Source/Museum - Doral Academy Preparatory

Funerary Vase (Krater), Dipylon
Cemetery, or Dipylon Vase
Artist: Attributed to the Hirschfeld
Medium: Ceramic, 42” high
Date: c. 750–700 BCE,
Source/Museum: Dipylon Cemetery,
Athens / The Metropolitan Museum of
Art, New York
Used as a grave marker near Athens
Mourners tearing hair with grief
Geometric patterns, shapes
representing mourners (not realistic)
Note: no reference to afterlife (like on
Egyptian funerary art)
Artist: n/a
Title: Corinthian Olpe (Pitcher)
Medium: Ceramic with black-figure
Size: height 11 ½"
Date: c. 600 BCE Orientalizing Period
Source/Museum: Corinth / The British
Museum, London
•Black figure vase
•Shows Eastern/Oriental influence with
motifs of imaginary animals, plant forms,
from Near East, Asia Minor & Egypt
Artist: Exekias
Title: The Suicide of Ajax
Medium: Ceramic amphora with black-figure
decoration, 27" high (69 cm)
Date: c. 540 BCE Archaic Period
Source/Museum: Château-Musée, Boulognesur-Mer, France
•Stunning composition with shape of figure
echoing form of vase, balanced between
uprights of shield & tree.
•Shows drama of moment when Ajax will
throw himself on his sword.
•Black figure ceramic.
Artist: Euphronios (painter) and Euxitheos (potter)
Title: Death of Sarpedon
Ceramic calyx krater with red-figure decoration,
18" high
Date: c. 515 BCE, Archaic Period
Source/Museum: The Metropolitan Museum of
Art, New York
Euphronius best known red figure artist, illustrating
a story from the Iliad, Sleep & Death carry dead
Trojan warrior from battlefield
Balanced composition, rhythm of decorative bands
echoing the shape of the body and Hermes, guide to
the Underworld
Foreshorteing … such as Sarpedon’s left leg
Not a flashcard but be familiar with this … what type of building
Treasury of the Siphnians, Delphi Sanctuary of Apollo, c. 530-525 BCE archaic
period; filled with relief pedients, caryatids acting as columns, varying depth of relief.
Title: Anavysos Kouros
Medium: Marble with remnants of paint
Size: height 6'4" (1.93 m)
Date: c. 530 BCE - Archaic Period
Source/Museum: Cemetery at Anavysos, near
Athens / National Archaeological Museum, Athens
More naturalistic than New York Kouros (Standing
Archaic style-wiglike hair, archaic smile, stiffly
posed showing Egyptian influence
Male statues always nude (female Kore statues
usually wore clothing)
Originally on a grave, inscription honoring fallen
war hero killed by Ares the war god
Dying Warrior, artist unknown
Medium: Marble, about 6’long
Date: c. 500–490 BCE, Archaic Period..West pediment marked end of Archaic period,
more into early classical, East pediment is more rigid sculptures
Source/Museum: Temple of Aphaia, Aegina (now located in Munich)
Set standard for pediment sculpture, twisted form turning in space, fitting corner of
• Shows fragments reconstructed including
the Dying Warrior
• Note the triangular composition
Marks beginning
of Early Classical
transitioning away
from rigid archaic
poses and
geometric shapes
Kritian Boy, Marble, 3’10”, 480 BCE Early Classical,
Kritios?, contrapossto, natural pose, lifelike. Found in
Spear Bearer (doryphoros, Achilles)
Polykleitos, Roman Copy of orig. bronze 450 BCE
Illustrated Polykleitos canon of proportions which
included symmetria, relationship of weight bearing
and non weight bearing leg
Dynamically balanced pose (spear is lost)
Riace Warrior,
Artist Unknown
High Classical period
460-450 BCE
Found in sea near
Riace, Italy
Impossibly idealized
Detailed glass eyes,
silver teeth, copper lips
Face is of older man,
body of idealized Greek
(We saw these in Art
Made the World,
Artist: Myron
Title: Discus Thrower
Medium: Marble
Size: height 5'11" (1.55 m)
Date: Roman copy after the
original bronze of c. 450
BCE (classical period)
Source/Museum: National
Museum, Rome
•Idealized Olympic athlete
•Balanced form
•Humanism philosophy
•Closed vs. open, curves
vs. angles, moment of
Flashcard image (Temple of Athena Nike)
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are needed to see this picture.
Nike Adjusting Her Sandal,
Artist unknown
Marble, 3’6”, 410 BCE High Classical
Fragment of relief decoration from
Temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis, Athens
Temple was built amphiprostyle plan with
porch at each end, Ionic style
Wings balance her pose
Virtuoso sculptor of the clingy drapery as
Nike balances to adjust her shoe
Model of the Acropolis, 447-432 BCE - Recognize this area.
The Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens. Nw View, 447-432 BCE, Kalikrates & Iktinos
Proportions 4:9, balanced views, narrowing space of corner columns. Glorified
Athens and Athena, masterpiece of sculpture/architecture, Marble. Pediment
sculpture only survives in fragments. Independence, self confidence, pride. Inspired
architecture worldwide, including 19th century US. Symbolizeds human ideals.
Erechtheion. View From The East. Porch of The Maidens At Left; North Porch Can Be Seen
Through The Columns of The East Wall
421-406 BCE Acropolis, Athens
Erechtheion, Acropolis, Athens.
Porch of the Maidens
COLUMNS in classical poses,
closure symmetry and rhythm
Erected under Perikles building
programs to revitalize Athens
Mythical location where Poseidon
and Athena had a contest over
who would rule Athens
Aphrodite of Knidos, Praxiteles
Marble, 6’8” high, (Roman copy)
350 BCE (Late Classical)
Presently located in Vatican museum, Rome
1st Greek female nude goddess
(other female nudes were courtesans, etc.)
Humanized mature woman, ready to bathe,
everyday activity rather than idealized battle
scene or athletic event.
Possibly merging Babylonian goddess Ishtar
with Aphrodite, Ishtar was almost always
shown Nude
Gradual acceptance of female nudes in
Greek art
Temple of the Olympian
Zeus, Athens
Corinthian columns
Built & rebuilt during 520
BCE to 132 CE
Dying Gallic Trumpeter (flashcard)
Epigonos? 220 bce
Sanctuary of Athena in Pergamon
Expressionism characteristic of Hellenistic
Gauls were Celtic people conquered during
this period
Roman copy from garden of Julius Caesar
Flashcard Image
Original 2nd century BCE
Maybe Roman copy
QuickTime™ and a
are needed to see this picture.
Pergamene style - complex
composition illustrating
episode from Trojan War…
Laocon told Trojans to
beware Greeks bearing
gifts (Trojan Horse)
Gods retaliated….
Nike (Victory) of Samothrace
Marble, 8’ high
180 BCE Hellenestic Period
Located in Louvre, Paris
Pergamene style, very theatrical
Heavy wings balance forward thrust of body
Masterpiece with draperies, motion
Commemorates military victory at sea (landing on
ship’s prow)
Aphrodite of Melos (Venus de Milo)
Marble, 150-100 BCE, Hellenestic
Artist unknown
Located at Louvre
Renewed interest in styles of Praxiteles and
heavier proportion of High Classical period but
twisting perspective of Hellenestic period
Drapery falling off gives note of erotic tension