Review Guide

Honors World History
Unit 5 (Middle Ages) Review Guide
Directions: Use your notes and completed assignments to answer the questions below.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
1. Where did Germanic invaders come from? List all the locations.
2. How did Germanic invaders affect education and language?
3. How were the loyalties of Germanic people different from the loyalties of Roman
4. Who was Clovis and why is he important?
5. What is a monastery and why was it important?
6. Who was Charles Martel and whose invasion did he defend against?
7. What is the name of the dynasty of which Charles Martel and Charlemagne were
8. Who was Charlemagne and why is he important?
9. Define and explain feudalism.
10. Why did feudalism need to occur? (why were the citizens of Europe fearful?)
11. Define: lord, fief, vassal, serf and draw the pyramid of feudalism.
12. Define manorism.
13. Why was manorism necessary?
14. Describe a manor.
15. What are the “two swords” of the Middle Ages?
16. What was the most important role of The Church during the Middle Ages?
17. What is a sacrament?
18. What is a tithe?
19. What is canon law?
20. What are the possible punishments by The Church? Describe them.
21. What was the goal of the Age of Faith?
22. What is lay investiture?
23. What is simony?
24. Describe Gothic architecture.
25. What was the main goal of the Crusades?
26. In what region were were most of the “battles” of the Crusades fought?
27. What are three effects of the Crusades?
28. Who is William the Conqueror and why is he important?
29. What is common law?
30. What is the Magna Carta? Who was it designed to protect?
31. What two governing bodies were formed in England and France at the end of the
Middle Ages?
32. What is the Great Schism?
33. How did the plague affect Europe?
34. What were the main effects of the Hundred Years’ War?
35. Define chivalry.
For the free response portion, make sure you can describe how the role
and power of The Church changed over the course of the Middle Ages.
Also, be able to describe how typical Middle Ages Europe was organized
socially, economically, politically, and religiously.
Good luck!