Week 2 Reading Questions

Week 2 Reading Questions Part I (8/15-8/16)
Strayer, p. 61-69
Analyze Robert Carneiro’s explanation of the factors that led to the rise of the First Civilizations. In you
own words, briefly summarize his beliefs and explain whether or not you agree with his hypothesis.
Identify the characteristics shared by highly-productive agricultural economies.
Read through the descriptions of Uruk, Mohenjo-Daro, and Teotihuacan. Identify the features that would
stand out to a visitor of these First Civilization cities.
Describe the role of the city for the First Civilizations. Explain the effect that living in a city had on
interpersonal relationships.
Describe the typical life of an upper class citizen. Describe the life of a middle/lower class citizen.
Explain the factors that would lead to the rise of patriarchy in both plow-based communities and those
civilizations untouched by plow agriculture (Mesoamerica and the Andes).
Identify the changes in the rights of women as patriarchy began to rise in the First Civilizations, especially
through the codification of written law.
Big Question
Analyze and explain how hierarchy and patriarchy became more oppressive as states got larger.
Strayer, p. 69-73
Explain why the growing complexity of life in cities or densely populated areas created a need for
positions of authority.
Compare the tactics/ability of early chiefdoms to exert power and authority with the tactics/ability of
those who were rulers of states.
Describe how rulers often relied on the religious beliefs of their people to lend legitimacy to their rule.
Identify the many uses of writing in the First Civilizations
Compare the lifestyles of the elite in the First Civilizations with the lifestyles of the elite in our society
today. What similarities exist between the two (give specific examples)?
Big Question
Explain how monumental architecture and urban planning like ziggurats helped unify the people’s beliefs
about their rulers and their role in society.
Strayer, p. 128-133 due 8/19
Explain why Chinese thinkers found it necessary to search for ways to restore order to Chinese life.
Describe the how the social hierarchy was changed as a result of Legalism (who was revered and who was
looked down upon).
Analyze the Confucian statement “The relation between superiors and inferiors is like that between the
wind and the grass. The grass must bend when the wind blows across it.” What does this say about
Confucius’s beliefs about the role of social hierarchy?
Define ancestor veneration and filial piety.
Explain how the Confucian-based examination system provided for social mobility in Chinese society.
Explain how Daoism was seen as complementary to Confucianism rather than contradictory.
Big Question
Analyze the excerpt from the Daodejing on page 132. Describe how that passage paints a picture of how a Daoist
society should look.
Strayer, p. 133-141 due 8/22
Explain how the development of Hinduism is uniquely different from the development of Christianity,
Buddhism, and Islam.
2. Describe the clues given by the Vedas about the formative stages of classical Indian civilization.
3. Analyze the metaphor on page 134 about the bubble in the glass of water. Explain how this metaphor
serves as an example of the Hindu goal of moksha.
4. Explain how karma was used to set up a caste system unique to Hindu society and describe how it was
central to a person’s social mobility.
5. Identify the Buddhist belief of nirvana and briefly describe how one could achieve it.
6. Analyze the Buddha’s statement “be a lamp unto yourselves”. How did statements such as this challenge
Hindu beliefs about social hierarchy?
7. Despite lingering examples of gender inequality in Buddhism, why were so many women willing to accept
and practice Buddhism rather than Hinduism?
8. Describe the differences between Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism.
9. Explain the changes in Hindu practice and belief that occurred largely in response to the popularity and
spread of Buddhism. How did this ultimately affect Buddhism in the region?
10. Briefly summarize the main beliefs of Zoroastrianism.
11. Describe the many obstacles faced by the Jews that served as roadblocks to their unification and
codification of beliefs.
Big Question
Analyze the actions and teachings attributed to the Judaic god Yahweh. How was Yahweh (and therefore Judaism)
different from the polytheistic gods of Mesopotamia and Asia?