10 Steps to Better Investing

Personal Finance: Another Perspective
Beginning Investing:
A Principles and Applications Based
10 Steps to Better Investing
August 17, 2015
• Personal finance is simply part of the gospel of
Jesus Christ, and investing is part of personal
finance. As such, investing, done properly,
should bring us closer to Christ and bring hope,
not fear. I propose a 10 step plan to help you
become better investors, that discusses
doctrines, principles and applications. The
purpose of this session is to give you principles
and applications of investing so you can leave
with a few new ideas to help you be better at
this important area of personal finance.
Key Terminology
• Key terminology for this session:
• Cash: Short-term cash investments (low risk, low return)
• Bonds/fixed income: Short- and long-term borrowing by
companies or governments (higher risk, slightly higher return)
• Stocks/equities: Ownership (higher risk, higher return)
• Risk: Volatility of returns (standard deviation)
• Asset classes: Types of securities (baskets of similar assets)
• Asset allocation: How you invest in different asset
classes which determines risk (how you invest in the baskets)
• Investment vehicles: Tax frameworks with tax
advantages (shopping carts where you put your assets/groceries)
• Financial assets: Stocks, bonds, cash, mutual funds
Doctrines: Step 1. Understand the “Whys”
• We all have lists of what we could and should do in
our [ priesthood ] responsibilities. The what is
important in our work, and we need to attend to it. But
it is in the why of [priesthood service] that we discover
the fire, passion, and power. The what of [priesthood
service ] teaches us what to do. The why inspires our
souls. The what informs, but the why transforms
(italics, color and brackets added, Dieter Uchtdorf,
“The Why of Priesthood Service”, Ensign, May 2012).
The “Whys” (continued)
• We all have lists of what we could and should do in
our [personal finance] responsibilities. The what is
important in our work, and we need to attend to it. But
it is in the why of [ personal finance ] that we discover
the fire, passion, and power. The what of [personal
finance] teaches us what to do. The why inspires our
souls. The what informs, but the why transforms
(italics, color and brackets added, Dieter Uchtdorf,
“The Why of Priesthood Service”, Ensign, May 2012).
The “Whys” (continued)
• What are the “whys” of personal finance that
inspire and transform our souls?
• If perspective is important, we can ask the “whys”
in terms of our different perspectives:
• Spiritual
• Temporal
• Family
• Individual
The “Whys” (continued)
• 1. Spiritual: To bring us to Christ
• Whatever the problem may be in a person’s life—
failure to pay tithing, breaking the Word of
Wisdom, casual church attendance, [or I add - poor
financial habits, the]—real issue is faith in Jesus
Christ. If we can help people obtain the gift of faith
in Christ, good works will follow. The end purpose
of any law of God is to bring us to Christ. And how
well will the law work? It depends on what we
think of the Author of the law (C. Max Caldwell,
“What Think Ye of Christ?,” Ensign, Feb 1984).
The “Whys” (continued)
• 2. Temporal: To become wiser stewards
• Our resources are a stewardship, not our
possessions. I am confident that we will literally be
called upon to make an accounting before God
concerning how we have used them to bless lives
and build the kingdom (Joe J. Christensen, “Greed,
Selfishness, and Overindulgence,” Ensign, May
The “Whys” (continued)
• 3. Family: To return with our families back to
Heavenly Father’s presence
• Harold B. Lee said, “The most important work you
will do will be within the walls of your own home”
(Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Harold B.
Lee [2000], 134).
• David O. McKay stated: “No other success can
compensate for failure in the home” (quoted from
J. E. McCulloch, Home: The Savior of Civilization
(1924), 42; in Conference Report, Apr. 1935, 116).
The “Whys” (continued)
• 4. Individual: To prepare for and accomplish
our divine missions
• I bear testimony of the fact that if you keep the
commandments, He nourishes you, strengthens
you, and provides you means for accomplishing all
things necessary to faithfully finish your divine
mission here on earth (Gene R. Cook, “Trust in the
Lord”, Ensign, Mar. 1986).
Step 2. Understand Investment Basics
• Elder Richard G. Scott commented:
• Joseph Smith’s inspired statement, “I teach them
correct principles, and they govern themselves,”
still applies. The Lord uses that pattern with us. . .
Your consistent adherence to principle overcomes
the alluring yet false life-styles that surround you.
Your faithful compliance to correct principles will
generate criticism and ridicule from others, yet the
results are so eternally worthwhile that they warrant
your every sacrifice (italics added, “The Power of
Correct Principles,” Ensign, May 1993, 32).
Investment Basics (continued)
• Basics 1: Everyone invests
• What is investing?
• The giving up of something important to us now
in order to get something better in the future
• What is sacrifice?
• The giving up of something important to us now
in order to get something better in the future
Investment Basics (continued)
• Basics 2: There is a purpose to investing
• From our view:
• To accomplish our short- and long-term goals
• To prove ourselves as wise stewards
• To show by our choices what we really believe
• To steward our resources to be able to serve and
bless the lives of our families and others
• From the Lord’s view:
• To bring us to Christ
• To teach us to be “wise stewards”
• To help us achieve our divine missions
• To help us return with our families to Him
Investment Basics (continued)
• Basics 3: There is a priority of investments
• What are your most important investments?
Investment Basics (continued)
• Basics 4: Investing is not gambling
• Investing: The odds are in your favor
• There is a favorable risk-return tradeoff
• It is part of a long-term plan
• You have done your homework
• It involves the creation of wealth
• Gambling: The odds are in another’s favor
• There is no favorable risk-return tradeoff
• There is no long-term plan
• There is only chance
• It is a zero-sum game—no wealth is created
Step 3. Understand what to do before you invest
• Are there things you should do before you start
• Is there a priority to paying bills?
• Are there certain things you should never do
• Are their other bills more important than investing?
• Is there a purpose to investing?
Before You Invest: The Hourglass Top
1. Are your priorities in order and are you “square” with the Lord?
2. Do you have adequate health and life insurance?
3. Are you out of high-interest rate credit card and consumer debt?
4. Have you written down your personal goals, do you live on
a budget, and do you have a well-written Investment Plan?
If you can answer yes to these 4 questions, you are ready to invest!
Before you Invest (continued)
• What does the top of the hourglass do?
• It helps you keep your priorities in order
• And what should those priorities be?
• God
• Family
• Personal responsibility
Step 4. Understand Factors Controlling
Investment Returns
Factors Controlling Returns (continued)
Work on the investment factors you control
The five investing factors you control:
• 1. How much you save
• 2. How long your investments grows, i.e., how long
you are invested in the market
• 3. Your risk level or mix of investments, i.e., your
asset allocation
• 4. How much you pay in expenses (critical)
• 5. How much you pay in taxes
The one investing factor you do not control:
• 6. Your investment returns
Factors Controlling Returns (continued)
• What can you do:
• Focus on saving and saving more!
• Get on a budget and reduce your spending
• Keep your investments working
• Keep your money in the market
• Focus on risk
• Set your allocation for a “sleep-well” portfolio
• Focus on reducing costs and fees
• Invest in inexpensive mutual funds with low fees
• Focus on minimizing taxes
• Watch taxes in your investing and limit trading
Step 5. Know the Principles of
Successful Investing
• David A. Bednar commented:
• Principles are doctrinally based guidelines for what
we ought to do. Therefore if there is a doctrine of
the Atonement, then the first principle of the gospel
is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Brothers and
sisters, doctrine answers the why questions of our
lives. Principles provide us with direction about
the what and the how (italics added, David A.
Bednar “Teach them to Understand,” Ricks
College campus Education Week Devotional, June
4, 1998, Rexburg, Idaho).
Principles for Successful Investing (continued)
• How have most equity investors done?
• Each year, DALBAR puts out an annual book on
Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior. It
discusses how average equity fund investors have
done versus benchmarks over the past 20 years.
Investor Index
Returns* Returns
3.7% 11.1%
5.2% 9.9%
Principles for Successful Investing (continued)
• How have most bond investors done?
• According to DALBAR, bond investors have done
equally poorly versus the bond benchmark over the
past 20 years.
Investor Index
Returns* Returns
• * Dalbar QAIB 2009-2015, www.dalbar.com,
Principles for Successful Investing (continued)
• How have most asset allocation investors done?
• According to DALBAR, asset allocation investors
have done equally poorly versus the bond benchmark
over the past 20 years.
Investor Index
Returns* Returns**
• * Dalbar QAIB 2008-2014, www.dalbar.com, ** Estimate of 60% S&P
500 and 40% Barclay’s Aggregate
Principles for Successful Investing (continued)
• How have most actively managed funds done?
Source: S&P SPIVA Scorecard 2014, “S&P Indices Versus Active Funds (SPIVA) Scorecard”, S&P Research,
2015 at http://www.spindices.com/documents/spiva/spiva-us-year-end-2014.pdf.
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
Elder Dallin H. Oaks commented:
We live in a complex society, where even the simplest
principle can be exquisitely difficult to apply. I admire
investors who are determined not to obtain income or
investment profits from transactions that add to the
sum total of sin and misery in the world. But they will
have difficulty finding investments that meet this high
standard. Such complexities make it difficult to
prescribe firm rules. We must rely on teaching correct
principles, which each member should personally
apply to govern his or her own circumstances (italics
added, “Brother’s Keeper,” Ensign, Nov. 1986, 20,
italics added).
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
Principle 1. Know yourself and your goals
• Know yourself
• How do you handle uncertainty
• Know your budget
• Live within your means and save and invest
• Know your constraints
• How long will you be investing? Taxes?
• Know your ability to tolerate risk
• Know what kind of investor you are
• Know your goals
• Have well-written and thought-out goals that
you truly want to accomplish
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
• Watch overconfidence
• Men trade 45% more than women
• Their annualized returns were 2.7% less
• Single men trade 67% more than single women
• Their annualized returns were 1.4% less
• Watch on-line trading
• Before on-line, investors beat the market by 1.9%
• Afterwards, they underperformed by 3.6%
Carla Fried, “The Problem with your Investment Approach,” Business
2.0, November 2003, p. 146
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
Principle 2. Understand risk and your asset
• Risk is inherent in all investing activities
• There are lots of different types of risk
• Inflation, business, interest rate, financial,
market, political and regulatory, exchange
rate, call, and liquidity risk
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
• Invest at a risk level (asset allocation) you are
comfortable with
• Find that risk level through taking a risk tolerance
test may help.
• Take LT16 – A Risk Tolerance Test to get a
sense on how much risk you can tolerate
• Invest there using broadly diversified funds
• Asset allocation is simply building your portfolio
consistent with your level of risk
• Less risky investors will have more bonds
• More risky investors will have more equity
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
Principle 3. Stay diversified
• Always invest in different asset classes and assets
• Diversification is your key defense against risk
• Make sure you understand the risks of each
and every asset class you invest in
• Invest in broadly diversified funds
• It’s a risky place out there. Be prepared!
• Remember that the numbers you see for
specific asset class performance are from
diversified portfolios, not single assets!
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
Principle 4. Invest low cost and tax-efficiently
• Control what you can.
• You cannot control returns, but you can control
your costs, fees, and taxes
• A $1 saved is more than a $1 earned
• You pay taxes on every new dollar
earned, and a dollar saved can earn
income and income on income
(compound interest)
• Realize that frequent trading incurs significant
costs, both in terms of transactions costs and
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
• Expenses can be significant
Source: Jason Karceski, Miles Livingston, Edward O’Neal, “Mutual Fund Brokerage Commissions”, January 2004, p. 12.
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
• Minimize costs as much as possible
• Markets are unpredictable, costs are forever
• Higher costs significantly depress returns over long
• Lower cost mutual funds have tended to perform
better than higher cost funds
• Index investments can be a good tool of cost
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
• Defer or eliminate taxes as much as possible
• This can be done through the proper use of
retirement investment vehicles
• Remember, mutual funds distribute 90% of all
capital gains and dividends each year that you
must pay taxes on
• Invest tax-efficiently so you don’t have to
pay more taxes each April
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
Principle 5. Invest long-term and disciplined
• Avoid short-term trading
• Its expensive and generates transactions costs
and taxes
• Don’t chase winners
• Chasing winners is a loser’s game
• Invest wisely
• There are no get-rich-quick schemes that work.
• Stay at least partly in the market
• Taking money out of the market or not
continuing to save and invest stops your
Trading Costs and Returns
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
Principle 6. If you must invest in individual stock
and bond assets (which is not required),
know what you are investing in
• When investing in individual assets, do your
• Know the key financials and strategic position
of the company and be aware of the many
different environments in which the company
operates (financial, operational, legal, etc.)
• When investing in mutual funds
• Stay broadly diversified
• Know what makes a good mutual fund
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
Principle 7. Monitor portfolio performance
• Measure performance. President Thomas S.
Monson stated:
When performance is measured, performance
improves. Where performance is measured and
reported, the rate of improvement accelerates
(General Conference reports, 1970).
• How can you know how you are doing if you
don’t check your performance against some
• Interestingly, most investors have underperformed
the market benchmarks over the last 20 years
• (DALBAR’s Annual Quantitative Analysis of Investor Behavior 2015)
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
Principle 8. Don’t waste too much time, money,
and energy trying to beat the market, unless
you have a lot of time, money, and energy
• It is very difficult, expensive, and time consuming
to try and beat the market
• If you want to trade, trade tax-efficiently and in
tax-deferred accounts
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
Principle 9. Invest only with high quality,
licensed, and reputable people and institutions
• When help is needed, don’t be afraid to get help.
• But get good help from good people consistent
with the principles discussed
• And compare the performance of that help to
your benchmarks after taxes (and to a passive
• Use the best resources available
• Know how those resources are licensed and
compensated, and get references
Principles of Successful Investing (continued)
Principle 10. Develop a good investment plan
consistent with your goals, budget, and these
principles, and follow it closely
• Think it through and write it wisely
• It’s your roadmap to success
• If you write it wisely and invest accordingly, it will
save you much heartache in the future
• And you will likely achieve your personal goals
Step 6. Know What You Invest In
• Principle: Know what you invest in
• What are asset classes?
• They are broad categories/portfolios of
investments with similar risk and return
• How are they distinguished?
• They are distinguished by characteristics, such
as type, market capitalization, maturity,
geographic location, etc.
• What are the major asset classes?
• They are cash and cash equivalents, fixed
income, and equities
Asset Classes: Cash and Cash Equivalents
• Cash major goal:
• Liquidity and to preserve capital
• Offers a fixed rate of return
• Types of cash asset classes:
• CDs, savings and checking accounts
• Money market funds and Money Market Deposit
• Short-term interest-bearing investments
including Treasury bills and Savings Bonds
which are loans to the U.S. Government, and
commercial paper, which is loans to
Asset Classes: Fixed Income (or Bonds)
• Fixed Income/Bonds major goal:
• Provide income and returns in excess of inflation
• Types of fixed income asset classes:
• Taxable bonds: U.S. Treasuries (state tax free),
corporate bonds and agency issues
• Tax-free bonds: Revenue or general obligation
bonds issued by local or state governments
(federal tax free and may be state tax free)
• U.S. Government Savings bonds:
• I Bonds: Interest rate linked to inflation
• EE Bonds: Fixed interest rate
AC: Fixed-income (continued)
• Short-term bonds/funds (1-3 years)
• Generally considered good investments for
anyone needing a dependable stream of income
• Intermediate-term bonds/funds (3-10 years)
• These are more susceptible to interest rate risk as
they are longer term
• Long-term bonds/junk bonds/funds (10+ years)
• These have the highest yields, but are the
most vulnerable to interest rate volatility
• Inflation Protected securities: linked yields
• They offer protection against inflation
Asset Classes: Equities (or Stocks)
• Equities/stocks Major Goal:
• Provide growth and earn returns in excess of
inflation. Over long periods of time, the stock
market historically has been the only major asset
class to consistently outpace inflation
• A share is ownership in a businesses’ earnings
and assets
• Investors get a proportionate share of the profits
by receiving dividends, and also benefit from
possible increases in the company’s share price
• Equity asset classes are delineated by:
AC: Equities
• Market Capitalization:
• Large-cap (capitalization) stocks/funds:
• Large caps are stocks with a market
capitalization greater than $10 billion in the US,
and smaller for international companies
• These are the least risky of the equities
• Small-cap or small capitalization stocks/funds:
• Small-cap stocks are companies with a market
capitalization less than $2 billion and are
smaller, sometimes newer, US and global
• Smaller companies generally are higher risk
AC: Equities
• Type of securities:
• Growth stocks (can also be funds)
• These are fast-track, more risky companies
whose earnings are expected to grow rapidly
• Value stocks
• These are cheaper (in terms of low PE and low
P/BV ratios) companies that have potential for
long-term return
• Blend stocks
• These are stocks that are neither value (cheap)
or growth (higher growth) but are somewhere
between the two
AC: Equities
• Geography:
• International
• These are stocks/funds of companies based
entirely outside the U.S. These can be of any
size (small-cap, large-cap) and any type (value,
• Global
• Stocks/funds that contain a mixture of U.S. and
international equity holdings from any part of
the world
• Emerging Markets
• Stocks/funds of companies from the less
developed countries of the world
AC: Asset Class Performance
• Understand asset class performance
• Why study the past?
• Different asset classes have performed differently
over the past 85 years
• President Gordon B. Hinckley stated:
• All of us need to be reminded of the past. It is
from history that we gain knowledge which can
save us from repeating mistakes and on which
we can build for the future. (“Reach with a
Rescuing Hand,” New Era, July 1997, p. 4).
Returns: Asset Class Returns
Returns: Historical Risk and Return
Returns: S&P 500 1-Year Returns
Returns: S&P500 5 Year Returns
Returns: S&P500 10 Year Returns
Equity Asset Class Returns and Risk (through 2014)
Application: Step 7. Consider Risk
• Application: Consider risk in portfolio
• Portfolio selection strategies will differ by
individual, portfolio manager, institution and view
of the market
• It is impossible to discuss how every portfolio
manager builds every portfolio
• But general concepts and principles are
applicable to everyone
Successful Investing: the Hourglass Bottom
Taxable Assets
Retirement Assets
4. Opportunistic: Individual Stocks and Sector Funds
(this is totally optional)
3. Diversify: Broaden and Deepen your Asset Classes
2. Core: Broad Market Equity Index Funds/ETFs, or Core Mutual Funds
1. Basics: Emergency Fund and Food Storage
The Investment Hourglass (continued)
• The investment hourglass bottom teaches 3
important lessons:
• 1. It helps keep risk in perspective
• It starts investing from lowest risk to highest risk
• 2. It teaches the “how to” about investing?
• You invest first in lower-risk assets, and then
move up to more risk as your assets (and
investment experience) increase
• 3. It separates out taxable and retirement assets
• Retirement and taxable assets should be
managed differently due to taxes and time
Step 8. Understand investment vehicles
(for investing and retirement)
• Application: Understand investment vehicles
• The investment vehicle is the tax-law defined
framework that has specific tax advantages, i.e.,
401k, 403b, Individual Retirement Account (IRA),
SEP IRA, Roth IRA, Roth 401k, etc.
• The financial assets are the securities that are
invested in by the vehicles, i.e., stocks, bonds,
mutual funds, REITs, MMMFs, CDs, etc.
Selecting Investment Vehicles (continued)
Select Investment Vehicles for 2015 (before catch-up)
TaxTax- Maximum
deferred eliminated Amount
Roth 401-k
Roth 403-b
Roth IRA
Education IRA
529 Plans
>416,000 p.c.
For Employees of:
Businesses w/plans
Businesses w/plans
Non-profit, tax-exempt
Non-profit, tax-exempt
Small businesses
Small businesses
Individual Education
Individual Education
Selecting Investment Vehicles (continued)
First priority: Free money
• Money that is made available by your company,
generally on a matching basis, to encourage greater
participation in company sponsored retirement
plans, i.e., 401k, Roth 403b, Keogh, etc.
• Money made available through tax benefits, i.e.
529 contributions which are deductible from state
taxes, i.e., Utah
 What are the risks?
• You must stay at the company a certain number
of years to become fully vested, i.e., to be able
to take full ownership of these funds, or use the
funds for education expenses for 529 plans
Selecting Investment Vehicles (continued)
Second Priority: Tax-advantaged money
• a. Elimination of all future taxes
• This money can be used at retirement (or for
education) without penalty and without taxes,
i.e., Roth IRA or Roth 410k/403b for retirement,
and 529 Funds and Education IRA for education
• In addition, with the Roth, you can take the
principle out without penalty at any time
What are the risks?
• You must be 59½ to receive earnings
• Money from 529 Funds, Education IRA, and
EE/I bonds must be for qualified educational
expenses to be tax-free
Selecting Investment Vehicles (continued)
b. Tax-deferred money:
• This money has the ability to be invested beforetax, with principle and earnings taxed only at
retirement (IRA, SEP IRA, etc.)
 What are the risks?
• You must be 59½ to take distributions. If you
take the funds out before retirement, there is a
10% penalty and funds are taxed at your ordinary
income tax rate for both federal and state
• This money converts long-term capital gains into
short-term income for tax purposes
Selecting Investment Vehicles (continued)
Third Priority: Tax-efficient and wise
• This is money that is invested tax-efficiently and
wisely, consistent with the investment principles
discussed earlier
• What are the risks?
• Earnings are taxed consistent with the assets
invested in
• You need to take into account the tax and
transaction cost implications of whatever you
invest in
Selecting Investment Vehicles (continued)
• How do you invest tax efficiently?
• 1. Know the impact of taxes
• Its what you earn after taxes that is critical
• 2. Look to capital gains—defer earnings and taxes
to the future
• Capital gains are taxed differently
• 3. Minimize turnover and taxable distributions
• Turnover creates taxes on distributions
• 4. Replace interest income with stock dividends
• Stock dividends are taxed differently
• 5. Invest tax-free
• Some assets allow tax-free interest
Step 9. Invest at Your Risk Level
• Application: Invest at your risk level, i.e.,
select your asset allocation carefully
• Risk tolerance is your willingness to accept risk
• It is related to your current or expected holdings
of your investment portfolio
• A higher risk tolerance indicates a
willingness to take on more risk as shown by
holding more “risky” asset classes, i.e., more
risk equities, REITs, international, etc.
• A lower risk tolerance indicates a
willingness to take on less risk as shown by
holding less “risky” asset classes, i.e., more
bonds, CDs, large capitalization equities
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• How is risk tolerance determine?
• Risk tolerance is determined in two main ways:
• 1. It can be derived from an investor’s age and
their current portfolio holdings, i.e., an implied
risk tolerance
• 2. It can be estimated by an investor answering
specific questions regarding investor
demographics including age, characteristics,
spending habits, history, and investment
experience, i.e., a risk tolerance test
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• Is risk tolerance an absolute number or a
general category?
• For the purposes of this presentation, risk tolerance
is considered more a general category
• I divide risk tolerance into five categories:
• Very conservative
• Conservative
• Moderate
• Aggressive
• Very aggressive
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• What is the purpose of risk tolerance?
• The purpose of risk tolerance is to enable that
investor to determine an appropriate asset allocation
or investment mix based on the investor’s
willingness to accept risk
• This allocation is critical because it determines
the amount of risk an investor is willing to
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• What is asset allocation?
• It is the process of determining how the assets of a
portfolio are divided, mainly into which asset
classes (think of an asset class as a basket, and asset
allocation is how much you put in each basket)
• A well diversified portfolio should have broad
diversification across many asset classes
(baskets) to reduce overall portfolio risk
• A broadly diversified portfolio (with
investments in many baskets) is an investor’s
key defense against risk, a key to a “sleep-well
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• Why is asset allocation so important?
• Asset allocation is important for two reasons:
• 1. Research has shown that most of the returns
from financial assets are mainly a function of
returns from the specific asset class decision,
and not from the individual stock selection
• Asset class choice influences returns
• 2. In the process of selecting your asset
allocation, you are selecting your risk level for
your overall portfolio
• Selecting asset classes is selecting the risk or
risk level for your portfolio
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• What were the most risky asset classes over the
past 85 years ending December 2014:
• Asset Class
US Small Cap
US Large Cap
Treasury Bonds
Treasury Bills
Return* Standard Deviation*
• Source: Calculated from Ibbotson
• Note that these are portfolios of financial assets, not
individual assets
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• What were the most risky asset classes over the
past 10 years ending December 2014:
• Asset Class
Other: US REIT
Equity: Emerging Markets
Equity: US Small Cap
Equity: International
Equity: US Large Cap
Government: Treasury Bonds
Government: Treasury Bills
Return* Std. Deviation*
• Source: Calculated from Ibbotson and MSCI. These are
portfolios of financial assets, not individual assets
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• What is the process of determining your asset
allocation, or where does risk tolerance come
• Asset allocation is a three-step process:
• Step 1: Set your initial bonds and cash allocation
to equal your age as a percent of your overall
portfolio allocation
• For example, if you are 40 years old, you
should have 40% of your portfolio in bonds
and cash, and 60% in equities
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• Step 2: Take a risk tolerance test
• Based on your results, you will adjust that
allocation to take into account your individual
risk tolerance and come up with an riskappropriate asset mix
• If you are more conservative you will
increase your bonds and cash allocation and
decrease your equity allocation
• If you are more aggressive, you will do the
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• Step 3: Determine your preferred asset classes
based on risk within your major asset classes
• If you are a conservative investor, you will likely
have many different bond asset classes (short-term,
long-term corporates, governments, municipals,
etc.), but likely only large cap equities, and perhaps
a small amount of other equity asset classes
• If you are more aggressive, you will do the
opposite, have more small cap, international,
emerging markets, REITs, etc.
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• I recommend you take a risk tolerance test (Teaching
Tool 16 from the website)
• 1. Review each of the 8 questions
• 2. Honestly answer each of the questions
• 3. Then add up your points from each question
• Please note that there are five potential
responses to each question, worth 1 to 5 points
• Add up the point next to the correct response
and sum your total points from 8 questions
• 4. From your total points, we will have
recommended actions for your asset allocation
• Now take the test!
RTT: Risk and Demographics
• 1. Age: What is your age currently?
65 and over
45 to 64
35 to 44
25 to 34
24 and under
RTT: Risk and Time Horizon
• 2. Time Horizon: What is your investment
time horizon for this money?
1. 1 year
2. 2-5 years
3. 5-10 years
4. 10-20 years
5. 20 years or longer
RTT: Risk and Investment Goals
• 3. Investment Goals: What is your primary
objective for this money?
1. Preservation of Principal
2. Current Income
3. Growth and Income
4. Conservative Growth
5. Aggressive Growth
RTT: Risk and Income
• 4. Expected Personal Earnings: Regarding
your current income, do you expect it to:
1. Decrease dramatically in the future
2. Decrease a slight amount in the future
3. Stay about the same
4. Increase with the pace of inflation
5. Increase dramatically
RTT: Risk and Emergency Funds
• 5. Emergency Fund: What amount of money
do you have set aside for emergencies? (This
does not include borrowings or credit lines, but does
include money you can access quickly)
• 1. None
• 2. Enough to cover three months of expenses
• 3. Enough to cover six months of expenses
• 4. Enough to cover nine months of expenses
• 5. Over twelve months of expenses
RTT: Risk and Investment Experience
• 6. Investment Experience: What is your
personal investment experience?
• 1. I have never invested any money in any financial
market or instrument.
• 2. I am relatively new investor--only a few years.
• 3. I have invested in IRAs and employer sponsored
retirement plans (401 (k)) for some time, but now I
am ready to develop additional investment
strategies outside of that plan.
• 4. I have invested for quite some time and am fairly
confident in my investment decisions.
• 5. I have invested money for years and have a
definite knowledge of how financial markets work.
RTT: Risk and Investment Type
• 7. Investment Risk: Regarding your view of
risk, which investment would you be more
comfortable making?
1. I am comfortable investing in savings accounts,
CDs, and other short-term financial instruments.
2. I invest in savings accounts/CDs, but I also own
income-producing bonds and bond mutual funds.
3. I have invested in a broad array of stock and
bond mutual funds, but only the highest quality.
4. I have invested primarily in growth stocks and
growth stock mutual funds.
5. I like to pick out new and emerging growth
companies and aggressive stock mutual funds.
RTT: Risk and Investment Preferences
• 8. Investment Preferences: Which investment
would you be more likely to invest in? The
investment has:
• 1. A 20-year average return of 0-2%, with infrequent
downturns and no years of negative returns.
• 2. A 20-year average return of 3-4% with mostly
positive returns but less than a year of negative returns.
• 3. A 20-year average return of 5-6% with a few
downturns and more than one-year of negative returns.
• 4. A 20-year average return of 7-8% with several
periods of negative returns
• 5. A 20-year average return of 9% or greater with
several periods of substantially negative returns.
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• You now have your total score
• From your total score, it can help us understand
what type of investor you are: Very conservative,
Conservative, Moderate, Aggressive, and Very
• Each score will have a recommended action
regarding increasing or reducing risky assets
• Now match your beginning allocation, which is
your age in bonds, with your recommended action.
• Once you perform the recommended action, you
will have your asset allocation or asset mix
consistent with your preferred level of risk
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• Very Conservative
• Cash
(8 to 12 points)
• Conservative
• Cash:
(13 to 20 points)
• Moderate
• Cash
(21 to 28 points)
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• Aggressive
• Cash
• Very Aggressive
(29 to 36 points)
(37 to 40 points)
• Cash
• Investors are free to shift between the cash and bond
allocations without any change in effectiveness of the
test. I personally prefer to always have, at minimum, a
5% allocation to cash
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• How does this scoring work?
• For example, if you scored 35 points, you would be
considered a “aggressive” investor
• This is your risk tolerance or type of investor
• To get to your asset allocation or asset mix:
• Start with your age in bonds. For example,
assume your are age 40 so assume 40% in bonds
• Next, do what the results suggest. For an
“aggressive” investor, you would add 10% to
equities and subtract 10% to your bond and cash
allocations from the above charts
• Your asset allocation at age 40 would be
30% bonds and cash, and 70% equities
Risk Tolerance (continued)
• Can you have two individuals with similar
asset allocations yet with different risk levels?
• Yes. This is due to their different ages
• For example, three investors each have a 60%
equity and 40% bond allocation
• Investor A is age 50 and is Aggressive
• Investor B is age 60 and is Moderate
• Investor C is age 40 and is Very aggressive
• Please note that their allocations within the equity
and bond allocations will likely be very different
• Aggressive investors will have more small cap,
international, and other risk equity asset classes
Step 10. Select Financial Assets Wisely
• Application: Choose financial assets carefully
• When should you pick individual stocks and
• I recommend you avoid picking individual
stocks and bonds until your portfolio is
sufficiently large (i.e., > $500,000, if at all)
• You can have a successful portfolio without
ever purchasing individual stocks and bonds
• Why is this the case?
• There are five major reasons why I do not
recommend picking individual stocks and bonds
when your portfolio is small
Selecting Assets (continued)
• 1. Principle 3: Stay Diversified
• Picking single assets violates the principle of
• With a small portfolio, it is difficult to achieve
acceptable diversification with limited numbers of
• 2. Principle 4: Invest Low Cost
• Investing in stocks when you have a small portfolio
is very expensive
• Transactions costs for purchasing stocks are
among the highest of any major asset class
Selecting Assets (continued)
• 3. Principle 6: Know What You Invest In
• Picking stocks when you have not developed the
knowledge base necessary to evaluate stocks is very
risky, bordering on speculation or gambling
• Most have not as yet put in the time to learn to
evaluate stocks nor have developed the tools
• 4. Principle 8: Don’t spend too much time
trying to “Beat the Market”
• Picking stocks is very costly, difficult and
• There is much more to be learned about valuation
that can’t be taught in a single presentation
Selecting Assets (continued)
• 5. Stock selection is not required to have a
successful investment portfolio
• While it is intellectually challenging, you can
improve returns and reduce risk more by properly
selecting asset classes and buying low cost and noload mutual and index funds
• You never need to buy an individual stock or
Selecting Assets (continued)
• What is the alternative to picking stocks and
• I like no-load low-cost diversified index funds
• What are index funds?
• Mutual funds or ETFs which hold specific
shares in proportion to those held by an index
• Their goal is to match the benchmark
performance, not beat it
• Why have they come about?
• Investors are concerned that most actively
managed funds have not been able to beat
their benchmarks after all fees
Selecting Assets (continued)
• Jason Zweig, a senior writer for Money
Magazine commented:
• With an index fund, you're on permanent autopilot: you will always get what the market is
willing to give, no more and no less. By enabling
me to say "I don't know, and I don't care," my
index fund has liberated me from the feeling that I
need to forecast what the market is about to do.
That gives me more time and mental energy for the
important things in life, like playing with my kids
and working in my garden (Jason Zweig, “Indexing
Let’s You Say Those Magic Words,” CNN Money,
August 29, 2001).
Selecting Assets (continued)
• Warren Buffet commented:
• By periodically investing in an index fund, the
know-nothing investor can actually outperform
most investment professionals. Paradoxically, when
'dumb' money acknowledges its limitations, it
ceases to be dumb (Warren Buffett, Letter to
Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders, 1993).
Selecting Assets (continued)
Some final thoughts on wisely selecting assets
• Most actively managed funds will under-perform index
funds in the long run after all fees and taxes
• The competition in stock-market research is intense,
making markets more efficient and indexing even more
• Passive investing takes very little time and has
generally outperformed most actively managed funds
Selecting Assets (continued)
Source: S&P SPIVA Scorecard 2014, “S&P Indices Versus Active Funds (SPIVA) Scorecard”, S&P Research,
2015 at http://www.spindices.com/documents/spiva/spiva-us-year-end-2014.pdf.
Selecting Assets (continued)
• Look to “target date” funds
• These funds will change their allocation consistent
with your age
• As you get older, these funds increase their
allocations to bonds and decrease their
allocations to equities
• These can be low cost, diversified, tax efficient
mutual funds
Selecting Assets (continued)
• Application
• Always be diversified in your investing—don’t put
all your financial assets or “eggs” in one basket
• Invest in many different asset classes in your
portfolio such as:
• Equities: large cap, small cap, international,
emerging markets, etc.
• Bonds: taxable, tax-free; short-, med-, and longterm corporates; short- and long-term
governments, etc.
• Cash: money market, CDs, savings, MMMFs,
Final Cautions
• Final thoughts on investing:
• Do not go into debt to invest
• This includes taking equity out of your home
• Beware of self-serving financial advisors
• Don’t shift from a 401k and pay penalties to buy
another financial asset (which is usually an
insurance product)
• Beware the agency problem
• Some advisors sell products based on their
commissions, not what is best for you
• Listen to the Spirit
• If it seems too good to be true, it probably is
Cautions (continued)
• M. Russell Ballard said:
• There are no shortcuts to financial security.
There are no get-rich-quick schemes that work.
Do not trust your money to others without a
thorough evaluation of any proposed
investment. Our people have lost far too much
money by trusting their assets to others. In my
judgment, we never will have balance in our
lives unless our finances are securely under
control (“Keeping Life’s Demands in Balance,”
Ensign, May 1987, 13.)
Review of the 10 Steps
• Doctrines
• Step 1. Understand the “whys “of personal finance
• Principles
• Step 2. Understand investment basics:
• Everyone invests
• There is a purpose to investing
• There is a priority of investments
• Investing and gambling are different
• Step 3. There are things to do before you start
investing (top of the investment hourglass)
• Step 4. Work on the investment factors you
Review (continued)
• Principles (continued)
• Step 5. Understand the 10 principles of
successful investing
• Step 6. Understand what you invest in
• Application
• Step 7. Consider risk in portfolio construction
(the bottom of the investment hourglass)
• Step 8. Wisely use your investment vehicles
• Step 9. Invest at your comfortable risk level
with a good asset allocation
• Step 10. Choose financial assets carefully and
stay broadly diversified