Neelam Feachem - Global Health Sciences

GHECon affiliate profile
Neelam Sekhri Feachem June 14, 2013
Neelam Sekhri Feachem, MHA
Affiliations/Teaching Global Health Sciences, UCSF; University of California, Berkeley, School of Public
Ms. Sekhri Feachem’s expertise is in policy, financing, and management of health
(brief; refer to
care systems. She served as health financing and policy advisor at the World Health
detailed information
Organization where she provided technical and policy guidance to a wide range of
on projects and
countries on health financing, with a particular focus on private and social
publications below)
insurance, and methods to complement public financing with private funding
instruments. Ms. Sekhri Feachem has also served as Senior Vice President for
Global Access and Alliances at Napo Pharmaceuticals, a biopharmaceutical firm;
and has held various senior executive positions at Kaiser Permanente.
Her areas of focus are health policy, health systems, financing, and public private
partnerships. She consults to public and private sector decision makers , and
supports the implementation of health reforms. She has managed projects for the
World Bank, WHO, and other US and global health agencies.
Selected projects
She has served on various boards, including those of the Alameda Health System,
the UK NHS Commercial Directorate, and the Private Insurance Policy Group at
 Provide consultation and support to policy makers on moving towards universal
coverage, developing public private partnerships and implementing health
systems reforms.
 Foster UCSF global health economics capacity (via GHECon)
Health Policy Reform and Systems Strengthening
 Turks and Caicos Islands: health systems reform including implementing
public private integrated partnership to delivery strengthen infrastructure; and
national health insurance program to ensure universal health coverage and
financial sustainability.
Blueprint for Reform for Government of Ecuador: World Bank financed
project to reform financing and delivery system.
International conference for Latin American leaders on health care reform in
Latin America : World Bank funded.
World Economic Forum (WEF) Initiative on improving health systems in SubSaharan Africa through sustainable public/private partnerships.
Global Health Forecasting Group to increase access to essential drugs and
products to the developing world, through improvements in forecasting and
supply chain management. convened by the Center for Global Development.
Strategic focus review on health services delivery in developing countries for
World Bank.
Health Financing and Insurance
 High Level Bi-national Collaboration on Cross Border Healthcare in the US and
Mexico. Sponsored by California Health Foundation and FundSalud in Mexico.
Developed and Implemented largest cross-border health insurance and
managed care program for Mexican workers and their families.
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5 key publications
Substantive areas
Capacity building program for launch of Nigeria’s national health insurance
program. Funded by World Bank Institute
Strategic and operational assessment for Nigeria’s new national health
insurance program. Funded by large Nigerian HMO.
Health financing reform in Armenia focused on role of private health
insurance. Funded by WHO Euro Region
Private health insurance, insurance regulation and managed care in India.
Funded by the General Insurance Corporation, India’s national insurer.
Epidemiological model to project physician requirements for pediatric
hospitals in U.S. and population based physician-planning tool. Funded by
Child Health Corporation of America (CHCA)
Automated tool and training to assess impact of capitation vs. fee-for-service
reimbursement for pediatric institutions in the U.S. Funded by CHCA.
Medicare Risk program to insure the elderly through managed care for major
Multi-national partnerships with public and private sector providers in
Integrated health insurance and delivery model in India.
William Savedoff, Economist, Center for Global Development, Washington DC
Edit Velenyi, Health Economist, World Bank, Africa Region
Paul da Rita, Director, Transaction Advisory Services, IFC
Richard Feachem, GHG, UCSF
Richard Sheffler/Meg Kellogg, UC Berkeley
Sarah Downs, PwC
Sekhri N, Feachem R, Ni, A: Public-Private Integrated Partnerships
Demonstrate The Potential To Improve Health Care Access, Quality, And
Efficiency. Health Affairs 30, NO. 8 (2011)
 Sekhri N, Savedoff W. Regulating private health insurance to serve the public
interest: policy issues for developing countries. International Journal of Health
Planning and Management. 2006; 21: 357–392.
 Sekhri, N. From Funding to Action: Strengthening Healthcare Systems in SubSaharan Africa. World Economic Forum, Geneva. 2005.
 Sekhri N, Savedoff W. Private Health Insurance: Implications for Developing
Countries. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2005;83;127-134.
 Feachem, R, Sekhri, N, White, K. Getting more for their dollar: a comparison of
the NHS and Kaiser Permanente. British Medical Journal. 2002;324:135–43
Health Financing and Health Systems, Masters in Global Health Program. UCSF.
Public-Private Partnerships in Financing and Delivery: Global Health Leadership
Forum, UC Berkeley
Analysis of complex systems and distillation of practical policy guidance.
Reengineering of health finance and delivery systems. Managing implementation
of health reforms.
Comparative health systems and health financing. Health systems reform. Universal
Health Coverage. Public-private partnerships in financing and delivery. Integration
of delivery mechanisms. Provider incentives. Insurance instruments.
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