BIOLOGY Chapter 7: The Working Cell: Energy from Food Name

Chapter 7: The Working Cell: Energy from Food
Section Goal: The student will describe the structure of ATP and how it stores energy, give examples of work
that cells perform, and summarize the ATP cycle.
1. ATP
2. aerobic
3. electron transport chain
Concept 7.3: ATP Provides Energy for Cellular Work
How ATP Packs Energy (See diagram, Figure 7-9)
A=Adenine and 5-C sugar
T=Tri or Three (ref. to # of P)
B. Each P is a _____________ charged molecule since likes repel, they want to separate from each other- this
contributes to the amount of potential energy available in each bond.
II. ATP and Cellular Work
A. Chemical reactions _________________ ATP’s Phosphate bonds.
B. _________________________ enable this to occur.
C. The ___________________ that undergoes the change drives the work (creatine phosphate)
B. Cells perform 3 types of work
1. __________________________: muscle contraction
2. __________________________: building/breaking large molecules
3. ___________________________: pumping molecules across cell membrane
III. The ATP Cycle: (See diagram, Figure 7-11)
A. ATP continuously converts to _____________ and back
B. ADP can be ________________________ back to ATP by reattaching the P with ______________
from foods organic molecules
C. A working muscle regenerates all of its ATP molecules about once each min. or 10 million per sec.
Section Goal: The student will relate breathing and cellular respiration, summarize the cellular respiration
equation, tell how “falling” electrons are a source of energy, an explain the role of electron transport chains.
Concept 7.4: Electrons “fall” from food to O2 during cellular respiration
I. Relationship of Cellular Respiration to Breathing
A. ___________________ process-requires O2
B. O2 into the cell and out
C. Cellular respiration is _________ breathing or exchange of gasses in the lungs (See diagram, 7-12)
II. Overall Equation for Cellular Respiration
A. ________________________________________________________
B. ________________________________________________________
C. Main function is to create __________ ATP for each ______________
III. “Falling” Electrons as an Energy Source
A. Falling elect. like waterfall-at the top the ______________ energy is high as it falls it becomes less
B. Atom’s ___________________nucleus pulls ______________________ electrons the closer they
get the more potential energy they lose.
C. Positive O2 pulls strongly on ____________________________ in the H2 and C thus rearranging the
atoms and releasing energy.
IV. Electron Transport Chain
A. _________________________________ fall of electrons “step-by-step” walk.
B. Not burst (like flame) but ___________________ of controlled reactions
C. Electrons passed by carriers until O2 finally________________ electrons off at the end to form H2O
and ____________________________ energy to make ATP.
Lesson Reflection:
Using the handout and the book, complete the cell energy drawings. Draw and color the pictures found
on page 143 (Figure 7-9), on page 144 (Figure 7-11) and on page 145 (Figure 7-12).
Lesson Assessment:
1. In what ways is ATP like a compressed spring?
2. List three main types of cellular work.
3. What is the source of energy for regenerating ATP from ADP?
4. Compare and contrast breathing and respiration.
5. List the reactants and products in cellular respiration.
6. What is meant by “falling electrons” to oxygen? How does this process release energy?
7. How does an electron transport chain result in the gradual release of energy stored in glucose?
Summary of Key concepts:
Complete the Summary of Key Concepts for section 7.3 and 7.4 and turn into the box.
Technology/Application/Connection to real-world:
Review Cellular Respiration/Photosynthesis model and equation:
Using the cutouts for cellular respiration and photosynthesis, accurately construct the diagram for the
products and reactants. Have the teacher check your work.