ATTENDANCE POLICY ** 2012-2013** 1. SCHOOL TARDIES: Students late to school will report directly to class until 7:45 and will be recorded as an unexcused tardy by the teacher. Students will sign in through the front office after 7:45. Unexcused tardies include but are not limited to: car trouble, illness, oversleeping, missing the bus, alarm malfunction, traffic, weather, DMV, etc. An excused tardy must be accompanied by a note from the medical office confirming an appointment or official documentation confirming a court appearance; students will sign in through the main office. 2. CLASS TARDIES: Students arriving to class after the final bell will be admitted into class and be recorded as tardy by their teacher. A student is considered skipping if he/she arrives to class more than five minutes after the final bell. Students acquiring an excessive amount of tardies will be addressed by an administrator and consequences will be assigned. 3. EARLY DISMISSAL POLICY: In an effort to reduce truancy, early dismissal requests are not permitted by phone. The following policy is in effect: Student Drivers must present an early dismissal note to the main office before 7:15. Please include the child’s full name, reason for release, time, parent name, and a phone number where parent may be reached between 7:15 and 9:00a.m. Once the note is confirmed with a parent/guardian, the student will receive a pass, which will allow them to leave class at the designated time. If the note cannot be confirmed, the student will not be permitted to leave campus. If an early dismissal becomes necessary after the student arrives to school and the policy could not be followed, the parent is required to sign the student out at the main office. Non Drivers: Parents must check students out in the main office. Last check out for the day is 1:50pm. *Any student requiring early dismissal due to illness will be required to be evaluated by the nurse prior to being released from school. *Early dismissal during finals week is NOT permitted; students are expected to stay for review sessions. 4 PERIOD/DAILY ABSENCE: Teachers record attendance each period Students must be present for more than 50% of the class to be counted present for that class. A student is required to be in attendance for two full periods a day to be counted present for the day. An absence is recorded for period/periods missed due to late check-in or early dismissal. 5 EDUCATIONAL ABSENCE: An educational absence form needs to be completed and returned to the attendance office 5 days prior to the requested absence. CMS guidelines will be used by the administration to determine if the trip is excused or unexcused; this form is located in Student Services. 6 COLLEGE VISITS: Juniors & Seniors receive verified college interview days. The number of days allowed per semester is determined by CMS. Students must follow the procedure noted above concerning the educational absence form. A letterhead from the college verifying the visit is required upon return for the day to be coded as a college visit. 7 CMS/STATE ATTENDANCE: The Charlotte Mecklenburg Board of Education policy and Compulsory Attendance law (GS-115C-378) states that parents and guardians are responsible for seeing that their children attend school each day it is in session. Under this law, the parent may be prosecuted in a criminal action if a student, under the age of 16, and has10 unlawful absences. A notification letter is sent by mail stating that legal action will be taken when a student has reached this absence level. 8 RECOVERY: Based on state mandate, students accumulating more than 10 absences, excused or unexcused per class for a 4 X 4 course or an A day/B day course will receive a grade of “F” for the course. CMS has a Recovery Policy in place for students with more than 10 absences; students have an opportunity to recover all absences over 10. Teachers are responsible for all aspects of the recovery process and will notify the student if and when recovery becomes necessary. 9 CMS EXCUSED DAILY ABSENCES: Included in this category are: illness, medical appointments, religious observance, death of an immediate family member, court appearance and approved educational opportunities (see policy #5&6). Notification of an absence can be made in one of the following methods: parent note to the attendance office within 5 days of the student’s return, e-mail **Students returning to school following an absence are responsible for making up missed work. Attendance office: Phone: 980-343-5988 Fax#: 980-343-0930 E-mail: