Senior cycle Ardteistiméireacht Leaving Certificate The following subjects will initially be offered Irish English Mathematics French History Geography Business Studies / Economics Biology Chemistry Physics Music Art Home Economics Construction Studies Design and Communication Graphics Subjects currently on offer in Form 5. All opted to study Biology and French. History / Home Economics / Physics Geography / Art Subject choice All students will take gaeilge, english, maths and french Choose three other subjects in order of preference. Timetabling restrictions and the number of students choosing a particular subject will affect whether a student will get all of their preferences. Subjects can only be offered if a viable number of students opt for them. 23rd of March is closing date to return forms to Secretary's office. €50 deposit required. Pointí 600 Na pointí céanna ag gach ábhar ach amháin mata onóracha áit a bhfuil 25 pointí sa bhreis ar cibé toradh a fhaigheann tú. Bunaithe ar na 6 ábhar is fearr De gnáth déanann scoláirí 7 ábhair don Ardteist. Triú Leibhéal 42 institutions of higher education in Republic of Ireland! You apply to the CAO Note: a small no. of courses in Trinity require 2 science subjects e.g. Pharmacy, Genetic, Science, Dietetics National Framework of Qualifications New system of standardising qualifications across the E.U 10 levels Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 – Junior Certificate Level 4 Level 5- Leaving Certificate, Plc(1year) Level 6 – Higher Certificate (2 years) Level 7 – Ordinary Degree(3 years) Level 8 – Higher Degree(4 years) Level 9 – Masters Degree Level 10 - PhD Rogha Ábhair Cad iad na hábhair a thaithníonn liom ? Cad iad na hábhair a bhfuil mé go maith acu ? Cad iad na hábhair a bheidh ag teastáil uaim? Eolas le fáil ar nó Gan Tuairim ??????? Déan Rogha Leathan Teanga Ábhair Eolaíochta 2 Ábhar eile Muna dtaitníonn ábhar leat na déan é Ná déan ábhar mar go bhfuil do chara ag déanamh é. Ná fág amach ábhair mar nach dtaitníonn an múinteoir leat. Teanga Ag teastáil le haghaidh : Colaistí NUIG-UCD, UCC, NUI Galway, Maynooth, Royal College of Surgens, national College of Art and Design St. Angela’s College Sligo. Níl teanga ag teastáil le haghaidh : Banaltracht, Eolaíocht, Innealtóireacht. TCD, UL, DCU. Rogha Slí beatha Beidh tionchar mór ag na hábhair a phiocann tú ar na slíte beatha a bheidh ar fáil duit Impleachtaí móra muna bhfuil ábhar amháin eolaíochta nó teanga agat. Aiseolas ón scrudú DATS (Differential Aptitude Tests). Useful Web-sites All colleges can be “Googled” and entry information accessed. Buntaistí a bhaineann le hArdteist. tré ghaeilge Líofacht gaeilge. Gaeilge mar ábhar. 10% sa bhreis ar na marcanna. Gaelcholáistí ag barr na tablaí léige 4 as an 10 scoil is fearr sa tír is gaelcholaistí iad. Postanna. Scéim Chónaithe + Scoláireachtaí ollscoile. Ranganna beaga Le Français Pourquoi étudier le Français ???? Une belle langue Les voyages Le commerce Un Pays du CE Nécessaire pour l’entrée à l’université Cúrsa Fraincise Ardteiste. 4 scileanna Léamh Labhairt Éisteacht Scríobh Béim mór ar thrialacha léitheoireachta 25% de na marcanna don bhéaltriail 20% de na marcanna don chluastuiscint Litreacha, Dialann, Aistí, Scríobhneoireacht cruthaitheach, Tuairimí. Business Subjects for the Leaving Certificate Presented by Oide Deasún TheEconomic’s Business syllabusWhy study Business? The syllabus Assessement of Business Why choose Economics Economics The Economic’s syllabus just a taste! platform The business is a wider subject than Economics, covering 7 in Background AIt It’s compulsory an20,000 immensely Business topical case-study and rewarding taken from subject a firm set There Over Micro are Economics two students separate deals sitareas this with exam to the Economicsindividual each year Macro Business subjects for the Leaving number Approx of 5,000 units students that change take each Economics year: units each 3,4, year 5 as last a it large units with an average of 3/4 topics in each unit It has a simple elegant structure to it; it is highly logical; and the market Micro Economics place and includes topics such as: For many students it’s a great way to get a good Certificate are spread over the following completely new business subject year contains a very modest numberof: ofrevenue, topics; thus it is and easily Supply & Demand; Productioncosts A flavour of the units consists Enterprise and Macro honour Economics and it is often deals taken with up the by students big picture who of need to have studied Business Studies for the distinctive subjects: ANo covered compulsory and short revised question sectiondefinition typeJChave 4infactors of production; 4the key market People business; Management skills and Government not taken Business policies Studies and International for JC Institutions: questions Iprofit; have prepared students for the LC exam on Not much maths is required for proficiency 3 occasions and structures with great success firms operate in;taken Short-term andlevel long practices; 4that types of functional management; our National Income; Population and Employment; Four main written questions to be from a total of 7 Its is a core and elective subject in many third Students are rewarded for keeping abreast of current questions IInternational havesurvival. taught this subject at third level forEU 3 years on a term Business start-ups; Marketing; Business Industries Trade; Banking and our institutions; topical issues that often appear in the final exam degrees 1.fullEconomics time basis and the Community; and International aspects to Consumers The exam consists and Inflation of one compulsory definition At third level it is included in many degreesnot just Last year I was invited by the SEC to act as Examiner for 2.It is immensely readable and topical Business Business. question; 4for questions to be from 8 choices Note: Commerce I have prepared or Business students e.g. Ittaken ishonours highly relevant Business the subject the honours LCfor paper through Irishto LC exam No maths isand required to with be competent journalism on 3 separateo has links occasions Geography. with success. It canfor be I covering Macro (4) and Micro (4) great topics 3.Last year I acted as an SEC Appeals Examiner Accounting have included lectured asthrough an in Management elective at third in many leveldegrees for 3 years on Economics Irish module aUnbelievable in the exam for students! full-time basis choice Only Economics and Business are being discussed in this presentation Ealaín / Art Obair Praiticiúl /Practical 62.5% Tarraingt / Drawing Ceardaíocht / Craft Deartha / Design Ag forbairt smaointe / Developing ideas Ag chur feabhas ar scileanna / Improving skills Ag taispeáint cruthaitheacht / Showing creativity Ealaín Breithiúnas na hEalaíne / Art Appreciation Scanánn, Deartha, Fógraí, Faisin, Graingraifeadóireacht, Ailtireacht, Danlainne... Film, design, advertising, fashion, photography, architecture, gallery visits... Ealaín Stair na hEalaíne / History and appreciation of art 37.5% Stair Éirinnigh- ó chlochaois go ealaín chomhaimsirthe / Irish History from stone age to contemporary art. Stair Eorpach – ó Mheanaois go ealaín chomhaimsirthe / European History from medieval times to contemporary art. Bitheolas Biology Déantar Bitheolaíocht don Ardteistiméireacht a mheas trí scrúdú scríofa ag an Gnáthleibhéal agus ag an Ardleibhéal Tá 22 turgnamh éigeantach le deanamh Tá dualgas ar dhaltaí taifid dá n-obair phraiticiúil thar thréimhse dhá bhliain an chúrsa a choiméad fo-aonaid an Bitheolas 1- Bitheolaíocht - Staidéar na Beatha 2 - An Chill 3 - An tOrgánach Ceimic Chemistry An Tábla Peiriadach Struchtúr Adamhach Nascadh Ceimicach Stócaiméadracht, Foirmlí agus Cothromóidí Anailís Thoirtmhéadrach Teas Imoibriúcháin Ceimic Orgánach Rátaí Imoibrithe Ceimic Chemistry Cothromaíocht Cheimicach Ceimic Chomhshaoil: Uisce Rogha 1 1A: Ceimic Thionsclaíoch Bhreise 1B: Ceimic Atmaisféarach Rogha 2 2A: Ábhair 2B: Leictreaceimic Bhreise agus Eastóscadh Miotal Fisic Meicnic Teocht Teas Tonnta Creathanna agus Fuaim Solas Leictreachas Physics Mechanics Temperature Heat Waves Sound and Vibrations Light Electricity Fisic Physics Fisic Nua-aimseartha Modern Physics Ardleibhéal amháin Higher level Only Rogha 1: Fisic na gCáithníní Option 1: Particle physics Rogha 2: Leictreachas Feidhmeach Option 2: Applied Electricity Leaving Certificate History Four topics – Two from Irish history Two from the history of Europe and the wider world. Political, social, economic and cultural history are all covered An enquiring mind Ability to form arguments always backed up with solid evidence The skills developed in this course include essay writing, research, and analysis while the preparation of the research component also affords the opportunity to gain experience of independent study. Like most arts subjects, history at university, either studied by itself or combined with other subjects like politics, languages or economics leads on to a wide variety of careers in law, business, teaching, journalism or the civil service including foreign affairs. History is useful for careers in Politics, Journalism, Law, Civil Service, Tourism, Genealogy, Museum work and Research. It involves reading and essay work and requires a project. Music The course in music allows scope for those who are good performers, good composers and good listeners. It is useful for careers as music editor, sound engineer, sound mixer, producer, etc. Performing Composing Listening. Music Technology Music at Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate is divided into three categories: Performance, Composition and Listening. All three areas are well-served by Music Technology programmes. Performance Band in a Box Cubase Cakewalk Composition Finale Sibelius Listening CD ROMs Time Sketch Editor Internet MIDI Staidéar Foirgníochta An staidéar don tógáil agus ailtireacht Siúinéireacht mar bhunús don ábhair An Cúrsa 50% ag dul ar an dteoraic 25% ag dul ar thionscnamh Siúinéireacht laethúil 25% ag dul ar Thionscnamh Scoile & turgnamh Teoraic Topaicí Ailtreacht tógala agus ceantair Pleanáil tí agus Bainistíocht tithe Teas, insliú agus u-luachanna An timpeallacht agus ábhair/fuinneamh in-athnuaithe Tógail ginearálta agus dearadh Tionscnamh scoile Iomlán oscailte mar thionscnamh. Roghnaithe ag na daltaí agus déanta sa rang Siúinéireacht, Tógála, Ailtaireacht, Pleanáil srl. Grafaic Dhearaidh agus Chumarsáide Cúrsa nua Roinnte i ndá chuid Dearadh Táirge le D.R.C. (C.A.D.) Tarraingt grafaiciúil An Cúrsa 40% ar an dtionscnamh dearadh 60% ar Pháipéar scríofa Teoraic Topaicí Plane and Descriptive Geometry Communication of Design and Computer Graphics Applied Graphics Dynamic Mechanisms Structural Forms Assemblies Geologic Geometry Surface Geometry Tíreolaíocht In the Leaving Certificate geography course you will study the same material as in the Junior Certificate course in more detail. San Ardteist, beidh tú ag déanamh mionstaidéar ar na bun-ábhair céanna is a rinne tú sa Teastas Sóiséarach. Geographical investigation (20%) consists of a field trip and writing up an analysis of all information collected Fiosrúchán tíreolaíochta: tá turas allamuigh i gceist agus beidh ort cuntas a scríobh ar an eolas ar fad Geography is concerned with the study of people and their environment. It is useful for careers such as: civil engineering, architecture, meteorology, teaching or working in the army cadet or as a pilot Is é atá i gceist le tíreolaíochta na staidéar a dhéanamh ar dhaonra agus an timpeallacht. Tá sé usáideach le haghaidh gairmeacha beatha ar nós: innealtóireacht shibhialta, ailtireacht, meitéareolaíocht, múinteoireacht, ag obair mar dhalta airm nó mar phiólóta Eacnamaíocht Bhaile Soláthraíonn siollabas na hArdteistiméireachta san Eacnamaíocht Bhaile an t-eolas, an tuiscint, na scileanna agus na dearcaí chun a saolta féin a bhainistiú agus chun iad a ullmhú don bhreisoideachas nó don ardoideachas nó do shaol na hoibre. Forbraíonn na héispéiris fhoghlama san eacnamaíocht bhaile solúbacht agus inoiriúnaitheacht sna daltaí, ullmhaítear iad don tsochaí atá dírithe ar thomhaltas agus cuirtear bunús foghlama ar fáil do réimse leathan gairmeacha beatha i mbia, i dteicstílí, in eolaíocht, i ndearadh, sa staidéar sóisialta agus i dturasóireacht. Ábhar Croí - Ábhar Staidéar bia (Na cothaithigh,earraí bia, tionscadal an bhia) Bainisteoireacht acmhainní agus staidéar tomhaltóra (Bainisitiú ar Achmhainne, teicneolaíocht an tí, tomhaltóirí) Staidéar sóisialta (An clann, pósadh) Ábhair Roghnacha Tá trí ábhar roghnacha ann agus féadfar staidéar a dhéanamh ar cheann amháin: Dearadh agus Riar Tí Teicstílí, faisean agus dearadh Staidéar sóisialta (Bochtanas, Dífhostaíocht, Scíth a ligeant) Measúnú Déantar Eacnamaíocht Bhaile - Eolaíoch agus Sóisialta a mheas ag an nGnáthleibhéal agus ag an Ardleibhéal mar seo a leanas: Scrúdú deiridh scríofa Measúnú ar na gnéithe praiticiúla den chlár, sé sin staidéar bia ón gcroí-réimse agus an tábhar roghnach teicstílí, faisean agus dearadh (mar is cuí). Scrúdpháipéar 80% Croí - Ábhar 60% Ábhair Roghnacha 20% Measúnú ar obair phraiticiúil an chúrsa 20% Obair phraiticiúil an chúrsa 20% Tosaíonn daltaí ag déanamh an obair phraiticiúil an chúrsa sa 5ú Bliain. Gheobhaidh na daltaí 6 tascanna cócaireachta agus tá oraibh taighde a dhéanamh agus dialann a líon isteach faoi na tascanna. Déanfaidh siad na tascanna sa rang. Tasc 1 2009 Special consideration should be given when planning meals for young people who are`involved in active sport on a regular basis. Research and elaborate on the nutritional needs and the meal planning guidelines that should be considered when planning meals for young people who participate in active sport. Keeping in mind these considerations, suggest a menu for one day (three meals and snacks) suitable for this group of people. Prepare, cook and serve the main course of the main meal of the day. Evaluate the assignment in terms of (a) implementation and (b) the specific requirements of the assignment.