April 2, 2013

Minutes for CITLA Advisory Board Meeting
April 2, 2013 from 1-2 pm
Warwick: 4560, teleconferencing available
Attending: Wendy Aronoff, Dale Boyle, Karen Kortz, Jeanne Mullaney, Ruth Sullivan
1. Welcome
2. CITLA Committees to work on different tasks for CITLA Board
PDD Subcommittee work with PDD committee to schedule workshops Karen and Jeanne
Brown Bag Subcommittee (brainstorm ideas for topics and possibly speakers) Emily Burns
Brown Bag Topic Idea: for adjuncts, expectations for teaching at CCRI
Article for Discussion Subcommittee (choose articles from what they read or ones that we can
provide) Rachel? Kira?
Publicity Subcommittee (to help write copy and also spread the word)
Spring Symposium Subcommittee (to help with room res., publicity, electronic registration,
catering, greet attendees, check them in, give name tags, set up room, “runner”)
Teaching Tips Subcommittee: to choose for next year both for Faculty Focus and for CITLA
Teaching Tips
Cecile Roberti
Awards/Prizes Subcommittee (Possible nominees: Eric G., Karen K., Kathy B., Susan Sienkiewicz)
Different from Teaching Excellence Award and NISOD Award from VPAA, focus on sharing with
colleagues, service and scholarship, to be awarded at Spring Symposium, recognition and prize
3. Possible Future Speakers/Topics
a. Christopher Bauer, Chemistry, UNH, ConcepTests
b. Workshop on developing a philosophy of teaching
c. Barbara Walvoord, Assessment Clear and Simple
d. Neuroscience and Learning: Myths, Facts, & Future
e. Pearson: Jeff Borden
Brain Rules by John Medina
4. CITLA events spring(ADA webinars, Brown Bags, FLCs, PDD, Spring Symposium, *New: monthly
article discussion)
a. ADA Webinars March- April NCC-with DSS staff (Rachel Emke) available to answer
questions and comment on specific policies and procedures at CCRI—Could we get a
volunteer to run the last webinar in Newport on Friday from 10-11?
b. Brown Bag Discussions
i. KC: Mindful Teaching
ii. PV: Using Screen Casts as a Teaching Tool
iii. NCC on April 16: Using CATs in the Rehabilitative Health Classroom
c. Plans to continue article discussion each month, alternating campuses
The brown bag discussion in Providence on 11/7/12 sprang from an article about inside-out teaching in
the NEA Advocate. Karen and I would like to host similar discussions that would rotate campuses.
Please send articles that you feel would make good topics for brown bag discussions. Rachel Rogers
sent an interesting article on study skills and is willing to lead a discussion on it. “Improving Students’
Learning With Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions From Cognitive and Educational
i. FLC update
Wendy Aronoff, CITLA’s Instructional Specialist is facilitating a new “Leading TextBased Discussions” faculty learning community that started in January (4
participants). The Socratic Seminar will be held on April 30 from 2:30-4. We will
invite the whole faculty to this event. Wendy will lead an assessment-based FLC
in Fall 2013.
5. Book club: The College Fear Factor, Rebecca Cox at PDD
6. CITLA Books
7. Spring Symposium
a. “I Have to Do What?: Helping Students Understand the Culture and the Unwritten Rules of
b. Instructor Amy Baldwin, from Pulaski Technical College (AR)
c. Date: May 23, 2012
d. Where: KC 4090 12:00-4:00 p.m.
e. Marketing to be done: blast, announcement in my CCRI, CRIER, CITLA list, Faculty Focus
8. Update: ATAC/CITLA collaboration
Karen and I are delighted to announce that CITLA is collaborating with ATAC to offer workshops.
The first was to be on EAC Outcomes, but it was cancelled due to a conflict with a faculty
association meeting that was called. It will be rescheduled in the spring semester. We are also
planning to work together on a Blackboard Best Practices workshop.
9. Suggestions from the board?
Faculty Technology Day is week of May 13
10. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Workshop
Karen would like to offer a SoTL workshop in May 2014. This would be an all-day (two-day?)
workshop to be held in the CITLA center and library. It will allow time for faculty to work on
scholarship projects such as writing an article or preparing a talk for a presentation.