Wilson College - APPLE Conferences

Our Education Slice
Our Campus
 We are an all women’s
college located in
Chambersburg, Pa.
 85 Athletes
 We currently have 6
Our Project
 The Apple Team at our last APPLE Conference decided
we wanted to do something different for our
mandatory athlete alcohol education.
 We decided that a student led Jeopardy game would be
a fun and different way of educating about alcohol as
well as going over all of our alcohol policies both
school wide and in the athletics department.
 This gave us the opportunity as an APPLE Team to be
more involved and to take on leadership roles.
The Jeopardy Game
 The Jeopardy game was made on a board that was
downloaded into power point.
 The categories included Alcohol and Drug policies,
statistics about alcohol use, information on the Gordie
Center and other foundations, the effects alcohol has
on women, drink alcohol content, alcohol safety and
 It consisted of two complete boards and took just
under 2 hours with an intermission of 30 minutes with
healthy snacks (Apples!).
The APPLE Model
 The APPLE model helped us construct this project by
looking over the materials in the education apple slice.
 There were also many speakers at the last conference
that helped bring us to the idea of Jeopardy.
 The APPLE model went over peer education and how
important it can be. Since our campus is small the peer
education allowed us to reach the whole athletics
department in one setting.
Student Involvement
 The APPLE team created and led the Jeopardy game
with the assistance of our advisor.
 Everyone contributed topics and ideas we wanted to
cover. We met several times throughout the end of the
previous year and during the beginning of the fall
semester to complete the task.
 The athletes that were required to attend (It was
mandatory!) were also participating and involved
because the Jeopardy game was interactive and each
student was required to discuss and answer the
The tools we needed
 The Jeopardy board was a very important part of the
process and was found online at
 We also needed a set of clickers or buzzers. We used
some that a professor lent us called Eggspert.
 A large screen with a room large enough to sit all the
students easily for the activity was tricky but was done
in our large auditorium.
 We used many of the resources that the APPLE
conference gave us for information that we used in the
 http://www.virginia.edu/case/apple/
 http://www.virginia.edu/case/ATOD/alcohol.html
 www.tobaccofreeU.org
 www.bacchusnetwork.org
 http://www.monitoringthefuture.org/
 http://ncadi.samhsa.gov/
How did we gain administrative
 With the administration at both the last conference
and when we returned from our conference we
discussed the pros and cons of a speaker or video vs.
the peer education.
 We used the fact that we got good feedback from the
small peer education we did last year and that we
believed as students that listening to your peers was
more effective.
 We asked the athletes after the fact what they thought
of the game.
 We also asked two questions on an APPLE team survey
that was returned anonymously.
 We had a 29% return rate on the survey.
 Out of the surveys returned 72% liked the game, 17%
were on the fence and only 11% expressed that they did
not like the activity.
What could we have done
 The athletes seemed to get bored after the first board
of Jeopardy, so it may have been in our best interest to
have two different activities.
 We also could have involved more action activities.
We had a member of each team try to pour exactly one
ounce of water (an activity that was done at the
conference last year) as a daily double.
 We could have also had a handout for them to take at
the end with some information for them to think
about. There wasn’t a really good closing.
What should other schools know?
 This is a low cost activity but an intense project for the
 You have to have access to a room that can not only fit
the students but allow them to group into teams
without being too spread out or too crowded.
 The board is another key point and technical
difficulties were a hard part of the project due to
different versions of Microsoft Office on different
 Teamwork is essential to get this project done!
Thank You!
Wilson Apple Team
Colleen O’Reilly
Hannah DeMoss
Alyssa Bernard
Caileigh Oliver
Tracy Randall-Loose
Cindy Shoemaker