Language Arts focuses on the following

Family of Ms. Stone’s
Seaside Explorers!
Please sign in at table.
•I am SO pleased to be teaching your student!
To begin, I will inform you about sixth grade.
•If you have any questions, please save them
for the end of the presentation.
•Additionally, If you have any questions or
concerns regarding your student, please sign up
for a conference, email me, or call the school.
•This is my 2nd year at McAuliffe.
•I am committed to meeting each student at his/her level and
helping them achieve academic excellence.
•I obtained my Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from Cal
State University, Bakersfield, where I also obtained my B.A. in
Liberal Studies.
•Lived in Bakersfield my whole life. PBVUSD alumna.
• To provide my students with the academic and
social skills they need.
• To provide a supportive and nurturing
classroom environment.
• To help students discover and pursue new
• To provide a structured schedule and
meaningful school day, everyday.
• To help your student develop independence,
organization, and strong work habits.
Attendance, SSR, ELD intervention, Morning Work: Journal Write and
Daily Paragraph editing
Reading, Writing, and Language Arts
Social Studies/Science/Enrichment
Wrap up/ Pack up
*This schedule is tentative as we have many pullouts/enrichments throughout the
•Music: Tuesdays 9:40-10:20
•Chorus: Tuesdays 1:30-2:10
•Library: Thursdays 2:15-3:00
•Band/Orchestra: Subject to instrument
The subjects we cover in Sixth
grade are:
Language Arts
Social Studies
Language Arts focuses on the following:
Reading Comprehension and Fluency
Greek/Latin Roots
Listening/Speaking Skills
Sixth grade focuses on the
following writing skills:
Topic Development
Descriptive Writing
Noting Details
Sequence of Events
Text Organization
Strong Paragraphs
Personal Narrative
Persuasive Essay
Expository Essay
Response to Literature
Sixth grade focuses on the following writing skills:
Personal Narrative
Capitalization and
Persuasive Letter
Research Report
Adverbs and
Reading is crucial to success in education.
Throughout the year we will be reading books from
our Core Literature .
My Side of the Mountain
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Golden Goblet
Summer of the Monkeys
Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe
– Algebraic expressions, equations, and
– Fractions and Decimals
– Units of Measure
– Ratios, Proportions, and Percents
– Analyzing Data and Using Probability
– Geometric Figures, Measurement, and Area
– Surface Area, Volume, and Graphing
(taught by Mrs. Schroeder)
Ancient Civilizations
• Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel,
India, China, Greeks, Romans,
and the Americas
(taught by Ms. Stone)
Earth Science
• Earth’s Structure and Plate
• Shaping Earth’s Surface
• Energy in the Earth System
• Ecology and Resources
Our classroom is a community. In our community, we
have rules to help us model leadership and get along with
Listen when others are talking.
Quickly and quietly follow directions.
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
Work quietly and do not disturb others.
Show respect for others, their property, and the
6. Work and play in a safe manner.
Students will be observed during the school day. If a
student chooses not to follow one of the classroom
guidelines there will be consequences.
•The first “reminder” to follow the rules will be
considered a “warning”.
•The second “reminder” will result in the loss of recess
•A third “reminder” will result in detention.
All students begin fresh each day. Infractions are
recorded on the teacher’s spreadsheet and then
transferred each week to the student’s Friday Folder.
Rewards include verbal praise, notes
home, lunch in the classroom, treats,
and other special privileges.
•Homework is USUALLY sent home nightly
• (Unfinished work becomes homework even on
•Homework should not take longer than 60 min.
with the exception of reading/unfinished
•Assignments are recorded in Daily Student
Planners each day, please check daily. (Please
send $3 so that your student may purchase one)
•Assignments will be posted on my classroom
website (access through the school website)
•Assignments account for 10% of students’
weighted grade.
•Students should come to school with
homework completed. In most cases I give
points based on completeness rather than
correctness. I want students to try their best
even if they do not completely understand.
Then, they will be able to ask questions when
we grade assignments together.
•Work should be legible, properly labeled, and
on time.
•Students should show any work necessary for
completing math assignments and not just the
• When is it due??
• Math, English, Reading, and
Language Arts assignments are due
the next day
• Reading -20 minutes required per
• Science/Social Studies-as assigned
Of course, there are some exceptions, such as when a child is
absent or if there is a family emergency. Please write a note
or send an e-mail so that I may give your child the extra time
they need to complete their assignment.
Students are given an extra day to complete work for every
day they are absent due to illness. Students are not excused
from classwork because of vacations.
Please do not schedule doctor, dentist, or any other
appointments during our “Protected Time” of 8:30-12:30.
Math, Reading, and Language Arts are covered during this
•Late Work:
• Late work can be turned in within a reasonable time.
(1 week depending on circumstance)
• Small daily homework assignments’ point value will not be
penalized, if turned in within a reasonable amount of time.
•Larger assignments and projects will be penalized up to 30% if
•Missing Work/Incomplete Work:
•Missing work will be entered as a zero in the grade book until
turned in completely finished.
•Incomplete homework will be treated as a missing assignment
until it is completed, as it is the student’s responsibility to
complete their assignments.
•Incomplete assignments/projects will be graded as they are
when turned in.
Thursday Quizzes- Reading Selection Quizzes.
Friday – Greek and Latin Root Quizzes.
End of each chapter/unit- Math, English, Science, and Social
Studies tests will vary on the day depending on when we finish the
chapter or unit. Students will always be given notice as to when
tests and quizzes will occur.
Your child should have these quizzes and tests written in their
Planner ahead of time so they can study and be prepared. Quizzes
and tests will also be listed under Daily Assignments on the web
The goal is for them to LEARN.
Each Friday your students will be sent home with a
blue folder that has a weekly conduct report and
lets you know if they have any missing assignments.
It will also have any tests/quizzes that were
completed that week. Please review the contents,
sign and return it on the following Monday.
The week is recorded from Friday-Thursday.
Now that grades are available on-line, you will be able to
monitor your child’s progress.
Students will receive letter grades for Reading, English,
Writing, Math, Math Facts, Science, and Social Studies.
Parent Conferences are held at the end of first quarter.
Paperwork for dates and times will come home with your
child closer to that time. Conferences are held Monday
through Thursday, 7:30 – 8:00 a.m. and 2:15 – 4:30 p.m.
in 15 minute increments.
Your child’s Student Planner is filled out with the day’s assignments
before they leave each day. Writing all assignments in their planner
helps them keep track of assignment due dates. The same
information can be found on my website under Daily Assignments.
Students are reminded each week when they have a missing
assignment and are prompted to highlight the missing assignment in
their planner.
Check student assignments, in their planners, DAILY to keep on top
of assignments and due dates.
Students can always check their missing assignments by referring
to their highlighted planner and on StudentVue.
•Grades 4-8 Only.
•Account activation information is the same
as previous years, if you need this again
please contact the school office.
•District Provided real-time information on
assignments, grades, immunization
compliance, transcripts, and more.
•Camp KEEP dates: February 9-12 (Tues.-Fri.)
•Students will delve deeper into science through hands-on
activities and hikes, while exploring the beautiful surrounding
area of Cambria.
•Please complete/return form that was sent home August
28th to reserve your child’s spot.
•15 counselor spots (sign up in back if interested)
•Mrs. Roberts will contact you regarding the application
•Supervising students 23/24 hours a day
•Please be advised fingerprinting is required. Each
prospective chaperone is required to pay the $60
fingerprinting fee. If the fingerprinting screening is
passed, the chaperone will be reimbursed the cost.
•Cost: $375
There will be several fundraisers
generously organized by our Parent Club to
help with the costs of Camp KEEP. We
strongly encourage you to participate in
these fundraisers.
We are asking that you set aside money
each week to put toward your bill.
Payments may be made to the front office.
•Encourage your kids to read! Read with them!
Remember, they need to reach their AR goal each
•Classroom Donations (wish list handout)
•Restroom policy:
•Students may go to the restroom anytime they need as
long as they ask, and did not just come in from
recess/lunch or we are leaving for recess/lunch in a few
•I will only dismiss one student to the restroom at a time.
•Students will be dismissed at 2:05 every Wednesday.
•McAuliffe Elementary
• (661) 665-9471 (Ms. Stone, room 2)
•Send a note 
Thank you for coming to Back to
School Night!
Have a beautiful night!