Texas A&M-Commerce expands Rockwall presence with I

Texas A&M-Commerce expands
Rockwall presence with I-30 campus
Staff Writer
Published: 19 August 2012 10:32 PM – Dallasnews.com
Texas A&M University-Commerce regents and President Dan Jones signed off this month on
a course to become the most visible and potentially dominant force of higher education in Rockwall
County. With a five-year lease of 25,500 square feet at the Rockwall Technology Park comes the
admission that the college’s seedling, planted in 2001, has outgrown its dedicated hallway at the
school district administration building.
Texas A&M-Commerce provides two master’s programs in education and one in business at
the Rockwall ISD building on Williams Street. Those will remain at the core of the mission at the new
satellite campus. But it is the potential for expanded offerings and a chance to establish a recognizable
presence near Interstate 30 that intensifies the buzz for the move in January. “The demand is strong,
the demographics are perfect and the site is spectacular,” Jones said. “Everything we would want in
terms of class and office space is there. I’m thrilled there’s going to be a building there that says
Texas A&M-Commerce.”
The recent opening of the Bush Turnpike’s eastern extension connects Rockwall’s 365-acre
technology park with all of eastern and northeastern Dallas County. “The convenience factor really
does sell,” said Bob Brown, the school’s vice president for business and administration. “People are
interested in the same quality programs, and if they can get them closer to home, they enjoy that very
much. We’ll get in, establish some ground, and once we see the market for other services, figure out
what need to do to completely serve the area.” New programs, as approved by the Board of Regents,
will be molded to fit demand. There is talk of using some of the space as a business incubator. Jones
said he would like to see a focus on entrepreneurship.
The Rockwall Economic Development Corp. helped broker the deal and will continue to work as a
liaison between the university and local businesses. “We will be working to develop the curriculum to
support those industries,” said the economic corporation’s president, Sheri Franza. “Not only will we be
creating jobs, but we will be able to train the people for the jobs we have available.”
Eight classrooms and office space will not be the equivalent of full-scale higher education. But there’s
room to expand and an option to take the new lease through 2021. “We’re at the point now that we
either have to grow or die,” Jones said of the Rockwall venture. “I’m proud the A&M System has stood
behind us and is coming through on its commitment to serve all the people in Texas.”
University officials believe the MBA program is most likely to take off with the transplant. “We
anticipate much bigger programs than we had at the Williams Street facility,” Brown said. “The
Rockwall ISD has been a great partner and worked very, very well for us. But students get a better
sense of permanence when they’re in a facility that is yours. A much bigger sense of commitment from
the institution makes students more committed to take the journey with you.”