India Unit Test Study Guide

India Unit Test Study Guide
Use this guide to help you prepare for your upcoming unit test. You will not be able to use this
guide or the book during the test, so study well. We will do a Jeopardy-style game review next
week to help you see what gaps in knowledge you need to fill in. If you have questions don’t wait
until the last minute, work on this immediately so you have time to get your questions answered!
Chapter 13
Know about the mythological story that explains the Brahmaputra and the Ganges Rivers, and how
the story reveals the resulting physical landscape near the meeting of the two.
Know about the Eastern and Western Ghats including where they are located and what they look
Know what parts of India’s physical environment encouraged trade between central Asia and India.
Know the important rivers in India and their influence on the emergence of civilizations.
Chapter 14
Know about the Indus-Sarasvati civilizations.
What are some theories about why the civilizations of the Indus-Sarasvati region disappeared?
Know about the major advancements of the people of Mohenjodaro.
Tell what homes in Mohenjodaro were like and be able to make reasonable assertions about the
advantages of their designs.
Chapter 15
Know about the different ways Hinduism affected the everyday lives and decisions of the people of
ancient India.
Know about Rama and how his story is linked the religious teachings of Hinduism.
Know the five principles of Hinduism including details about each and how each principle affects
the daily lives of people in India.
Know what the Vedas are and why they are important.
Know what the written language of India is.
Have a general knowledge of the main gods/goddesses and festivals of Hinduism that were
mentioned in class and/or in the chapter.
Chapter 16
Know the story of Siddhartha and the journey he took toward becoming the Buddha.
Know about the three forms of suffering.
Know the principles that are the foundation of Buddhism.
Be aware of differences and similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism.
Chapter 17
Know who Ashoka was and why he was important to the spread of Buddhism.
What were some ideas that he supported that were not a reflection of Buddhist values?
Know about the four main goals of Ashoka’s edicts.
Know about Ceylon and how Buddhism was spread there.
Chapter 18
Know the methods used by the Guptas to unite India and make alliances to keep the empire strong.
Know similarities and differences between the Mauryan’s and the Gupta’s.
Know about the achievements of Indian society during their golden age under the Guptas.
golden age