M, 11/9 Sonnet presentations with small group Renaissance Calendar 2015-16 Honors British Literature T, 11/10 W, 11/11 Th, 11/12 -In-class sonnet assessment Unit 7 sentences due Othello, Act I -Introduction to Othello M, 11/16 Othello, Act I HW: finish T, 11/17 Othello, Act II M, 11/23 Othello, Act III & IV T, 11/24 Othello, Act IV HW: Finish M, 11/30 Othello, Act V F, 11/13 Unit 7 vocab quiz Reading Journal #2 due W, 11/18 Unit 8 sentences due Othello, Act II HW: finish W, 11/25 Watch Othello III & IV Th, 11/19 Watch Othello I & II F, 11/20 Unit 8 vocab quiz Othello, Act III Th, 11/26 HAPPY THANKSGIVING F, 11/27 HAVE A GREAT LONG WEEKEND T, 12/1 Othello, Act V W, 12/2 Unit 9 sentences due Othello test F, 12/4 Unit 9 vocab quiz M, 12/7: --Intro meeting minutes --Handout study guides & books --Read Act I T, 12/8: Reading Journal #3 due --Reading Journal Reflection assignment --Intro annotated bib W, 12/9: Library for lit crit articles Th, 12/3 --Intro Shakespeare lit circles --Preview books --Groups Th, 12/10: Act I meeting M, 12/14: Library for lit crit articles T, 12/15: Annotated Bib work in class Th, 12/17: Act II meeting F, 12/18: Unit 10 vocabulary test Reading or writing day M, 12/21 **Possible make-up day 1 T, 12/22 **Possible make-up day 2 W, 12/16: Unit 10 sentences due DUE: 1 Ann. Bib Annotated Bib work in class W, 12/23 **Possible make-up day 3 Th, 12/24 NO SCHOOL F, 12/25 NO SCHOOL M, 1/4: Act III meeting T, 1/5: Annotated Bibliography due Reading Day W, 1/6: Unit 11 sentences due Reading Day Th, 1/7: Act IV meeting F, 1/8: Unit 11 vocabulary test Fri, 12/11: Unit 1-9 quiz M, 1/11 Read Act V T, 1/12 Read Act V M, 1/18 NO SCHOOL M, 1/25 Period 9 midterm M, 2/1 T, 1/19 Group Presentation Prep T, 1/26 Periods 1 and 2 T, 2/2 W, 1/13 Unit 12 sentences due Act V meeting W, 1/20 Group Presentation Prep W, 1/17 Periods 3 and 4 W, 2/3 Th, 1/14 Group test on book F, 1/15 Unit 12 vocabulary test Th, 1/21 Group Presentations Th, 1/28 Periods 5 and 6 Th, 2/4 F, 1/22 Group Presentations F, 1/29 Periods 7 and 8 F, 2/5 Unit 1-12 vocabulary test