Prepare now for future career success

Marquette University Career Services Center
Career education is a cycle. The Career Services Center offers Career Checklists by year in college and step in
process. You have chosen a Career Checklist by year. In this case, these are recommended steps for you to take to
get you closer to professional success.
The Career Services Center has activities and resources to help you complete all of these steps either on your own
or with a career counselor. Individual career appointments may be made by calling (414) 288-7423.
 Schedule Your Career Counseling Appointment for a career check-in
Students meet with a career counselor to discuss the career issues of their choice. The counselor will likely ask
about personal and career background, interests, coursework, and related aspects that effect career decision
making to ensure a good understanding of the student’s unique situation.
 Take a Career Course
Each semester the Career Services Center offers courses on topics ranging from career planning to job search.
Currently some of these courses are listed in the course bulletin under ARSC but are open to all majors.
 Conduct Career Research
The best way to learn what it is really like in a particular career fields is through research. This can be done in two
ways: online resources and informational interviewing (talking to people in the field).
 Conduct Informational Interviews with professionals in your field of interest
Talking to people who currently are in positions and career fields that interest you is one of the best ways to gain
valuable career information. The Career Services Center has resources to help you complete this step using
LinkedIn and the Marquette University Alumni Association Network.
 Develop Your Occupational Targets
Having one to three clear Occupational Targets helps you better communicate with those in your professional
network and with potential employers. Your Occupational Target is a personal statement defining the specifics
you wish to attain through work.
 Activate Your MU Career Manager Account
MU Career Manager is the on-line career management tool for Marquette University students, alumni and
employers. All students can access MU Career Manager at
 Find a Career-Related Experience such as an internship, co-op, part-time job, or summer job
Taking time to gain skills required or preferred in your career field of interest only make you a stronger candidate.
Participating in a career-related experience expands your professional network, exposes you to a professional
work environment, and helps make the connection between your academics and your future career.
 Write Your Professional Resume and Cover Letter
Resumes prove that you are qualified for the position. Therefore having a great resume that outlines your
strengths, skills, career goals, and interest in a particular career field is necessary.
Prepare now for future career success
Holthusen Hall, First Floor | | | 414.288.7423
 Gather References and Letters of Recommendation
It's important to be prepared to provide a list of employment references who can attest to the skills and
qualifications that you have for the job you are applying for. Plan ahead and get your references in order, before
you need them.
 Develop Your Professional Network and Join LinkedIn
More than 75% of new hires are identified through professional networks. Joining LinkedIn and connecting with
industry-related groups and the Marquette University Alumni Association is a great place to start developing your
 Develop Your Target List:
Targeting employers and programs puts you in full control of your search. Think about those employers for whom
you would like to work or programs and institution you would like to attend.
 Attend Career Fairs and Networking Events
Simply showing up for career fairs and networking events is not enough. The Career Services Center has activities
and resources to help you learn how to prepare and how to follow up for professional events.
 Create Your Elevator Pitch
Having a prepared “sales pitch” that describes your occupational target or career goal will arm you with all you
need to begin an intelligent and effective conversation with new professional contacts. Be sure to include where
you are now (degree, program, year in college), where you have been (career-related, leadership, part-time work
experience), and where you are going (future goals).
 Develop Your Interviewing Skills
Selling yourself in the context of a job interview involves talking about yourself in a way that effectively
communicates your well-earned and genuine skills, accomplishments and talents that relate to your fit for a
position. Knowing yourself, and what you have to offer employers will help you to confidently articulate your
attributes during an interview.
 Build Your Career Wardrobe
It is important to project a professional image. As you know, you only get one chance to make a first impression.
Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.
 Start the Decision Making Process
Decision-making is not to be taken lightly. People make decisions a variety of ways. Career decisions may include
anything from choosing a major to comparing job offers.
 Understand Financial Matters and Benefits
Before making any decisions about your first job, be sure to explore and define your financial needs such as
negotiating offers, weighing multiple offers, and other salary lessons.
 Develop The Art of Professionalism
Any new experience gives you a chance to re-define yourself. Whether you are beginning a new internship, job,
graduate school program, or service program focus on creating the professional image that aspire to.
Prepare now for future career success
Holthusen Hall, First Floor | | | 414.288.7423