Harry Robert*s Nursery New Families Newsletter

Harry Robert’s Nursery New Families Newsletter
(And a reminder to old families!)
‘Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world’
Nelson Mandela
Dear Families,
Welcome to Harry Roberts. I am Alex and I am the Head teacher. (The staff
notice board in reception will allow you to identify other staff.). Most of you
should have met me by now and I look forward to getting to know you better.
At Harry Roberts we value your child’s emotional wellbeing especially. We want
your child to feel happy, secure and confident so that they learn best. We also
want them to enjoy their childhood and have fun learning.
So from the very beginning we appreciate that if we work together, we can help
your child more. Their early education is vital in giving them a good start in
life and is indeed a powerful weapon.
In this newsletter I share some key information with you to support us working
Let’s make the most of your child’s nursery education together.
Take care,
Open Door Policy/Making an appointment
We operate an ‘open door’ policy, which means you can just come and see me when it is convenient for you.
Naturally there will be times when I am busy so I will arrange another suitable time to see you. (Just to
reassure you, it does not mean that the school door is always open!)
Staff are also happy to see you at a mutually convenient time. If you want to share something in confidence,
please let us know and we can arrange a private space.
Coming into School
Please wait under the shelter until 8.55am. You are allowed to wait in the entrance hall from 8.55am but not
before. This is for health and safety reasons. The nursery classroom’s door will open at 9am.
Also for health and safety reasons, please leave buggies and prams outside. Keep younger children with you at
all times. We would really appreciate your support in this matter.
We do not use mobile phones in the nursery.
Parents Make a Difference
Research shows it is not who parents are that makes the difference but what they do. So if you spend time
talking, reading and supporting your child you will enhance their wellbeing, progress and future academic
Schools make a bigger difference if they help parents to help their children. If you need support to help your
children, please follow up learning ideas suggested below in the homework section or ask us. You will have
high aspirations and expectations for your child and we will too.
Settling In
(See settling in policy)
During the settling in period, when you begin to leave your child, you can wait in the community room if it is
free or in the seated area of the entrance hall.
Learning at Harry Roberts
We follow the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum) and our curriculum is based on play and on
children’s needs and interests
More information on this curriculum is in a separate booklet or on our website or by looking on the Internet.
We will also have coffee mornings, workshops and newsletters on various aspects of learning and you are all
welcome. If you are a working parent and cannot attend events we can arrange an alternative time to talk.
Homework/Learning at Home
We do encourage you very much to support your child at home.
For homework we will expect you to:
Talk, talk, and talk!
Children who come from ‘high talk’ families, families where there is a lot of talk go on to do well as a
rich vocabulary supports good progress and achievement.
(We often send newsletters/photos home of school events so that you can talk to your child about
Praise your child when they achieve a new thing such as fastening their coat independently
Read and share books with your child
Share your child’s special book with them and contribute to it
Follow up the homework/home learning ideas suggested in the regular newsletter
We will often give out some homework at the end of the week based on the learning that week.
Take your child out in the local area and visit places such as Stepney City Farm, Mile End Park, Shandy
Park and Sainsbury’s
The following events take place, in school; weekly to help you support your child at home.
Book Borrowing
Book borrowing takes place on a Monday from 9-9.30am and 3-3.30pm in the East end classroom. Ayesha is
the person to see and you can borrow books for the week. Books included support the learning happening in
the nursery.
Special Book Drop in
This takes place in the community room on Tuesday mornings. Please ask your child’s key person to show you
their special book and explain what a special book is.
Toy Library
Toy library takes place on a Wednesday from 9-9.30am and 3-3.30pm in the community room. Once again see
Sharing Progress
We will share your child’s progress with you once a term. However you are welcome to discuss your child with
their key person more regularly and informally at a convenient time, perhaps when dropping off.
We are keen for you to share progress and stories from home with us. You will receive a written report at the
end of the year.
SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)
If you think your child may have some additional needs, please talk to their teacher or myself. I am also the
SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator).
Safeguarding and Child Protection
These issues are of high importance to us and we will always act to keep the children safe. If you have any
concerns, do talk to me. I am the child protection coordinator. If I am not available you should speak to Davina
Adebowale or call the child protection duty line - 0207 364 3444. We will give you a copy of our child
protection leaflet.
Child Protection is everyone’s concern.
The Office
As we share the building with Ocean Children’s centre, we share the office with their team. If you require any
help from the office please ask to speak to Helen or Ash. If they are not around just leave a message with the
children’s centre staff that are also happy to help if they can.
Dinner Money
Dinner money should be paid in the office. It is great if you can put it in an envelope every Monday marked
with your child’s name and class. The office can provide these. Please do not let dinner money debts build up.
Talk to us.
Attendance and Punctuality
Good habits of attendance start young. Please do not keep your child away from school without a good reason.
Certificates of good attendance are awarded at the end of each term. Our target is 96% attendance or above.
Everyday your child is away from school; you must call us and give the reason (0207 790 6711.)
Please also avoid taking your child out of school early and if you do need to please inform us when you drop
them off.
Extended Leave Policy (Holidays during term time)
It is Tower Hamlets policy not to allow extended leave or holidays in term time. The governors of the school
support this policy. If you still decide to go on extended leave during the term, you must meet with the head
teacher and complete a form. You should be aware that you could lose your place.
Lateness policy
If your child is going to be late please call us by 9.30am, especially if they are full time and will need a lunch.
After 9.30 we will not be able to book them a lunch and you will have to provide lunch.
Collecting Children
If someone different from the named adults is collecting your child please inform us in advance. We do not
allow people less than 14 years of age to collect our children. You can expect a call from us to check if you
send a person unknown to us to collect your child.
Parental Involvement
Parents, grandparents and other family members are actively encouraged to get involved in school and we are
particularly keen for you to accompany us on trips, swimming and Forest School. Please talk to me if you are
interested in getting involved.
Support for Parents
We offer a range of courses such as ‘Learning through Play’, ‘Fun with Phonics’ and many more to support
parents in helping their children at home. Watch out for details in the newsletters and on posters or speak to
Ayesha, our parent support partner.
Healthy Eating
We have been awarded “Healthy Early Years’ status again and we actively encourage healthy eating. You are
asked to make a voluntary contribution of £1 each half term, to help us provide healthy snacks (Menu is
displayed in the entrance hall). We also ask you to contribute fruit, which we share at snack time and at the
end of the day. Fruit is shared at the end of the day as children are hungry then and we wish to discourage
parents from bringing sweets!
At Harry Roberts we encourage the children and their families to learn about different cultures and share each
other’s celebrations.
If you wish us to celebrate your child’s birthday, then please provide us with a selection of fruit, which your
child can share with their classmates. Sweets and cakes are not encouraged. We have to aware that there are
children with allergies.
Clothing and Shoes
Please send your children to school dressed appropriately for the weather and suitable footwear for playing.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum states that children should have access to outside play as much as
possible, so we go outside in all kinds of weathers. Be prepared!
At school learning can be messy and lots of fun, so no best clothes please! Remember to label clothing.
Toilet training
By the age of three, when children start nursery, they should be toilet trained unless they have additional
needs. If you are experiencing problems with this, please talk to us. However we may defer a nursery place if a
child is not toilet trained and there is no special need. Many children will have the odd accident and this is fine.
Nappies should not be worn to school. Elasticated waists on clothes help children cope independently with the
toilet. (Toilet training leaflet available)
Children’s Centre
The children’s centre team are also available to support families who live locally with children under 5 or who
are expecting a baby. Do ask for their timetable or more information on services they offer. Some of the things
they can help with are parenting skills, challenging behaviour, employment advice and courses
Further Information
You can find further information in our prospectus and our website and by talking to us.