(Chester Arthur).

8 mins
20. James Garfield 1881 49 yrs old, Republican from Ohio
former college pres.
last president to go directly from House of Reps to White House.
wife Lucretia, 7 children
baseball fan
policy "wonk"
not decisive; a "waffler"
civil service reform (merit based appointments) vs patronage
challenges Sen. Roscoe Conkling, NY
argument over who gets appointed chief inspector of the Port of New York City
Roscoe Conkling resigns
office-seekers come to White House regularly looking for a job
Charles Guiteau felt he was owed a job in Garfield administration
Guiteau shots Garfield July 2, 1881 in Wash DC train station
shot twice
Guiteau labeled as a disgruntled office-seeker. He was insane!
Garfield lived for 79 more days. He served only 6 months as President
May have been killed by his own doctors crude techniques
7 mins
21. Chester Arthur 1881-1885 Republican 51 yrs old, New York
Born in Vermont
bon vivant
A dandy
dressed in latest fashions
full sideburns
avid fisherman
did not like to work hard
a product of corrupt NY political machine but Arthur becomes a reformer
1883 Pendleton Act civil service reform
upgraded US navy; began building a steel hulled fleet, rifled guns on deck
denied his party's nomination
dies two years later of kidney disease
In the White House over the last 20 years since the end of the Civil War, the
Presidency has been tested by impeachment (Andrew Johnson), scandal and
corruption (US Grant), a highly disputed election(Rutherford B. Hayes), a second
assassination (James Garfield), and an unelected and ineffective leader (Chester
8 mins
22. Grover Cleveland 1885-1889 Democrat 47 years old, New York
A new Industrial Age
An era of extremes: 1/8 of US population owned 7/8 of the wealth
1884 was one of the "dirtiest" campaigns in US history
Republicans said, "Ma, ma, where's my Pa? Democrats replied, "Gone to the White House. Ha, Ha, Ha!"
Cleveland admitted he had a child out of wedlock and public forgave him.
Former governor of New York
not pro-active
largest number of vetoes 414 in first term
wife Frances
5 children
son of a Presbyterian minister
hard worker
inflexible manager
very studious
first and only President to get married in White House
America loved Frances Cleveland
govt should not support people
Cleveland against pensions for Civil War veterans
Cleveland was not a Civil War veteran
In Election of 1888 Cleveland won popular vote but Benjamin Harrison won electoral vote and becomes president
Frances Cleveland said to White House staff when departing to "take good care of the place", and that "we'll be
back." She was right.
4 mins
23. Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893 55 yrs old, Democrat, Indiana
America's Centennial President
Many said Harrison was a big disappointment from the president America had 100 years earlier, George
wife Caroline
3 children
Civil War veteran
great public speaker
judicious administrator
a relative Benjamin Harrison signed Declaration of Independence
his grandfather was President William Henry Harrison
Harrison was very formal; known as the "Human Icicle"
First President to have electricity in White House
Helped Civil War veterans with pensions
Harrison signed into law the , most protective tariff in US history; the McKinley Tariff
Foreign manufacturers stopped sending products to America
No foreign competition means US companies gain a monopoly. Consumer prices go up!
Harrison loses popularity with the common man.
Harrison and Republicans said high tariffs protect workers by keeping goods made in America
4 mins
24. Grover Cleveland 1893-1897 55 yrs old, Democrat, NY
new daughter "Baby" Ruth
With Election of 1892 Cleveland becomes the first and only President to win two non-consecutive terms
Elected on promise to reduce McKinley tariff
His return to White House was triumphant
One month after Cleveland takes office economic Panic of 1893 hits US
Great industrial bubble of the late 1800s burst
Worst economic depression so far in American history
Tens of thousands out of work
Cleveland does not feel it is the government's role to help the unemployed
Monetary debate between gold standard and bimetallism
Cleveland is against bimetallism. He feels an economy backed by gold will help get US out of depression.
Cleveland cannot help solve economic crisis and loses touch with the people.
In 1896 Cleveland is not nominated to run again for a third term.
25. William McKinley 1897-1901 54 years old, Republican, Ohio
Sees America as having a bigger, more important role in the world
Short, modest
Tranquil demeanor
Last Civil War veteran to be elected President
Very good with the "Press"
McKinley sent USS Maine to Cuba to pick up American citizens
McKinley and Congress declare war on Spain
America becomes an Imperial power under McKinley
Elected to second term with Teddy Roosevelt as his Vice-President
September 6, 1901 McKinley assassinated by anarchist Leon Czolgosz