s
Which Wich
With a second from Mr. Jon Bailey, the Board voted 6 to 0 to approve the consent items. (Plagens Absent)
During the public forum for public participation, no one from the audience addressed the Board.
Upon a motion from Mrs. Duran and a second from Mr. Childers, the Board voted 6 to 0 to approve the
purchase of computers from Global Asset for 54 Hewlett Packard Computers in the amount of $91,071.00
and Apple Inc. for 22 MacBook Pro computers in the amount of $56,606.00 for the District’s CTE classes.
(Plagens Absent)
With a motion from Mrs. Adams and a second from Mr. White, the Board voted 6 to 0 to authorize the purchase
of percussion equipment and sousaphones from Music & Arts for $56,647.00. (Plagens Absent)
Upon a motion from Mr. Childers and a second from Mr. Jon Bailey, the Board voted 6 to 0 to approve
Texas Association of School Boards Policy GE(Local) Relations with Parent Organizations on the second
and final reading. (Plagens Absent)
Mr. Jon Bailey made a motion to approve Texas Association of School Board Policy DEA(Local)
Compensation and Benefits Wage and Hour Laws on the first reading and refer to the second and final
reading. Mr. Childers seconded the motion and the Board voted 6 to 0 to refer policy DEA(Local) to second
and final reading. (Plagens Absent)
Upon a motion from Mr. Childers and a second from Mrs. Duran, the Board voted 4 FOR – 2 AGAINST to
approve Texas Association of School Board Policy EIA(Local) Academic Achievement – Grading/Progress
Reports to Parents on the First and Final Reading. Mrs. Adams read a statement regarding her concerns
using “Shall” or “May” in the wording of the policy. (Exhibit “A” Mrs. Adams statement)
(AGAINST Adams & White) (Plagens Absent)
Mrs. Duran moved that the Board of Trustees approve the 3.5% compensation plan for the 2015-2016 fiscal year
as presented including the authorization and budgeting of a one-time contingent payment to teachers in the
amount of 1% of their respective annual salary to be paid only in the event the District receives additional
state funding of at least $550,000 for the 2015-2016 fiscal year from the Foundation School Program due
to formula adjustments by the 84th Texas Legislature. With a second from Jon Bailey, the Board voted 6 to 0
to approve the compensation plan for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. (Plagens Absent)
Mr. Mike Ball, Chief Financial Officer, reported on the proposed Debt Service Fund Budget for the 2015-2016
fiscal year. Mr. Ball stated:
 The revenues in the current draft are assumed to be equal to the debt payments required.
 The tax rate needed to raise the needed revenues will be determined upon receipt of the Certified Tax Roll
from the Rockwall Central Appraisal District.
 Annual debt service requirements have been reduced by refunding eligible outstanding bonds at lower
rates without extending the repayment term.
Mr. Mike Ball, Chief Financial Officer, reported on the proposed Child Nutrition Fund Budget for the 2015-2016
fiscal year. Mr. Ball stated:
 The revenues in the current draft are projected based on enrollment growth and participation levels with no
student meal price increases.
 The expenditures include the impact of the proposed Compensation Plan including a general pay increase for
employees based on 3.5% of the mid-point for the respective pay grade.
 Transfers to General Fund in the amount of $208,000 provided to offset utility and occupancy costs
attributable to the Child Nutrition Fund
 Child Nutrition Fund continues to operate with a positive bottom line.
Upon a motion from Mr. Childers and a second from Mrs. Duran, the Board voted 6 to 0 to approve Rockwall ISD’s
participation in the Texas Principal Evaluation & Support System (T-PESS) pilot implementation for the 2015-2016
school year. The new evaluation tool includes three measures of principal effectiveness including: effective
practices of high-performing principals, progress in achieving goals and initiatives, and student growth.
(Plagens Absent)
During the Superintendent’s Report, Mr. Bailey discussed and updated the Board on the following
Bond Committee Meeting on April 15th
Deliberated on what projects would be in the bond referendum
District Update
Mr. Bailey has been visiting the campuses and giving District Update’s during a faculty meetings.
Rockwall ISD – Job Fair – April 18, 2015
Mr. Bailey reported the Job Fair was well attended with over 400 applicants participating.
Staff Recognition
Ms. Cathi Albrecht won Impact in Leadership from SMU. She was presented with the
first-ever RME Research-to-Practice Impact Awards in Leadership.
Student Recognition
Cain and Utley Middle School Students - Robotics at World Championships.
Rockwall-Heath High School Fashion Students - advanced to compete at the state level.
Rockwall High School (Boys) and Rockwall-Heath High School Gymnastics Teams are Regional Champs.
Rockwall High School Softball is ranked #1 in DFW.
Rockwall High School Girls Water Polo headed to State Champion competition.
21 students in Spring Sports signed letter of intent for Universities.
District Art Show is coming up.
Region 3 Concert and Sight Reading Contest is coming up.
3 Rockwall High School Concert Bands won UIL sweepstakes trophies at Regional Competition.
Legislative Update
 42 Days remaining in the 84th Session
 Bills related to Public Education
 SB149
Students who fail one to two End Of Course(EOC) Exams but meet all other
graduation requirements will be referred to a local graduation committee who
may allow them to graduate.
HB 925
School Boards must adopt a policy to maintain a minimum balance in their
general fund.
SB 893
Require teachers to be evaluated each year.
Change evaluation and compensation structure to include objective performance
measures such as standardized testing.
SB 313
Require the State Board of Education to review TEKS and modify them to narrow
the number and scope of standards and skills for each subject and grade level.
With a motion from Jon Bailey and a second from Mrs. Duran, the Board voted 6 to 0 to adjourn the
meeting at 8:50 p.m. (Plagens Absent)
Chris Cuny
PRESIDENT, Board of Trustees
Stephanie Adams
SECRETARY, Board of Trustees