Anatomy and Physiology
Blood – (only) liquid connective tissue that consists of cells and cell fragments surrounded by a liquid matrix called plasma.
Total blood volume for avg. adult female
= 4 to 5 liters and avg. adult male = 5 to 6
Blood makes up about 8% of total body weight
Transports oxygen, nutrients, enzymes, and hormones
Transports CO2 and waste products away from tissue
Maintains body temperature
Maintains body fluids
Oxygen enters blood in the lungs and CO2 enters blood from tissues.
45% of the volume of blood consist of
RBC (a.k.a erythrocytes)
<1% consists of
WBC (leukocytes) and cell fragments called platelets
55% of volume is plasma (liquid portion)
Blood groups are determined by antigens on the surface of RBC.
Antigens are microscopic molecules
Antibodies will bind to the antigens resulting in agglutination or hemolysis or
Agglutination – clumping of RBC
Hemolysis – rupture of RBC
Blood is categorized by the ABO Blood group system
ABO antigens appear on the surface of
Type A Blood – A antigen
Type B Blood – B antigen
Type AB Blood – A and B antigen
Type O Blood – does not have A or B
Type A – ~ 41%
Type B – ~ 10%
Type AB – ~ 4%
Type O – ~ 45%
Rh+ - 85%
Rh- - 15%
Type A Blood – B antibodies
Type B Blood – A antibodies
Type AB Blood – does not have A or B
Type O Blood – has A and B
Mismatching Blood groups can result in transfusion reaction.
Another blood group that was first studied in the Rhesus monkey.
Rh+ - Rh antigens on RBC
Rh- - Rh antigens are not present
Can cause a problem in pregnancy if mother is Rh- and baby is Rh+
Mother will make antibodies against the baby
Prevention – mother gets shot of Rho immune globulin
Transfusion – transfer of blood
Donor – person who gives blood
Recipient – person who receives blood
Universal Donor – Type O Blood
Universal Recipient – Type AB Blood
Made up of 90% H
Other 10% is made up of: electrolytes, hormones, proteins, and various metabolic waste.
Albumin- liver produced protein found in plasma. Functions include: keeps water in bloodstream, help stop blood loss when blood vessels are damaged.
Disc shaped
Live ~ 120 days in males and 110 days in females
Transport oxygen and remove CO2
Contain hemoglobin
Biconcave disc (flattened disc with depressed center)- provide large surface area for transportation of gases.
Hemoglobin bound to oxygen is bright red in color
Hemoglobin that is without oxygen is darker red
~2/3 of body’s iron is found in hemoglobin
Lack nucleus( can’t undergo mitosis)
Lack mitochondria
(can’t use oxygen to create energy)
CBC – complete blood count
Analysis of RBC, hemoglobin, and WBC
RBC – male – 4.6 to 6.2 million/mm3
Female – 4.2 to 5.4 million/mm3
WBC – 5000 – 9000/mm3
Determined amount of hemoglobin in a given volume of blood
Male – 14 to 18 grams/100mL
Female – 12 to 16 grams/100mL
Low hemoglobin – anemia – low RBC
A decreased ability of the blood to carry oxygen.
Causes: Blood loss (Injury or menstrual cycle), bacterial infections, lack of Vitamin B
, medicine side effects, lack of iron in diet (red meat, certain beans, wheat and green vegetables), or disorders.
Symptoms: fatigue, pale skin, headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, or cold hands and feet.
Blood cells shaped like a crescent moon which causes anemia and sluggish blood flow which impairs circulation (oxygen delivery).
Blood cells shape causes them to block small blood vessels which causes extreme pain/discomfort.
Occurs in people of African descent. Shape of
RBC does not allow the Malaria parasite to reproduce in the body.
Sickle Cell
Blocked Blood Vessel
~2.5 million RBC are destroyed every second
New RBC are produced as quickly as they are destroyed
Hematopoiesis – process of blood cell production
Low blood oxygen level will cause RBC production
Blood cells are formed in red marrow in bones
Jaundice – liver can’t rid the blood of hemoglobin byproducts in blood causing a yellow skin color
Red Marrow – found in spongy bone and forms WBC, RBC, and platelets
Yellow Marrow – composed of fat and is not capable of blood cell formation
Adult blood formation occurs in humerus, femur, cranium, ribs, sternum, clavicles, vertebrae
White blood cells
Whitish color because they lack hemoglobin
Larger than RBC
Far less numerous than RBC
Have a nucleus
Protects against microorganisms
If person’s WBC count is high infection
Granulocytes – contain large cytoplasmic granules
Agranulocytes – contain small granules
– most common type
Remains is blood ~ 10-12 hours
Dead cell debris forms pus at site of infection
Function - Active phagocytes, increase during times of acute infection.
– release chemicals that reduce inflammation
Functionkill parasitic worms, increase during allergic reactions.
3.Basophils – help regulate inflammatory response
Release histamine = promotes inflammation
Histamines are vasodilators, which increase blood flow to area.
Inflammation is a result of increased blood flow and accumulation of cells in area that is healing/fighting microorganisms.
1.Lymphocytes – smallest of WBC
Plays important role in body’s immune system
Produces antibodies
Important in fighting tumors and viruses.
2.Monocytes – largest
After they leave the blood and into the tissue
– they become macrophages
Macrophages – destroy bacteria, dead cells, and other debris
Increase during chronic infections
Thrombocytes – minute fragments of cells
Produced in red marrow
Prevent blood loss by causing blood clotting
~ 300,000 per mm 3
Blood vessels
Blood clot – thrombus constrict in
Embolus – detached response to injury, clot resulting in decreased blood
A heart attack can flow.
occur from blockage of blood vessels that
A platelet plug is supply blood to heart produced to seal
Aspirin can be given off the wound to break down the
Serotonin is clot released to cause the blood vessels to constrict.