Sample 5-Day Absence Letter for Parents

Form JB-3
One Team, One Goal: Student Success
(cut and paste letter on school letter head)
Date :
Re :
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian:
Attendance is an essential component to a student’s academic success. Often, the number of days that students
are absent accumulates without parents realizing how many days have been missed.
This letter is to inform you that your child has accumulated at least five (5) unexcused absences. At this time,
you and your child have an opportunity to work towards improving attendance without further intervention.
However, after seven (7) unexcused absences, the school may ask the School Social Worker to work with you
and your child to address attendance.
Pursuant to the Georgia Compulsory Attendance Statute, O.C.G.A. & 20-2-690, et seq., if your student’s
attendance does not improve, this situation may be reported to the courts for enforcement.
We look forward to working with you to improve your child’s attendance. Please contact us if there is any way
that we can assist in this process. Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.
cc : School Social Worker
8/25/15: School Social Work
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