Wiki PPT

Marketing in Today’s World
Learning Objectives:
• Identify the four elements that make up the marketing
• Define the life cycle of a product
•Discuss the needs and motivations of consumers
• Describe the role of pricing, packaging, and promotion
in marketing goods and services
• List the traits that marketing employees need to have
Marketing Mix
Definition: All of the activities that go into the selling of a
product to a consumer
Four Elements
 Product: what goods and services are produced to
meet the needs and desires of consumers
 Price: Cost that products are sold at
 Promotion: All of the activities that go into telling
consumers about a product or service
 Place: Refers to where the product or service is sold
Types of Products
Consumer Goods: goods sold to individuals and families
Convenience goods and services: products that consumers
use regularly without spending much effort
Shopping goods and services: those that customers
purchase after spending some time looking around and
comparing to similar product
Specialty goods and services: those that consumers often
select by brand or by company
Life Cycle of a Product
Introduction phase: The product is placed on the market for
the first time
Growth Phase: If product becomes popular it will experience
a growth phase. Sales and profits will increase sharply
Mature Phase: Sales level off, and profits begin to fall in
products mature phase
Declining Phase: Last stage, where product is no longer
profitable so the producer stops making it
Consumer Needs
To sell products successfully, marketing experts must
understand the needs of consumers
Consumers spend money to meet three basic needs:
Physical Needs: Necessities of life (food, clothing, housing,
and transportation)
Social Needs: Need to be loved and accepted by others
(cologne, skin care products, and deodorant)
Psychological needs: Need for approval and
prestige(expensive shoes, eat at nice restaurants)
Consumer Motivations
No two people buy exactly the same goods and services
There are three types of motives
Rational Motives: Consumers are motivated to think logically
about a purchase (comparing prices and quality)
Emotional Motives: Feelings or attitudes cause you to buy
on impulse
Patronage Motives: Causes you to be loyal to a certain shop
or company
Using Market Research
Definition: the gathering of information that businesses can
use to determine what kind of goods or services to produce.
Allows forecasters to predict how many goods or services a
business can expect to sell
Demographics: the study of a population
 Where people live, how much income they have, and what newspapers
they like to read are examples of market research
Promotion, Packaging And Pricing
 Includes all the activities involved in selling a product
 Telling consumers about a product
 Advertising is paid promotion
 Consumers are strongly influenced
 Labels on package are advertisements for the product
 Labels include the logo which is the symbol of the manufacturer
Price: is the value that producers and sellers place on goods
or services
 Price must cover the total costs of producing, shipping, and promoting
the product
 Break-Even point: point at which the total cost is equal to the total
money the product earns
Distributing Goods and Services
Marketers have to decide how and where consumers will buy
their goods and services
This is the place decision of the marketing mix
Channel of Distribution: includes all of the people who direct
products to consumers
Channels: Manufacturer, Wholesaler, Distributor, Retailers,
Concerns for International
When dealing with international markets, marketers may
face special challenges
Communication: Understanding the language used by the
people you are dealing with is important
Traditions and Customs: Often it is cultural differences that
are the most troublesome for international marketers
Different Buying Habits:
Is there a need for our product?
Who are its potential customers?
What is their level of earnings?
What are their buying habits?
What are their motives for buying?
Working In Marketing
People who often like to meet the needs of others often pick
a job in marketing
Communication: In marketing people spend a lot of time
talking to people and writing messages to them
Human Relations: Liking people is not enough to work in
marketing. They have to get along with all of their coworkers.
Math Skills: Important in any job, especially marketing
 Careless mistakes can result in lost sales, overlooked payments, and
customer complaints.
Working in Marketing Cont.
Motivation: Marketing workers are very goal-oriented and
have a lot of enthusiasm
 Want to accomplish something worthwhile by providing goods and
services to customers
Creativity/problem solving: People who work in marketing
use their imaginations to make products attractive to
•On the wiki website go to the “youtube assignment” link and
watch the commercial. In short answer write the different
marketing tools used in the commercial.
The End