ADVANCED PLACEMENT UNITED STATES HISTORY iMater Academy High School Ms. Tania Alonso Room 245 COURSE DESCRIPTION Advanced Placement United States History is a college-level course providing analysis and evaluation of American historical concepts and themes. Historical issues will be studied and interpreted through primary and secondary sources. Students must actively participate in class discussions, effectively complete critical writing exercises and essays, and practice historical thinking skills through research and analysis. Consistent effort will prepare students to achieve high scores on the AP exam and may earn university/college credit. COURSE THEMES The following themes will be included in the chronological narrative of the course outline units: Identity (ID) Peopling (PEO) America in the World (WOR) Ideas, Beliefs, and Culture (CUL) Work, Exchange, and Technology (WXT) Politics and Power (POL) Environment and Geography (ENV) HISTORICAL THINKING SKILLS Throughout the course, students will develop and master historical thinking skills. The following skills will be practiced through activities, assignments, and assessments in each course outline unit: - Chronological Reasoning - Historical Causation - Patterns of Continuity and Change Over Time - Periodization - Comparison and Contextualization - Crafting Historical Arguments from Historical Evidence - Historical Argumentation - Appropriate Use of Historical Evidence - Historical Interpretation and Synthesis THE EXAM Question Type Multiple Choice (MC) Short-Answer Questions (SAQ) Document-Based Question (DBQ) Long-Essay Question (LEQ) Number of questions 55 questions 4 1 1 Time 55 minutes 45 minutes 60 Minutes 35 Minutes PERIODIZATION OF COURSE AND EXAM 5% Pre-Columbian Contacts (1491-1607) 45% Colonial Settlement and Expansion (1607-1754) Revolution and Constitutional Origins (1754-1800) Early National Period (1800-1848) 45% Sectionalism, Civil War, and Reconstruction (1844-1877) Industrialism and Economic Expansion (1865-1898) Progressivism and U.S. Imperialism (1890-1945) The Cold War Era (1945-1980) 5% United States and Globalization (1980-Present) The teacher reserves the right to modify the syllabus during the school year. ADVANCED PLACEMENT UNITED STATES HISTORY iMater Academy High School Tania Alonso TEXTBOOK AND SUPPLEMENTAL RESOURCES By the People: A History of the United States, AP Edition, James Fraser *The online component of textbook will be provided to students in class during the first week of school. APUSH ASSIGNMENTS *Standing Homework Assignment: Study and review everyday.* Identifies – In-depth knowledge and understanding of various vocabulary, people, events, laws, cases, and places in order to facilitate content-learning throughout the course. DBQ/FRQ Activity Worksheet – A tool to develop persuasive essays using a breakdown of major aspects of historical concepts including Politics, Ideologies, Religions/Beliefs, Arts/Cultures, Technologies, Economics, and Societies. Students will also be required to write a thesis statement, topic sentences, and group documents if necessary. HAPP-Y Worksheet – A tool to enhance document analysis using Multiple Choice Tests – Use of AP-style and college-level questions to have students become familiar with the format of the AP exam and styles of questions, including chronological, factual, analytical, thematic, and statistical. Short-Answer Questions – A set of questions for each chapter and/or unit to be answered per an AP-style short-answer rubric. Essential questions based on historical themes will provide the basis for short-answer questions. The questions are designed to emphasize course themes, practice historical thinking skills, and acquire full understanding of major historical concepts. Document-Based Question (DBQ) – Essay questions designed to incorporate document analysis along with historical analytical skills and substantiation. Development of arguments and ability to use appropriate factual knowledge; organization, and analytical skills will be practiced. Long Essay/Free-Response Question (FRQ) – Essay questions designed to develop historical thinking skills and fully acquire historical conceptual knowledge and understanding. Outlines/Notes – Concentrate on important facts, concepts, and processes when reading. Class notes are required to be taken during lectures and discussions. Charts/Maps/Data Analysis - Interpretation of quantitative and visual information. Major Historical Era Data Sheet – A breakdown of a historical period unit identifying people, events, vocabulary, laws, and cases and answering thematic-based essential questions. Edmodo – Assignments include quizzes, polls, and participatory responses to academic posts. Mock Exam – Practice exam given prior to the AP exam with multiple choice questions, short- answer questions, document-based question, and long essay. GRADING Multiple Choice tests, Short-Answer Questions, Document-Based Questions, and Long Essays/Free Response Questions will be graded based on an AP-style rubric. DBQ Rubric Grading Scale 7=A 6=B 5=C 4=D 0-3 = F LEQ Rubric 6= A 5= B 4=C 0-3 = F SAQ Rubric 3= A 2= C 0-1 = F OVERALL GRADING BREAKDOWN 3.5-4.0 = A 2.5-3.49 = B 1.5-2.49 = C 1.0-1.49 = D 0.0-0.9 = F The teacher reserves the right to modify the syllabus during the school year. ADVANCED PLACEMENT UNITED STATES HISTORY iMater Academy High School Tania Alonso ATTENDANCE POLICY – in conjunction with iMater Academy High School Attendance Policies - It is imperative students attend all classes and arrive on time for each class. Missing one day of class can lead to missing an entire theme, concept, and historical period. - Arranging for makeup work is the student’s responsibility. - As soon as the student returns from the excused absence and signs in, he/she must immediately arrange to make up any work. If a student does not arrange for a makeup within 48 hours, then it will result in a zero for participation and/or assignments. - If a student is aware he/she will miss class time, the student is responsible for makeup work and arranging the makeup time and work with me well in advance of the absence. This applies only to excused absences, field trips, and tardies with parental notification. - Unexcused absences and tardies will result in a zero for participation and/or assignments. -If a student is absent on a test day, and has not made prior arrangements and/or does not alert me prior to the start o the test, that student WILL NOT be allowed to make up the test, and will subsequently earn a ZERO. emergency situations will be considered on an individual basis CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE - Respect. It is my firm belief. We will respect one another. We will respect the classroom, our duties, responsibilities, school, staff, students, and, most importantly, yourself. You already have my respect and your responsibility is to keep it throughout the year. - Keep your hands and feet to yourselves. - Use of cell phones, beepers, PDAs, iPods, and other electronic devices are prohibited. Set them to silent and place them in your book bag or purse. If I see them in your hand, on your desk, on your lap, it goes off and I hear them, they will be confiscated. Consider this the official warning for electronic devices. If an electronic device is confiscated, the parent/guardian must arrange a meeting in person to release the device. The device will be released to the parent, not the student. Repeat violations will result in referrals, parentteacher conferences, and possible suspension. Miami-Dade County Public Schools does not prohibit students possessing electronic devices, but it prohibits the use of electronic devices in the classroom. ASSIGNMENT DEADLINES - Homework assignments are due either on Edmodo by 11:59PM on a specified due date, or in class by 7:35AM, unless otherwise notified. Students are typically given more than a sufficient amount of time to complete assignments appropriately and efficiently. - Assignments turned in after the times above on the due date will not be awarded credit. It is highly recommended for students to turn in their assignments ahead of time. The time deadline is strictly enforced and time is based on my clock, not yours. - Homework assignments may be turned into me directly during office hours or in my office mailbox. MORNING HOURS AND REQUIRED REMEDIATION - Students who earn below a 2.0 during a 9-week quarter are required to attend morning remediation. Students who are performing below expectations may be asked to attend scheduled sessions during their off hours in the morning. The purpose for these sessions is to provide students the opportunity to improve their academic status in the course and develop further understanding of the course’s concepts. - Students will be asked to attend a minimum of two days a week for at least an hour each day. Students failing to attend required morning remediation will result in parent/teacher conferences and administrative contact. - The teacher reserves the sole determination of when a student sufficiently improves their grade and may no longer be required to attend morning remediation. MATERIALS (Always have in possession in class) Black pens, blue pens, #2 pencils, yellow highlighters, 3-ring notebook with pockets, lined paper, APUSH Textbook, APUSH Identifies assignments, APUSH Review Packets The teacher reserves the right to modify the syllabus during the school year. ADVANCED PLACEMENT UNITED STATES HISTORY iMater Academy High School Tania Alonso E-MAIL POLICY AND EDMODO - E-mails and Edmodo notifications are sent on a regular basis. They include assignments, deadlines, instructions, updates, news, advice, and supplemental materials. Questions and comments are encouraged. Students must check their e-mails and Edmodo everyday. Be sure to check during the late afternoon and evening hours. GRADES POLICY - My position about grades is you earn what you earn based on assignments, assessments, and other grading criteria. I do not offer extra credit for the purpose of grade inflation. - All students can earn an A in this course through commitment, integrity, determination, and initiative. Turn in your assignments on time and legitimately complete them according to or beyond my expectations. Perform exceptionally and legitimately well on all assessments by paying attention in class, studying, and constantly reviewing. MOVIE TIME - Movie Time is a special time. From time to time, I may show a video, film clip, or film to supplement understanding of a historical period or concept. - Movie Time rules are as follows: all desks are clear unless otherwise notified, heads remain up and open eyes open focused on the film, and there are no personal discussions. Additional rules may be established for each Movie Time. Violation of any of these rules limits or eliminates Movie Time for all students. *****SPECIAL NOTE***** THERE IS A ZERO-TOLERANCE FOR IMPROPRIETY. CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AT ALL. IMPROPRIETY INCLUDES, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, COPYING ANSWERS, FORGING, LYING, AND DECEPTION. PLEASE BE HONEST ACADEMICALLY AND GENERALLY. ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE DILIGENTLY ASSESSED FOR ACADEMIC HONESTY AND TESTING PROCEDURES WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- STUDENT INFORMATION/PARENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM Please complete, sign, and return by the location and date specified by the instructor. STUDENT NAME: ____________________________ STUDENT E-MAIL: _____________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME(S): _________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE: _____________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN CELL PHONE: ________________ PARENT /GUARDIAN E-MAIL: _________________________________________________________ Signing below acknowledges receipt and compliance with the syllabus and that the syllabus may be modified during the school year with appropriate notification. PARENT SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE: _______________________________________________________ The teacher reserves the right to modify the syllabus during the school year.