1- Long bones

Model Answer
(1) Features (characters, Criteria) of synovial joints:
 They have joint cavity between the ends of the bones.
 The cavity is filled by synovial fluid that facilitates the movements of
the joints.
 The cavity is surrounded by synovial membrane that secreted the
synovial fluid.
• The membrane is surrounded by fibrous capsule that protects the
synovial membrane.
 They permitted wide range of movements.
 The ends of the articulating bones are covered by thin layer of hyaline
(2) According to shape of bone (morphological classification):
1- Long bones: These are bones that have a length. Each bone is formed
 2 ends (epiphysis): form articulation 'with other bones. It is covered by
thin layer of hyaline cartilage.
 Shaft (diaphysis):
- It forms the length of thee long bone.
- It is formed mainly of compact bone.
2- Short bones:
These are the bones that have no length but have a definitive shape. It
provides rapid range of movements.
Examples: like the carpal and tarsal bones
3- Irregular bones:
These are the bones that have no definitive shape.
Example hip bone and vertebra.
4- Flat bones:
These are the bones that have borders variable number) and 2 surfaces.
Example: the scapula
5- Pneumatic bones:
These are some bones of the skull containing air space inside layers of
compact bones.
Example: certain bones of skull (maxilla)
6- Sessamoid bones:
These are some small bones embedded inside the tendons of some
muscles in close relation to certain joints.
Example: the patella in front of the knee joint
* Functions of bone:
1. Forms the framework of the body and gives the body its general form
2. Forms the axis of the body (the vertebral column).
3. Gives attachment to the muscles and ligaments: these structure are
attached to a very delicate membrane surrounding the bone (the
4. Forms the locomotor system of the body by making joints with each
other and the joint moved by the attached muscles.
5. Support and protect the internal organs: the skull protects the brain an
the thoracic cage protects the heart an the lungs.
6. Formation of blood cells: by the bone marrow
7. Reservoir for calcium (they contains 97% of the body calcium).
Bones take many years to grow and mature. The humerus, (arm bone), for
example, begins to ossify at the end of the embryonic period (8 weeks);
however, ossification is not completed until the person is 20 years old.
(3) THE MOUTH (The oral or buccal cavity)
anteriorly: the lips,
on the sides : the cheeks,
above: the plate,
The Palate:
Hard palate or anterior part: is bony.
Soft palate or posterior parts is muscular, with uvula hanging down.
The Tongue
A muscular organ, covered with mucous membrane.
It is a wide muscular funnel-shaped tube, 5 inches long. It descends from
the base of the skull to oesophagus in front of cervical vertebrae.
The pharynx is divided into 3 parts:
Nasopharynx: behind the nose, for the passage of air.
Oropharynx: behind the mouth, separated from nasopharynx by the
soft palate.. Hypo (laryngo) pharynx: behind the larynx, continuous
with oesophagus below.
The course of oesophagus can be divided according to its position into 3
Cervical part:
Thoracic part:
Abdominal part:
It is the reservoir of food
The parts of stomach:
It is formed of 3 parts:
The fundus:
The body
The pylorus.
a long tube, 20 feet long, for digestion and absorption of food.
It is divided into three parts:
The duodenum: The first 10 inches; is C-shaped around the head of
The jeiunum: The second part of small intestine, it forms the upper 2/5
of small intestine.
The ileum: -it forms the lower 3/5 of small intestine. It joins the caecum
at ileocoecal valve, which lies in the right iliac fossa,
Caecum is the most dilated part of the large intestine and lies in the right
iliac fossa.
Appendix: a narrow empty part, descends from the caecum.
Ascending colon: fixed infront of right kidney.
Right colic flexure: lies below the liver.
Transverse colon: a movable part, which lies horizontally below the
Left colic flexure: lies below the spleen, on the left side.
Descending colon: fixed infront of the left kidney.
Pelvic colon (or sigmoid): present in the pelvis. It is S-shaped.
Rectum: a dilated part, in pelvis, infront of the sacrum.
Anal canal: is the terminal part, ends by the anus, which is an opening
surrounded by the ana sphincter.
(4) The Differences between the lungs
Right lung: is large, short, with no cardiac notch, it has 3 lobes: upper,
lower and middle, separated by 2 fissures: oblique and horizontal. The
right lung contains 10 bronchopulmonary segments.
Left lung: is small, thin , with a cardiac notch (for the heart). It has 2
lobes: upper and lower, separated by one fissure (oblique). The left
lung contains 8 bronchopulmonary segments.