Target Marketing Describe an appropriate target market for each of

Target Marketing
Describe an appropriate target market for each of the products below. You will be
given a laptop so you can research the products online before answering. To get you
started, I have answered the first one as an example.
1. Apple IPhone
Marketing Mix:
Price- $0-$399
Place- Best Buy, Apple, Target, Wal-Mart, Verizon, AT&T
Promotion- Tv commercials, magazine ads, billboards
Customer profile/Target Market: 15-55, Male and Females, low to high income level
2. Roku
Marketing Mix:
PricePlacePromotionCustomer profile/Target Market:
3.Turbo Tax
Marketing Mix:
PricePlacePromotionCustomer profile/Target Market:
4. HP Chrome Book 11
Marketing Mix:
PricePlacePromotionCustomer profile/Target Market:
5. Pebble Watch
Marketing Mix:
PricePlacePromotionCustomer profile/Target Market:
6. Keurig
Marketing Mix:
PricePlacePromotionCustomer profile/Target Market:
Read the fictional product and target market description below and write down an
appropriate Marketing Mix. Answers should address the 4p’s and a customer profile.
The Product description:
The latest innovation in PC video game technology, which allows you to lay down
your own music tracks and auto, tune songs, before sharing them with your friends
Things to consider:
Do your customer profile and the product match up?
What would you charge your customers for this product?
Where would you sell this product?
How would you inform your target market that this product exists?
Target Market/Customer Profile:
Marketing Mix: