Progress Report

Memo to RPR Partners, LLP
Governance Committee
October 15, 2013
October 15, 2013
RPR Partners Governance Committee
Um, Ugur, Scott and Associates
Progress Report for Online Tax Research Library Renewal for RPR Partners, LLP
This is a progress report on our research on baseline requirements, including reviews, RPR
Partners’ employees’ attitudes regarding the current and potential new online research tax
library subscriptions.
On October 1, 2013, RPR Partners Governance Committee authorized us to perform a review
and comparison study on the minimum requirements for new online tax research library for
the company. We have completed the first three tasks of our review and recommendation
study. We have completed necessary procedures to acquire a basic understanding of the
company’s current online tax research library, performed a survey to understand and evaluate
the company’s employees attitudes towards the current and new online tax research library,
and do a do diligent research on potential providers that can meet RPR Partners’
expectations. We have also contacted these potential providers and requested quotes.
We are currently evaluating the above mentioned quotes and will provide our findings with
our recommendation report.
Our study is currently on schedule, and we expect to submit our recommendation report on
November 12, 2013, as requested upon approval of our proposal.
On October 1, 2013, the Governance Committee approved our proposal regarding providing
guidance on the company’s online tax library renewal process.
Currently, the company uses online tax research library provided by Thomson Reuters for its
needs in various fields for the price of $19,317. This online tax research library subscription
includes multiple services such as Checkpoint Premier Tax Library, WGL Tax
Treatises/Journals, and other additional add-on services. Please refer to Appendix A for the
full list of services the company currently subscribes to as part of its online tax research
library. Moreover, the company’s current subscription is due to expire at the end of this
month, October 31st, 2013. These services are available to the company’s employees to
utilize as part of compliance and consulting researches. They can be reached through various
platforms. On the basis of change in company’s needs and expectations, the governance
committee believes exploring potential alternatives could better serve the company’s goal to
have an online tax research library which can better meet the company’s expectations and
goals. Therefore, the governance committee has allocated resources for a larger feasibility
Memo to RPR Partners, LLP
Governance Committee
October 15, 2013
study of whether RPR Partners should stay with its current provider or switch to a new
provider. The Governance Committee invited Um, Ugur, Scott and Associates to perform a
research and present a recommendation report to the committee as part of this feasibility
The Governance Committee approved our proposal to perform research and present our
recommendation on whether the company should stay with its current provider or switch to a
different one and, if so, how the employees’ attitudes towards current online tax research
library and the company’s budgetary limitations would affect the direction of the feasibility
Results of Research
In this progress report, we present our completed work on Tasks 1-3. Then we discuss our
future work: Tasks 4 and 5.
Completed Work
 Task 1: Acquire a basic understanding of the company’s current online tax research library.
Thomson Reuters is an international, billion dollar-corporation based in New York City,
founded in 2008, is an information tax and accounting firm that provides its services to
companies housing over 100 countries. Thompson Reuters is the company’s current
online tax research library provider. The Checkpoint Online Tax Research library is
their top online research database.
Checkpoint’s online research library upon logging in features a top menu bar that
includes, Home, Search, Table of Contents, News, Tools, and Learning, all of which
can be accessed in the “Options” menu. In terms of the content, Thomson Reuters
provides access to business analysis of federal, state and international tax and
accounting issues, including tax tables, graphs, and charts, along with court cases, tax
rates, and the latest news. Users have the option to access all of this content via the
mobile site. The mobile version upon logging in on a mobile device such as a tablet or a
phone takes you automatically to the mobile site, accessing the content as quickly as a
computer would without all the “fluff.” Users on a mobile site do have the option to
switch to the full site as indicated in the top right hand corner.
RPR Partners has housed the Checkpoint Online Tax Research library for three years
and is nearing the end of its subscription. Features that set this online tax research
library above its competitors include the following. The benefits of this system include
user-specific customization, and a comprehensive search function. The search function
can receive content from third party research providers. Users also have access to their
session history as a benefit as well.
Checkpoint also allows users to export and e-mail documents in various formats
including PDF, Word, HTML, RSV, and RTF. Charts can be included in these formats
as well as in Excel.
Memo to RPR Partners, LLP
Governance Committee
October 15, 2013
 Task 2: Research employees’ attitude towards the online tax research library.
We would seek to answer the following question: “Would the new online tax research
library meet the company’s goals towards having well informed work force?”
We conducted a survey asking the company’s employees their thoughts and expectations
regarding the company’s current and potential online tax research library subscription
options. Our survey included modified questionnaire of the following questions:
1. What do you like the most about the company’s current online tax
research library?
2. What would you like to see changed in the company’s current online tax
research library?
3. Is the current online tax research library user friendly?
4. Does the current library let you use natural language while performing a
5. Can you access the online research library though your smart phone or
6. Can you access the library simultaneously though multiple devices?
7. What features you would like to see as part of the company’s online tax
research library?
8. How would you feel about transitioning to an entirely new database?
For the convenience of survey we used an online survey program, Survey Monkey, for
distributing our questionnaires. The 50 employees who are working at RPR Partners, LLP
were directed to the questionnaire, which is presented in Appendix B.
 Task 3: Research for the potential online tax research library providers and products.
We would seek to answer the following questions: “Would the cost for the new online tax
research library be in the budgeted parameters?” “Would the new online tax research
library provider be able to meet the company’s expectations including but not limited to
the required and additional desired features?”
We have already begun research on this idea. We will further expand our research based
on the input we would receive from the proposed surveys and our other research.
We would also seek to inquire upon the Client Service Managers for Checkpoint to find
out what areas Checkpoint could be improved upon and what their competitors are doing
to challenge them.
We have completed our research to determine the potential online tax research library
providers which can meet the company’s expectations within the company’s budgetary
limits. Based on our research, we think Thompson Reuters and CCH are the two
providers which can serve the company’s needs and expectations. Below is our analysis
of these providers. They both best fit to tax and accounting professionals looking for a
consistent tax and accounting research solution.
Memo to RPR Partners, LLP
Governance Committee
October 15, 2013
Provider 1: Thompson Reuters
Thompson Reuters is the company’s current online tax research library provider. The
Checkpoint Online Tax Research library is their top online research database. It
supports multiuser simultaneously and can be used in different platforms such as iPad
and android devices. This online tax research library features a complete research
center, complete with customization, comprehensive search capabilities and content
from third-party research providers. Recent enhancements and new features include
mobile versions of the Checkpoint website for tablets and smartphones, a new way to
search charts, an enhanced Notes feature and customizable print options. In addition,
it includes an auto complete feature which can expedite the time spent on typing the
question and also can help the person to realize the related issues. However, slight
divergence in the key word could significantly affect the research results which can
be burdensome to new or infrequent users as supported based on our survey. Please
refer to Appendix B for our survey report and for further discussions on our findings.
Moreover, the system enables the user to use the library through different devices.
The used does not have to terminate the current session in order to start a new session
in a different device. The system automatically logs out the user and logs in him/her
back and enables the user to continue its research from the point it was last reached.
Moreover, Thomson Reuters Checkpoint integrates with other products and several
export options. Documents can be exported or emailed in PDF, Word, HTML and
RTF formats, while charts may be exported in the same formats, as well as Excel and
CSV formats. This feature is frequently used and opted by the company’s employees.
The last but not the least important feature which is worth mentioning is the help and
support feature of the Thomson Reuters Checkpoint. The system offers links to online
support, a user guide and training from the solution’s Help menu. Email and phone
support are available as well. In addition, a blue and white question mark appears
beside many features, displaying descriptions and help topics relevant to the specific
feature. This feature is very detailed and is much more useful than a simple FAQ
section, and it helps set Checkpoint above and beyond its competitors. Updates of
primary source and editorial content occur nightly.
Please note we have contacted the Thompson Reuters Checkpoint sales department
and requested a proposed quote. Please refer to Appendix C for the provided by
Thompson Reuters.
Memo to RPR Partners, LLP
Governance Committee
October 15, 2013
Provider 2: CCH
CCH is Thompson Reuters’ top competitor and also one of the leading providers in
the industry. CCH IntelliConnect is their premier product available for CPA firms
which require extensive tax research. IntelliConnect supports multiusers and can be
used in various platforms including iPad and android devices.
When a user first logs on the site, they are able to browse on the left while tax
highlights are displayed on the right hand side. As users search, either through the
Browse option or the keyword search, the preview panel displays the information.
Users are then able to customize what is shown when they log in and adjust the sizes
of the windowpanes. At the top of the screen quick links are available for users to
quickly access documents in their document tray, their history, searches they save,
practice areas, help and preferences. On the screen’s left hand side, users can switch
easily between the Browse, Research Folders, Tracker News, Citations, Smart Charts,
Tools, Forms and IRS FAQs.
One area that features improvements on Checkpoint’s system is in its customization.
Users can customize IntelliConnect to their individual IDs, allowing them to choose
which practice areas are shown, the content shown when you login and how search
results are displayed. Content excerpts are shown in search results. In addition, users
can choose which news topics they prefer to receive and a program called Tracker
News will deliver the content directly to the users e-mail. E-mail format can be
specified by the user and additional customization options. Other preferences users
can set include whether graphics display in-line or in a new window, information
buttons, the way in which multiple documents are printed as well as whether the URL
appears on printed documents.
A wide variety of search options allow users to research topics that in whatever way
they find easier and most preferred by them. Users can even create research folders
allowing them to filter their content into documents based off of their findings. These
research tools include the Internal Revenue Code, U.S. Master Tax Guide and the Tax
Prep Partner Series. IntelliConnect exports content in text, Word and PDF formats, as
well as allowing for copy and paste functions to other programs. Users can also email
documents directly from the platform to others.
Any grey areas include the help and support options. IntelliConnect’s Help option
brings up a traditional help menu that covers a variety of topics for navigating
through the program, as well as a list of FAQs. It also lists contact information for
contacting CCH. The home page also lists links for phone, internet and email support,
as well as links to training classes. As mentioned earlier Checkpoint’s help and
support features are much more useful while CCH is more or less basic options.
Checkpoint features question marks that when clicked on display detailed information
Memo to RPR Partners, LLP
Governance Committee
October 15, 2013
on the sections which is much more helpful than what CCH has to offer. Checkpoint
also offers support from third party search providers while in IntelliConnect this
feature is limited.
IntelliConnect is updated automatically and requires no installations or updates on the
user’s end. The home page also lists a link to download the CCH Mobile app.
Please note we have contacted the CCH sales department and requested a quote. We
have not received the quote from CCH. We will include the quote in our
recommendation report along with the quote we have received from Thompson
Reuters for Governance Committee’s further evaluation.
Future Work
We are now at work on Task 4: Potential transition difficulties associated with the new online tax
 Task 4: Potential transition difficulties associated with the new online tax research library.
We will seek to answer the following question: “Would the new online tax research
library lead to adaptation problems and what could the service provider do to mitigate the
problems associated with the transition?” We have scheduled a video conference for
October 22 with RPR Partners’ Governance Committee to explain our project and to
further discuss the potential drawback the company can face as part of the transitioning.
 Task 5: Analyze our data and prepare the recommendation report.
We will prepare a recommendation report that explains the questions we sought to answer;
our research methods, our findings, and our recommendations.
Updated Schedule
The dark blue bars represent completed tasks. The light blue bars represent tasks yet to be
Task 1: Understanding of the
company’s current online tax research
Task 2: Research employees’
Date of Tasks
Task 3: Research alternatives
Task 4: Explore difficulties associated
with transition to new service
Task 5: Prepare report
Oct. 1
Oct. 8
Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 29
Memo to RPR Partners, LLP
Governance Committee
October 15, 2013
We have successfully completed Task 1-3 and begun working on Tasks 4. We are on
schedule to complete Task 4, and 5 by the November 12 deadline. We have completed
necessary procedures to acquire a basic understanding of the company’s current online tax
research library, performed a survey to understand and evaluate the company’s employees’
attitudes towards the current and new online tax research library, and do research on potential
providers that can meet RPR Partners’ expectations. We have also contacted these potential
providers and requested quotes.
We are currently preparing for our interviews to better understand the difficulties associated
with the transition to new provider. In the report, we will present on November 12, we will
include our recommendation on how this background information should affect the
company’s decision towards renewing its online tax research library.
Please contact Eunsong Um at or (949) 394-8865 if you have
questions or comments or would like to discuss this project further.
Memo to RPR Partners, LLP
Governance Committee
October 15, 2013
Tax & accounting product awards. Retrieved September 23, 2013 from
Jenkins, T. (2012, November 26). 2012 review of tax research software. Retrieved September
22, 2012 from
Law Professor Blogs LLC. (2009, October 26). The witches brew that is wolters kluwer's
intelliconnect. Retrieved September 22, 2013 from
Phelan, S. (2011, November 03). 2011 review of bna, inc. — bna tax and accounting center.
Retrieved September 22, 2013 from
Memo to RPR Partners, LLP
Governance Committee
October 15, 2013
Appendix A: List of Current Services Received as Part of RIA Checkpoint Online
Tax Research Library
Product Name
Services Purchased as part of Multi-Year Contract
Small & Medium CPA Firm Premier Tax Library
Additional Services (Add-Ons) (Puchased Annually)
PPC's Estate & Trust Library
RIA Citator 2nd
RIA Estate Planning Library with 20+ WG&L Treatises
WG&L Federal Income Tax of Real Estate, 6th Edition
RIA State & Local Complete Lite
RIA U.S. International Taxation for Individuals and Small Businesses Library
WG&L IRS Practice & Procedure, 2nd Edition
WG&L Real Estate Taxation
WG&L State Taxation of Pass-Through Entities and their Owners
PPC's Guide to Compilation & Review
PPC's Guide to Quality Control - Compilation and Review
PPC's Practice Aids-- Compilation & Review Engagements
PPC's Practice Aids-- Quality Control
Memo to RPR Partners, LLP
Governance Committee
October 15, 2013
Appendix B: Questionnaire
This is the questionnaire we distributed to the 50 employees who are working at RPR
Partners, LLP. Of the 50, 40 responded. The number in the responses represents the
number of employees who selected each response.
Questionnaire on the Current and Potential Online Tax Research Library
Directions: As you may know, company’s online tax research library subscription is due
to expire at the end of this month, October 31st. Company intends to choose an online tax
library subscription which can best fit the company’s growing needs. We are asking you
to participate in this study because you are an experienced workforce of RPR Partners,
LLP. We greatly appreciate your answering the following eight questions.
Favorite feature about the about the current online tax research library?
Being able to use in various devices the top response with 24 responded. The
second most common response was the being able to export to PDF and MS Word
with 23 responses.
Please note some employees placed both features in their as their most favorite
Worst feature of the company’s current online tax research library?
The fluctuation in the number of the hits with the change in wording used to
perform the research is the top response with 29 responded.
The current online tax research library user friendly?
Strongly disagree 9 15 12 3 1 Strongly agree
Using natural language while performing a research?
Strongly disagree 9 8 9 10 4 Strongly agree
Using the online research library though smart phone or tablet user friendly?
Strongly disagree 1 2 5 11 21 Strongly agree
Accessing the online research library simultaneously though multiple devices?
Strongly disagree 1 2 7 12 18 Strongly agree
What features you would like to see as part of the company’s online tax research
Having consistence in the number of the hits regardless of the slight changes in
the ways to word the research is the top response with 29 responded.
Transitioning to an entirely new database is good.
Strongly disagree 7 8 13 7 5 Strongly agree
Memo to RPR Partners, LLP
Governance Committee
October 15, 2013
Please note the senior employees have stronger tendency to stay with the current
provider whereas less experienced employees presented more neutral position
towards transitioning to a new provider.
Memo to RPR Partners, LLP
Governance Committee
October 15, 2013
Appendix C: Thompson Reuters RIA Checkpoint Quote
Memo to RPR Partners, LLP
Governance Committee
October 15, 2013