Cell Transport and Enzyme Action

Study Guide for
Chapter 4 A Tour of the Cell
Chapter 5 The Working Cell
After studying and before you take your test, be able to explain the following:
Chapter 4 A Tour of the Cell
a. Distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
b. Discuss ways that cell organelles are involved in the manufacture and breakdown of
cellular molecules.
c. List cell structures involved in manufacture and breakdown of important cellular
materials and products.
d. Describe the function of each cellular organelle that is involved in manufacture and
breakdown of cellular materials and products.
e. List and describe cell organelles involved in energy conversion.
f. List cell structures and describe the function of each cellular organelle that is involved in
internal and external support of the cell.
Chapter 5 The Working Cell
a. Describe what is meant by the fluid mosaic model of a cell membrane.
b. Describe the passage of materials across a membrane with no energy used.
c. Explain how osmosis plays a role in the maintenance of a cell.
d. Explain how an imbalance in water between the cell and its environment affects the cell.
e. Describe membrane proteins that facilitate transport of materials across the cell
membrane without energy being used.
f. Discuss how energy requiring transport proteins move substances across the cell
g. Distinguish between exocytosis and endocytosis and list similarities between the two.
h. Explain how energy is transformed during cellular activities.
i. Define the two laws of thermodynamics and their importance to biological organisms.
j. Explain how a chemical reaction can either release or store energy.
k. Describe ATP and explain why it is considered the energy curreny of the cell.
l. Define an enzyme and explain how enzymes cause a chemical reaction to speed up.
m. Discuss the specificity of enzymes.
n. Explain how inhibitors and activators regulate enzyme function.
o. Distinguish between competitive inhibitors and noncompetitive inhibitors.