Homework Questions for Y4 : Summer Term 1 2015 Topic – Funny Bones Week 1 23rd April What leisure facilities do we have access to in the local area? How would you promote one of these facilities? Notes This week, we have been thinking about leisure facilities in our local area. We drew maps to show where they were in Gateshead. In order to answer this question, you might like to make a poster, leaflet, write a newspaper article or make an advert. I’m sure you will have many ideas of your own. Week 2 Notes Why do humans have bones and muscles in their bodies? Week 3 Notes Do all animals have bones? Week 4 Notes What effect does exercise have on our bodies? This week, we began thinking about our bodies. Why do we have bones? What are their names? What would our bodies be like, if we didn't have bones? In order to answer this question, you might like to write a report, make a model to explain why we need bones or draw and label a diagram, These are only suggestions, I'm sure you have many ideas of your own. We already know that humans have skeletons but do all animals have a skeleton? In order to answer this question, you might like to show pictures of different animals make an information text or use ICT to share your findings. This is the final homework question of the half term. Is exercise good for you? How much exercise should you do? What are the benefits/disadvantages of exercise? You might like to link this with question 1. Week 5 Notes Week 6 Notes Homework star this half term was/ were