1302 AMERICA – Study Guide - Ch

1302 AMERICA – Study Guide - Ch. 22
Lone Star College Mrs. Laura Whisler
True / False:
Benjamin Harrison was assassinated by a deranged office seeker. __________ 872
The Grand Army of the Republic was an organization of Union Veterans. ____ 876
As president, Benjamin Harrison supported generous pensions for veterans. _____ 878
One of the biggest problems farmers faced was falling commodity prices, caused in
Part by overproduction. __________882
5. The Farmers’ Alliances accepted female and black members. __________ 884
6. After his defeat in 1896, William Jennings Bryan’s proposals were largely forgotten___ 896-7
7. What did the Supreme Court uphold in Munn v. Illinois? 883
8. Who were the Stalwarts and how was their organization run? 870
9. Who put through the Pendleton Civil Service Act and what did it provide for? 872
10. For what purpose was the Interstate Commerce Commission created? 876
11. The Cleveland / Blaine campaign was characterized by what type of personal slurs? 875
12. Who said, “I am now in the last year of the Presidency…and look forward to its close as a
schoolboy longs for the coming vacation”? ____________________________________871
13. List (4) things that caused a decline of commodity prices during the Gilded Age? 882
14. Who were Mugwumps and what was their cause? 873-4
15. What was the Omaha platform of the People’s party? List (4) 889
16. Who was William Jennings Bryan and what were his views?
17. By 1890 what (4) things led to inflation of the currency? 895
18. Grover Cleveland showed political courage when he vetoed legislation about what? 875
19. What did the Farmers’ Alliances help do politically? 888
20. What or whom did William “Boss” Tweed control? 865
21. Describe voter turnout during the Gilded Age. 866
22. What did the McKinley Tariff of 1890 do? 879
23. To fend of Cleveland’s efforts to reduce the tariff, how did Republicans raise over $3 million in
the election of 1888? 877
24. In the election of 1888, Cleveland won the popular vote, but _____________________________
won the Electoral College and thus the presidency. 878
25. To what scandal did the Mulligan letters tie former Speaker of the House - James Blaine?
26. What was the unemployment level in the depression of 1893? 891
27. In the election of 1896, what element of society found it easier to identify with McKinley’s “full
dinner pail” pledge than with Bryan’s free-silver panacea? 895
Was the Populist presidential candidate in 1892
Founded the Grange
Elected to two nonconsecutive terms as president
Was McKinley’s campaign manager
Was the Democratic presidential candidate in 1896
Led march on Washington D.C. to demand that the
federal government provide jobs for the unemployed.
A. William Jennings Bryan
B. Grover Cleveland
C. James B. Weaver
D. Oliver H. Kelley
E. Mark Hanna
F. Jacob S. Coxey