Vision Statement The City of Marquette is the Superior location to live, learn, work, and enjoy life! Marquette achieves this through the following goals: o Fostering a forward-thinking community that is inclusive to people of all ages, abilities and financial status. o Improving quality of life through continuing improvement in education, health care, civic engagement, employment opportunities, arts and culture, and recreation. o Nurturing strong participation in all aspects of its community. o Protecting its natural assets and amenities, particularly Lake Superior and it's four-season climate. o Nurturing a "green" economy, promoting partnerships and entrepreneurship, maximizing local talent and goods. o Strengthening its position as a hub for regional food production/distribution and other business transactions. o Improving continuously on its status as a unique tourist destination. o Maintaining a safe, multi-modal transportation system that balances the needs of work and play while conserving natural features. o Emphasizing the safety of the most vulnerable transportation system users pedestrians and cyclists – is prioritized. o Implementing a downtown transit route with several sheltered, marked stops facilitates car-free travel and reducing parking demand in the City's commercial center. o Preserving neighborhoods, historic areas, and Lake Superior viewsheds; and conserving undeveloped land, public space, waterfront property and natural features along inland waterways. o Emphasizing mixed-use and compact downtown development. o Providing universal access to the built environment through ordinance requirements. o Valuing the opportunities of its natural assets. o Interpreting Marquette for residents and visitors, through various means such as signs, plaques, and QR codes. The development of the Vision Statement and goals involved extensive collaboration between the Planning Commission and members of the public, between May and October of 2012. The process is explained in the Appendix A-Public Involvement of the Community Master Plan (CMP). The goals are to be achieved through recommendations which have been developed for each Chapter of the Factbook portion of the Plan, and which are summarized in Chapter 2 of the CMP.