Section 11.2 Questions

Biology Section 11.2 DNA Structure (p. 229-231)
Name ________________________
Big Question: How is DNA able to store genetic information, copy it, and pass it from
generation to generation?
Students will be able to:
a) Identify the building blocks of DNA.
b) Describe DNA’s structure.
c) Describe the rules for base pairing in DNA.
1. What is the full molecular name for DNA? ________________________________________
2. DNA is what type of macromolecule? ____________________________________________
3. What is the name of the monomer (building block) for DNA’s macromolecule?
4. What is the full molecular name for RNA? ________________________________________
5. What are the 3 parts of a DNA nucleotide? ________________________
_________________________ _________________________
6. What are the full names for the 4 nitrogenous base nucleotides found in DNA?
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
7. Which 2 of the 4 bases of DNA are larger and double ringed? _________________________
8. What type of chemical bond joins nucleotides together? ______________________________
9. What part of one nucleotide is bonded to what part of the next nucleotide to form the
“backbone”? _________________________ bonded to _________________________
10. Do nucleotides always combine in the same sequence? _________________________
11. Can nucleotides vary in length? _________________________
12. How many nucleotide sequences are possible? _________________________
13. Which scientists were able to produce photographs of DNA? When?
_________________________ _________________________ __________
14. What is the shape of DNA? _________________________
15. Who were the scientists who modeled the structure of DNA? _________________________
16. Where are the backbones located on the DNA structure? _________________________
17. Where are the nitrogenous bases located on the DNA structure?
18. What type of chemical bond joins the two sides of the DNA structure?
19. Which nitrogenous base does the base adenine pair with? _________________________
20. Which nitrogenous base does the base cytosine pair with? _________________________
21. What determines the sequence of the bases on the second strand of the double helix?
22. When did Watson and Crick describe their model in a scientific journal? _________
23. Analyzing the one strand from a section of DNA from Figure 11-7 on page 230, what is the
sequence of bases on the complementary section? _________________________
Concept Check 11.2 (p. 231)
1. What are the 3 parts of a nucleotide? Which parts make up the backbone of a DNA strand?
2. List the two base pairs found in DNA.
3. If 6 bases on one strand of a DNA double helix are AGTCGG, what are the 6 bases on the
complementary section of the other strand of DNA?