BI Community of Practice Minutes for 8/12/2015 Location Video Conference In attendance Jay Eckles (co-chair) Dennis Hengstler (co-chair) Mozhgan Shahidi (scribe) Ron Loewen (Resources subcommittee chair) Ed Johnson (Tools subcommittee chair) Denise Haley (Training & Support subcommittee chair) Allen Dupont (Policy, Standards, and Definitions subcommittee chair) Denise Gardner Kriss Gabourel Mike Ebbs Jeanne Hermann Shawn Bryan Kristen Noblit Desiree McCullough Steven Robertson Les Mathews Cyndie Nichols Scott Gordy Janice Hodge John Toman Connie Grove (substitute for Mark Savage) Absent Mark Savage (substitute present) Lisa Ford Tom Hoover Agenda I. II. III. IV. V. Introduction of new CoP member (2 min) Refresh of committee purpose (5 min) Review of subcommittee assignment results (38 min) Review of plan (5 min) Discussion of next steps (10 min) Minutes Jay Eckles called the meeting to order at approximately 10:05 AM. Introduction of new CoP member Dr. Eckles introduced new member Cyndie Nichols, CBO for AgResearch. Refresh of committee purpose Dr. Eckles reviewed with the committee the original charge for the BI Community of Practice. Dennis Hengstler provided additional comments regarding the focus and structure of the committee. Review of subcommittee assignment results Ed Johnson reported on the results of the Tools subcommittee's analysis of current state. A spreadsheet inventorying major market tools is partially complete. The list of tools is reasonably complete, but additional work still needs to be done to correctly identify tools that are in the UT portfolio today and to correctly identify the various features of each tool. The committee members were asked to look at this spreadsheet to determine if other columns or rows should be added. Three records were added as were columns for three additional requirements. Mr. Johnson described his general findings: across the state, there are not a lot of areas using specialized BI reporting software or processes. Among the few that do use such tools and processes are UTSA's use of IRIS BW, UTK's construction of a student data warehouse based on Banner ODS, and UTSA IR and IT's construction of a student repository for THEC reporting. Additionally, UT Foundation is using Advizor, a data visualization tool. UTIA was using Tableau but those licenses expired earlier this summer. UTC uses Tableau Enterprise. Mr. Johnson indicated discussions moved into questions of requirements. In order of importance, his team has identified 1. Ease of use for both consumers of reporting and technical staff; 2. Visualization of operational data; 3. Ability to present graphical representation in form of a dashboard; 4. general analytics including drill down and discovery; 5. predictive capabilities. Denise Haley reported on the results of the Training & Support subcommittee's analysis of current state. Ms. Haley displayed a spreadsheet showing an inventory of training and support practices across each campus and institute as they relate to BI tools and tasks. An important lesson from this exercise is that many people were unaware of available training. Support available currently includes only basic help like getting online and downloading software. A major training resources is available only to UTK and UTHSC and is not available to UTC or UTM. Types of training included some live in person courses, a lot of elearning, and documentation. Ron Loewen reported on the results of the Resources subcommittee's analysis of current state. Mr. Loewen displayed a spreadsheet showing an inventory of human resources and hardware resources currently deployed to business intelligence within UTSA. Once strategy and tools going forward are better defined, it will be possible to be more specific on what resources are available. Once we do this for UTSA, the subcommittee will reach out to campuses through Community of Practice representatives, CIOs, or both to ask for similar data. Allen Dupont reported on the results of the Policy, Standards, & Definitions subcommittee. Dr. Dupont began by offering apologies for not getting as much done as other subcommittees. The subcommittee collected examples of data dictionaries from each campus and system; the consensus regarding most was that they are out of date and need updating and modernization. Most of these dictionaries focused on student data. The team concluded that there is very little policy at the system level, though individual units may have policy. A major policy issue identified for future analysis is the difference in the way student data is handled (primarily controlled at the campus level) versus financial and HR data (primarily controlled at the system level). The first policy idea is making sure campuses can get easier access to their own data. Dr. Dupont discussed data stewardship. The data steward role is not very formalized. There should be a difference between who "owns" and who "accesses" data. Review of Plan and Discussion of next steps Dr. Eckles reviewed the Community of Practice's project plan, and the Community members agreed that the plan is currently on schedule and requires no adjustments at this time. The next steps in the plan are to identify stakeholders from whom we should solicit input, to develop and deliver a survey to collect that input, and to begin the requirements gathering process. A survey will be posted on the sharepoint site and distributed to Community members for the purposes of collecting names and email addresses of stakeholders. Dr. Eckles adjourned the meeting at approximately 11:05 AM.