Summer term 2014(1) - Harry Roberts Nursery School

Harry Roberts Summer 2014
20th of May 2014
Harry Roberts Summer Term Newsletter 2014
Our attendance has picked up a bit.
Keep up the good work. Do call
us every day your child is absent.
0207 790 6711
Dates for the Diary
'Mini mes' ( small photos children can use in their play)
Walk to School Week walkThursday the 22nd of May at
Message from the head teacher
Holiday begins - Monday 26th of
May for a week
Dear All,
Inset day (teacher’s training day)
Monday 2nd of June
Well we are almost at the end of the busy first half of the summer
term and I hope you have met our chicks.
Return to school - Tuesday the
3rd of June
Zoo Trip - Thursday the 19th of
June (more details to follow)
This week we are celebrating Walk to School Week. So join us at
2.30pm on Thursday to walk round Shandy Park and promote
walking as a healthy activity.
New Staff and
We are delighted to welcome some new staff and three new
governors. Their photos will soon be added to our staff and
governor's noticeboard.
Kochi joins us in the office on
Tuesday and Wednesdays as
Ash has reduced her hours.
Take care,
Lisa joins us as a casual
midday assistant.
Jane, the teacher in Red Team,
who has been on long term
supply, will join us as a
permanent member of staff in
Harry Roberts Nursery
Harry Roberts Summer 2014
20th of May 2014
New Governors
Corrianne (Imogen's mum) and
Christianah (Moriah's mum) both
join us parent governors.
Beatrice Merrick, the Chief
Executive of Early Education,
(Education charity) joins us as a
community governor.
Parent's views
Thank you for your attendance at the
Parents Voice session and completing
the parent questionnaire. The report
is back and thank you for all your
positive comments. It is good to feel
Thank you also for your ideas on how
we can improve our practice.
I'll soon be sharing the responses with
you and answering some of your
Don't forget you can express your
views on the Ofsted website
Children’s Progress
Next half term you will be invited to
meet your child's key person to
discuss their end of nursery report and
Our Learning
This term we have focussed on our ECaT ( Every
Child a Talker) work. This work is about supporting
children's talk and vocabulary development. This is
especially important to ensure that children do well in
their future learning and achieve academic success.
Have you had the All about Me box yet?
Helping at Home: Get out and About
You can help at home by talking to your children.
The staff have been trying some great ideas to inspire
the children to talk.
Talk! Talk! Talk!
Give them something to talk about. Get them out and
In the holidays be sure to visit some of the fantastic
places in our local environment : Stepney City Farm,
Mile End Park, The Idea Store, The Ragged School
Museum and if you are feeling a bit more adventurous
take the 339 bus or tube to the fantastic Queen
Elizabeth Olympic Park. It's my new favourite place.
Take your towels and run through the fountains. Go on
have fun!
Sing the rhymes the children have been learning in
Make a story box or an All about Me Box at home.
Goldilocks Story box to encourage the children to role
play and tell the story.
Open Day
Thank you to those of you who attended
our open day. The children loved having
their parents in school.
Harry Roberts Nursery