General Chemistry Semester 1 Study Guide

General Chemistry Semester 1 Study Guide 2014
Unit 1…Measurement & Classification of Matter
1. Which of the following units express volume?
mL mol K kJ L cm3
List the SI units for:
mass ____kg_____ temp. _K___
length ___m_______ time ___s__
energy _J_
3. What is a conversion factor?
a fraction where the top and bottom are equal (ex: 1 ft /12 in)
4. What do these prefixes mean?
a. a) kilo1000
b) centi
5. How many seconds are in a year?
31,536,000 s
6. Convert 62 hm to meters.
7. Convert 800 mg to g.
0.8 g
8. How many sig figs are in each number?
a. __4___7065 __4___10.04 ___3__3.50
b. __2___350 __2___0.056 ___4__0.02030
c) milli 0.001
9. Round the following to 3 sig figs.
a. __35.3_____35.27 b. __87.3_____87.257
c. __7.54_____7.535
d. __56.4___56.45
10. Put these numbers in scientific notation.
a. ___6.03 x 108___603000000 _____4.7 x 10-7_________ 0.00000047
11. Add the following numbers and report your answer to the correct # of sig figs.
+ 2.32148
36.88928………. 36.8893
12. Multiply the following numbers and report your answer to the correct # of sig
12.5 x 3.241 = 40.5
General Chemistry Semester 1 Study Guide 2014
13. Match the terms with appropriate examples.
__d___ability to burn
a) physical change
__b___red in color
b) physical property
__a___cut paper
c) chemical change
__c___rusted metal
d) chemical property
14. Match the items with the correct classification.
__d___vegetable soup
a) element
b) compound
c) homogeneous mixture
d) heterogeneous mixture
Unit 2 … Intro to Atomic Theory
1. List the 3 subatomic particles, their charges, location, and mass.
a. Electron (-) electron cloud (mass = 1/2000 amu)
b. Proton (+) nucleus (1 amu)
c. Neutron (0) nucleus (1 amu)
2. How many protons, neutrons, & electrons are in the isotope:
p = 4 e = 4 n = 5 (9-4)
4𝐵𝑒 ?
3. What is an isotope?
Isotopes are atoms of the same element that vary in mass
because they vary in the number of neutrons they have.
4. What are two ways to designate an isotope?
A hyphen notation
Ex: carbon-14
Nuclear symbol
5. What is the atomic number of Nitrogen?
6. What is the atomic mass of nitrogen?
14.00 amu
7. Review the models of the atom and check them off as you go.
a. _____Thompson plum pudding, equal distribution of electrons in positive
b. _____Rutherford electron cloud is mostly empty space, atom has a dense
positively charged center
c. _____Bohr shows electron cloud being made of orbits or energy levels,
electron location can be calculated, electrons orbit the nucleus
d. _____Quantum electrons move randomly inside of orbitals 90% of the
time, Electron location cannot be calculated
General Chemistry Semester 1 Study Guide 2014
8. State the Periodic Law. The repeating properties of the elements are a function of
the atomic numbers
9. How many valence electrons do each of the following atoms have?
K __1__
b. Ca __2___ c. Ga __3___ d. Ge __4__
As __5__
f. Se ___6__ g. Br __7___ h. Kr__8___
10. Horizontal rows on the table are called_____periods___________ while vertical
columns are called ____groups_____________ or ___families____________.
11. Classify each of the following elements as a metal, nonmetal or metalloid.
a. Mo _m____ b. Cs __m___ c. Si _ml____ d. S __nm__
12. Find these groups on the periodic table and check them off as you go.
Lanthanides ___actinides ___ transition elements __ representative elements ___
Top of f block, bottom of f block, d & f blocks,
s & p blocks
13. Which block is lead in on the periodic table?
Pb is in the p block
Unit 3…Modern Atomic Theory
1. Draw electron dot formulas for the atoms below.
a) K
b) S
c) Ca
d) Si
K has 1 dot
Si has 4 singles
S has 2 pairs and 2 singles
Xe has 4 pairs
e) Xe
Ca has 2 singles
2. Write electron configurations for the elements below.
a) Na 1s22s22p63s1
b) Li 1s22s1
c) P 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p
d) F 1s22s22p5
3. What is the electron configurations for:
a. Na 1s22s22p63s1
c. Cu 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d9
b. Ar 1s22s22p63s23p6
4. How many principle energy levels are there and how many electrons can each
hold? (2n2) 1…2 2…8 3…18 4…32 5…50 6…72 7…98
5. How many sublevel types are there and how many can each hold?
4 s…2 p…6 d…10 f…14
General Chemistry Semester 1 Study Guide 2014
6. What is the difference between a 2p orbital and a 3p orbital?
A 3p orbital would be higher in energy and further from the
7. How does the ground state of an electron differ from the excited state?
The ground state is closer to the nucleus and lower in energy
8. What are the 4 quantum numbers?
Principle (1-7), orbital (s,p,d,f), magnetic (px), spin (↑)
9. If a wavelength of a band of light is known to be 3.45 x 10-7 m, what is the
frequency of this band? (c = 3.0 x 108 m/s)
c = λν 3.00 x 108 = 3.45 x 10-7(ν)
ν = 8.69 x 1014
10. Do atoms get bigger or smaller as you read from left to right on the periodic
table? ___smaller___________
11. Which element would be bigger, Ba or Ca?
12. Which element would have the higher ionization energy, Cl or Na?
Unit 4…Nuclear Chemistry
1. List the 3 types of radiation and what substance can block each.
a. alpha…paper
b. beta…aluminum
c. gamma…lead
2. If phosphorous-32 has a half-life of 14.3 days, how many days will it take for a
radioactive sample to decay to 1/8 its size? 42.9 days (It takes 3 half lives to decay to 1/8)
3. Complete the nuclear equations.
General Chemistry Semester 1 Study Guide 2014
Unit 5… Ionic Compounds
1. How does bond length relater to bond energy?
The longer the bond the less energy it takes to break them.
2. What are the 2 types of covalent bonds and how do they differ?
In polar bonds atoms share electrons unequally. In nonpolar bonds atoms
share electrons equally
3. What type of bond will a molecule have? A covalent bond
4. What type of bond will a formula unit have? An ionic bond
5. What properties are shared by metals? Good conductors of heat and electricity
6. What do the terms, ductility and malleability mean?
Ductility = can be pulled into a wire
Malleability = can be pounded into a shape
Is Al3+ a cation or an anion?
9. If S were to ionize, would it lose or gain electrons? How many? 2
10. How many valence electrons do elements need to be stable 8
11. Name the isoelectric partners of the following ions. (Which element has the same
electron configuration as this ion?)
a. Ca+2 _Ar____ b. I-1 _Xe____ c. Al +3__Ne___
d. O-2 __Ne___
12. Name the following compounds:
a. KCl potassium chloride
b. MgI2 magnesium iodide
c. AgI silver(I)iodide
d. CaBr2 calcium bromide
e. Li2O lithium oxide
f. CuCl copper chloride
g. SnF2 tin(II)fluoride
h. FeBr3 iron(III)bromide
13. Write formulas for the following compounds:
a. lead(IV)chloride PbCl4
b. sodium fluoride NaF
c. cesium sulfide
e. magnesium oxide MgO
d. beryllium nitride Be3N2
f. potassium oxide K2O
General Chemistry Semester 1 Study Guide 2014
14. How many atoms of each element type are in the formula: Mg(C2H3O2)2
Mg = 1 C=4 H=6 O=4
15. Write the formulas for:
a. iron (III)sulfate
c. tin(II)iodate
b. copper(II)sulfite CuSO3
Sn(IO3 )
d. calcium nitite Ca(NO2)2
16. Name these ternary compounds:
a. SrClO3
strontium chlorate
c. NH4NO2
ammonium nitrite
b. AgClO3 silver(I)chlorate
d. Cu3(PO4)2 copper(II)phosphate
Unit 6… Covalent Compounds
1. Name the following covalent compounds.
a. CO2
carbon dioxide
b. N2 O
dinitogen monoxide
c. PCl3
phosphorous trichloride
d. CS4
carbon tetrasulfide
e. CS2
carbon disulfide
f. OF2
oxygen difluoride
8. Draw a Lewis structure for PCl3.
9. Draw a structural formula for C2H4.
10. What is the molecular geometry of PCl3? triangular pyramidal
11. What is the molecular geometry for CH4? tetrahedral
12. List the 3 intermolecular forces. London Dispersion, H. bonding , dipole-dipole
10. Which intermolecular force is the weakest? __________________
London Dispersion
General Chemistry Semester 1 Study Guide 2014
Unit 7 Phases of Matter
1. List the 4 phases of matter.
solid, liquid, gas, plasma
2. The particles of a solid are…
a) packed closely together
c) constantly moving past each other
b) very far apart
d) in few numbers per unit space
3. To find the volume of a regular object, one multiplies length times width.
How could you find the volume of an irregular object, such as a pencil?
water displacement
4. If 40 g of a liquid occupies 16 mL, what is its density?
g? = 40 g = 2.5 g/mL
mL 16 g
5. When solids convert to liquids this is called _______________.melting
6. When liquids convert to solids this is called _______________. freezing
7. When gases converts to liquids this is called _______________.vaporization
8. When liquids convert to gases this is called ________________.condensation
9. When gases convert to solids this is called _________________.sublimation
10. When solids convert to gases this is called _________________.deposition
11. What is the opposite of each phase change?
a. condensation _________________
b. melting ______________________ freezing
c. sublimation__________________
12. When a strong acid is mixed rapidly with a strong base, the resulting solution gives
off heat. Is this reaction exothermic or endothermic?
13. Convert 345 K to ºC. __________________ 72 ºC.
14. Convert 23 ºC to K. ___________________ 296 K
15. Write one of the specific heat formulas and define each symbol?
Q = m x ∆T x cp
Q = heat lost or gained
M = mass
∆T = change of temperature
General Chemistry Semester 1 Study Guide 2014
Cp = specific heat
16. What units are used to express the symbols in the specific heat equation?
Q = Joules
m= grams
∆T = ºC
cp = Joules
g ºC
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