EUROPEAN UNION EN COTER-VI/009 COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS 116th PLENARY SESSION 10-11 February 2016 AMENDMENTS DRAFT OPINION Committee of the Regions' Plenary Session INDICATORS FOR TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT – GDP AND BEYOND _________________ Rapporteur: Catiuscia Marini (IT/PES) President of the Umbria Region _________________ COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 EN ORDRE D'EXAMEN DES AMENDEMENTS ORDER OF EXAMINATION OF AMENDMENTS Auteur Author Am. 1 MARINI Catiuscia BALAS TORRES Rosa BORE Albert BRIGHT Robert DELEBARRE Michel FREEHILL Mary HÄUPL Michael KATSIFARAS Apostolos OSVALD Petr PEEL Kevin PUIG I FERRER Ximo TŰTTÖ Kata ZRIHEN Olga Am. 2 MARTÍNEZ SUÁREZ Guillermo ARMENGOL I SOCIAS Francina ELORZA ZUBIRÍA María Ángeles GAMALLO ALLER Jesús HERRERA CAMPO Juan Vicente SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ Pedro Antonio Am. 3 HERRERA CAMPO Juan Vicente FERNÁNDEZ MARISCAL Cruz GAMALLO ALLER Jesús MARÍN MARTÍNEZ Nuria MARTÍNEZ SUÁREZ Guillermo SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ Pedro Antonio CdR n° CoR Point Conséquence sur les autres amendements Impact on other amendments Position du rapporteur Position of the rapporteur 8 Modifier Amend 9 Modifier Amend 9 Modifier Amend COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 Résultat Outcome Auteur Author Am. 4 MARINI Catiuscia BALAS TORRES Rosa BORE Albert BRIGHT Robert DELEBARRE Michel FREEHILL Mary HÄUPL Michael KATSIFARAS Apostolos OSVALD Petr PEEL Kevin PUIG I FERRER Ximo TŰTTÖ Kata ZRIHEN Olga Am. 5 KALOGEROPOULOS Dimitrios CHIOTAKIS Nikolaos KATSIFARAS Apostolos KOURAKIS Ioannis SGOUROS Ioannis SPYRIDON Spyros Am. 6 MARQUES Mário Sérgio Quaresma AZEVEDO João BRAGANÇA FERNANDES António CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando GOMES Luís HORTA Basílio Am. 7 MARTÍNEZ SUÁREZ Guillermo ARMENGOL I SOCIAS Francina ELORZA ZUBIRÍA María Ángeles GAMALLO ALLER Jesús HERRERA CAMPO Juan Vicente SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ Pedro Antonio CdR n° CoR Point Conséquence sur les autres amendements Impact on other amendments Position du rapporteur Position of the rapporteur 11 Modifier Amend 13 Modifier Amend 13 Modifier Amend 13 Modifier Amend COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 Résultat Outcome Auteur Author CdR n° CoR Point Am. 8 Ajouter un nouveau paragraphe après le paragraphe 17 Add a new point after point 17 MARINI Catiuscia BALAS TORRES Rosa BORE Albert BRIGHT Robert DELEBARRE Michel FREEHILL Mary HÄUPL Michael KATSIFARAS Apostolos OSVALD Petr PEEL Kevin PUIG I FERRER Ximo TŰTTÖ Kata ZRIHEN Olga Am. 9 Conséquence sur les autres amendements Impact on other amendments Position du rapporteur Position of the rapporteur Ajouter un nouveau MARQUES Mário Sérgio paragraphe après le paragraphe 21 Quaresma Add a new point AZEVEDO João BRAGANÇA FERNANDES after point 21 António CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando GOMES Luís HORTA Basílio Ajouter un Am. 10 nouveau MARQUES Mário Sérgio paragraphe après le paragraphe 21 Quaresma Add a new point AZEVEDO João BRAGANÇA FERNANDES after point 21 António CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando GOMES Luís HORTA Basílio Am. 11 22 Modifier Amend KALOGEROPOULOS Dimitrios CHIOTAKIS Nikolaos KATSIFARAS Apostolos KOURAKIS Ioannis SGOUROS Ioannis SPYRIDON Spyros COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 Résultat Outcome Auteur Author CdR n° CoR Point Am. 12 Ajouter un nouveau paragraphe après le paragraphe 23 Add a new point after point 23 PUIG I FERRER Ximo ARMENGOL I SOCIAS Francina BARCOS BERRUEZO Miren Uxue FERNÁNDEZ MARISCAL Cruz GAMALLO ALLER Jesús HERRERA CAMPO Juan Vicente MARTÍNEZ SUÁREZ Guillermo Am. 13 BIANCHI Matteo Luigi ÁRGYELÁN János D'ATTIS Mauro DE MEO Salvatore GAMBACORTA Domenico KERESZTES László Lóránt KOVÁCS Raymund MAGYAR Anna ZAIA Luca Am. 14 FERNÁNDEZ MARISCAL Cruz ARMENGOL I SOCIAS Francina CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando ELORZA ZUBIRÍA María Ángeles GAMALLO ALLER Jesús IBARROLA DE LA FUENTE Yolanda Am. 15 MARTÍNEZ SUÁREZ Guillermo ARMENGOL I SOCIAS Francina ELORZA ZUBIRÍA María Ángeles GAMALLO ALLER Jesús HERRERA CAMPO Juan Vicente SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ Pedro Antonio Conséquence sur les autres amendements Impact on other amendments Position du rapporteur Position of the rapporteur 24 Modifier Amend 24 Modifier Amend 24 Modifier Amend COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 Résultat Outcome Auteur Author Am. 16 KALOGEROPOULOS Dimitrios CHIOTAKIS Nikolaos KATSIFARAS Apostolos KOURAKIS Ioannis SGOUROS Ioannis SPYRIDON Spyros Am. 17 MARQUES Mário Sérgio Quaresma AZEVEDO João BRAGANÇA FERNANDES António CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando GOMES Luís HORTA Basílio Am. 18 SONDEREGGER Harald BUCHMANN Christian HÄUPL Michael ILLEDITS Christian KAISER Peter LINHART Markus PRÖLL Erwin SCHADEN Heinz SCHAUSBERGER Franz SIGL Viktor VAN STAA Herwig WAGNER Hanspeter Am. 19 ZIMOLA Jiři BENEŠÍK Ondřej BRANDA Pavel FRAŇKOVÁ Štĕpánka JIRÁNEK Dan JURÁNEK Stanislav KRNÁČOVÁ Adriana LÍNEK Roman NOVOTNÝ Josef OSVALD Petr VAŇHOVÁ Jana VLASÁK Oldřich ZACHARIAŠ István CdR n° CoR Point Conséquence sur les autres amendements Impact on other amendments Position du rapporteur Position of the rapporteur 24 Modifier Amend 25 Modifier Amend 26 Modifier Amend Ajouter un nouveau paragraphe après le paragraphe 26 Add a new point after point 26 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 Résultat Outcome Auteur Author Am. 20 HERRERA CAMPO Juan Vicente BALAS TORRES Rosa FERNÁNDEZ MARISCAL Cruz GAMALLO ALLER Jesús MARTÍNEZ SUÁREZ Guillermo SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ Pedro Antonio Am. 21 ZIMOLA Jiři BENEŠÍK Ondřej BRANDA Pavel FRAŇKOVÁ Štĕpánka JIRÁNEK Dan JURÁNEK Stanislav KRNÁČOVÁ Adriana LÍNEK Roman NOVOTNÝ Josef OSVALD Petr VAŇHOVÁ Jana VLASÁK Oldřich ZACHARIAŠ István Am. 22 BRANDA Pavel BENEŠÍK Ondřej FRAŇKOVÁ Štĕpánka JIRÁNEK Dan OSVALD Petr VLASÁK Oldřich ZIMOLA Jiři Am. 23 CdR n° CoR Point Conséquence sur les autres amendements Impact on other amendments Position du rapporteur Position of the rapporteur 27 Modifier Amend Ajouter un nouveau paragraphe après le paragraphe 27 Add a new point after point 27 Ajouter un nouveau paragraphe après le paragraphe 28 Add a new point after point 28 Ajouter un nouveau MARQUES Mário Sérgio paragraphe après le paragraphe 32 Quaresma Add a new point AZEVEDO João BRAGANÇA FERNANDES after point 32 António CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando GOMES Luís HORTA Basílio COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 Résultat Outcome Auteur Author Am. 24 MARQUES Mário Sérgio Quaresma AZEVEDO João BRAGANÇA FERNANDES António CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando GOMES Luís HORTA Basílio Am. 25 MARINI Catiuscia BALAS TORRES Rosa BORE Albert BRIGHT Robert DELEBARRE Michel FREEHILL Mary HÄUPL Michael KATSIFARAS Apostolos OSVALD Petr PEEL Kevin PUIG I FERRER Ximo TŰTTÖ Kata ZRIHEN Olga Am. 26 HERRERA CAMPO Juan Vicente BALAS TORRES Rosa FERNÁNDEZ MARISCAL Cruz GAMALLO ALLER Jesús MARTÍNEZ SUÁREZ Guillermo SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ Pedro Antonio Am. 27 BIANCHI Matteo Luigi ÁRGYELÁN János D'ATTIS Mauro DE MEO Salvatore GAMBACORTA Domenico KERESZTES László Lóránt KOMPATSCHER Arno ZAIA Luca CdR n° CoR Point Conséquence sur les autres amendements Impact on other amendments Position du rapporteur Position of the rapporteur 34 Modifier Amend 35 Modifier Amend 42 Modifier Amend 45 Modifier Amend COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 Résultat Outcome Auteur Author CdR n° CoR Point Conséquence sur les autres amendements Impact on other amendments Position du rapporteur Position of the rapporteur Ajouter un nouveau paragraphe après MARQUES Mário Sérgio le paragraphe 46 Quaresma Add a new point AZEVEDO João BRAGANÇA FERNANDES after point 46 António CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando GOMES Luís HORTA Basílio Am. 28 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 Résultat Outcome AMENDMENT 1 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 8 Amend text as follows: Draft opinion underlines the importance of carefully assessing the need for, and the feasibility and consequences of, additional benchmarks, indicators and methods before going ahead and developing them; believes that there is sufficient time to carry out an in-depth analysis here ahead of the next programming period; MARINI Catiuscia BALAS TORRES Rosa BORE Albert BRIGHT Robert DELEBARRE Michel FREEHILL Mary HÄUPL Michael KATSIFARAS Apostolos OSVALD Petr PEEL Kevin PUIG I FERRER Ximo TŰTTÖ Kata ZRIHEN Olga Amendment underlines the importance of carefully assessing the need for, and the feasibility and consequences of, additional benchmarks, indicators and methods already tested or used at territorial level; believes that there is sufficient time to carry out an in-depth analysis here to feed into the debates on the next programming period; Reason Self-explanatory. Am. 1 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 2 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 9 MARTÍNEZ SUÁREZ Guillermo ARMENGOL I SOCIAS Francina ELORZA ZUBIRÍA María Ángeles GAMALLO ALLER Jesús HERRERA CAMPO Juan Vicente SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ Pedro Antonio Amends as follows: Draft opinion Amendment underlines the challenge of a growing territorial divide in Europe with regard, inter alia, to public and private investment, innovation, digital services, productivity, employment and poverty, and asks the European Commission to take this into account when assessing EU policies and designing new policy instruments; underlines the challenge of a growing territorial divide in Europe with regard, inter alia, to public and private investment, innovation, digital services, productivity, population trends, employment and poverty, and asks the European Commission to take this into account when assessing EU policies and designing new policy instruments; Reason The discussion on territorial development indicators cannot overlook the effects of urban concentration or rural depopulation on demographic trends in regions. Am. 2 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 3 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 9 HERRERA CAMPO Juan Vicente FERNÁNDEZ MARISCAL Cruz GAMALLO ALLER Jesús MARÍN MARTÍNEZ Nuria MARTÍNEZ SUÁREZ Guillermo SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ Pedro Antonio Amends as follows: Draft opinion underlines the challenge of a growing territorial divide in Europe with regard, inter alia, to public and private investment, innovation, digital services, productivity, employment and poverty, and asks the European Commission to take this into account when assessing EU policies and designing new policy instruments; Amendment underlines the challenge of a growing territorial divide in Europe with regard, inter alia, to public and private investment, innovation, digital services, productivity, employment and poverty and population trends and asks the European Commission to take this into account when assessing EU policies and designing new policy instruments; Reason The challenge of a growing territorial divide in Europe also stems from current differences in demographic trends between countries and regions - a fact that has to be taken into account by the European Commission when assessing EU policies and designing new policy instruments. Am. 3 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 4 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 11 Amend text as follows: Draft opinion suggests, with a view to the next programming period beyond 2020, that the European Commission starts as early as possible an in-depth discussion with local and regional authorities about the future goals of these policies and the necessary indicators to measure this progress; MARINI Catiuscia BALAS TORRES Rosa BORE Albert BRIGHT Robert DELEBARRE Michel FREEHILL Mary HÄUPL Michael KATSIFARAS Apostolos OSVALD Petr PEEL Kevin PUIG I FERRER Ximo TŰTTÖ Kata ZRIHEN Olga Amendment suggests, with a view to the next programming period beyond 2020, that the European Commission starts as early as possible an in-depth discussion with local and regional authorities about the future goals of these policies and the necessary indicators to measure this progress; following on from its 2009 Communication, and considering the latest evolutions, invites the Commissions to put forward a roadmap on GDP and beyond; Reason Self-explanatory. Am. 4 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 5 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and Beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 13 KALOGEROPOULOS Dimitrios CHIOTAKIS Nikolaos KATSIFARAS Apostolos KOURAKIS Ioannis SGOUROS Ioannis SPYRIDON Spyros Amend as follows: Draft opinion points out, however, that GDP is not an accurate measure of the ability of a society to tackle issues such as climate change, resource efficiency, quality of life or social inclusion; and adds that these aspects are of key concern to citizens, as observed by regional and local representatives; Amendment points out, however, that GDP is not an accurate measure of the ability of a society to tackle issues such as climate change, resource efficiency, quality of life, social inclusion or particular geographical features; and adds that these aspects are of key concern to citizens, as observed by regional and local representatives; Reason Particular geographical features create obstacles to spatial development (islands, mountainous zones) and serve to generate inequalities. We propose that these regions be distinguished on the basis of their geographical specificities so that measures can be taken to remove barriers. Am. 5 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 6 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and Beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 13 MARQUES Mário Sérgio Quaresma AZEVEDO João BRAGANÇA FERNANDES António CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando GOMES Luís HORTA Basílio Amend as follows: Draft opinion points out, however, that GDP is not an accurate measure of the ability of a society to tackle issues such as climate change, resource efficiency, quality of life or social inclusion; and adds that these aspects are of key concern to citizens, as observed by regional and local representatives; Amendment points out, however, that GDP is not an accurate measure of the ability of a society to tackle issues such as climate change, resource efficiency, regions' competitiveness, quality of life, social inclusion, income distribution or the geographical distribution of resources or economic growth factors; and adds that these aspects are of key concern to citizens, as observed by regional and local representatives; Reason GNP's limitations in measuring income distribution inequalities and territorial imbalances in terms of resources and sources of growth have been recognised; they are slowing down efforts by regional and local decision-makers to guarantee universal access to goods and services. Am. 6 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 7 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 13 MARTÍNEZ SUÁREZ Guillermo ARMENGOL I SOCIAS Francina ELORZA ZUBIRÍA María Ángeles GAMALLO ALLER Jesús HERRERA CAMPO Juan Vicente SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ Pedro Antonio Amends as follows: Draft opinion Amendment points out, however, that GDP is not an accurate measure of the ability of a society to tackle issues such as climate change, resource efficiency, quality of life or social inclusion; and adds that these aspects are of key concern to citizens, as observed by regional and local representatives; points out, however, that GDP is not an accurate measure of the ability of a society to tackle issues such as climate change, resource efficiency, quality of life, the ageing population or social inclusion; and adds that these aspects are of key concern to citizens, as observed by regional and local representatives; Reason The ageing population is not seen as having an impact on GDP, despite being one of the issues which concerns and occupies regional and local authorities. This concern should therefore be made absolutely clear. Am. 7 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 8 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 17 New point: Draft opinion MARINI Catiuscia BALAS TORRES Rosa BORE Albert BRIGHT Robert DELEBARRE Michel FREEHILL Mary HÄUPL Michael KATSIFARAS Apostolos OSVALD Petr PEEL Kevin PUIG I FERRER Ximo TŰTTÖ Kata ZRIHEN Olga Amendment reminds that not all kind of methodological approaches, usually grouped by the research community into GDP-replacing, GDP-adjusting and GDP-complementing methods, are equally appropriate for an EU-wide 'GDP and beyond' method to measure status and progress on national, regional and local level; Reason This insertion helps to understand the reasoning in the next paragraphs 19-25. Am. 8 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 9 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and Beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 21 MARQUES Mário Sérgio Quaresma AZEVEDO João BRAGANÇA FERNANDES António CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando GOMES Luís HORTA Basílio Insert a new point: Draft opinion Amendment points out the lack of quantitative information on the various regions with particular territorial features in the EU - namely geographical, environmental, economic and social features which have an influence on development; outermost regions are singular examples thereof. Reason Outermost regions should constitute a permanent territorial typology to be used by Eurostat, facilitating the compilation of regionally comparable statistical data and supporting efforts to take account of territorial aspects in European policies - something which outermost regions are needing. Am. 9 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 10 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and Beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 21 MARQUES Mário Sérgio Quaresma AZEVEDO João BRAGANÇA FERNANDES António CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando GOMES Luís HORTA Basílio Insert a new point: Draft opinion Amendment suggests that Eurostat adopt the territorial categories identified by the Treaty, such as that of outermost regions, on the basis of which statistics could be produced contributing to the proper adjustment and alignment of EU policies and measures in keeping with territorial considerations; Reason Outermost regions should constitute a permanent territorial typology to be used by Eurostat, facilitating the compilation of regionally comparable statistical data and supporting efforts to take account of territorial aspects in EU policies. Am. 10 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 11 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and Beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 22 KALOGEROPOULOS Dimitrios CHIOTAKIS Nikolaos KATSIFARAS Apostolos KOURAKIS Ioannis SGOUROS Ioannis SPYRIDON Spyros Amend as follows: Draft opinion welcomes the relevant work carried out by the European Commission in the field of adjusting GDP, using the particularly successful approach of extending national accounts to include the environmental domain, but draws attention to the theoretical difficulties involved and the extensive resources needed for expressing social aspects in monetary terms, especially when it comes to regional and municipal accounts, and also doubts whether the results of such a complicated approach can be easily communicated to the public; Amendment welcomes the relevant work carried out by the European Commission in the field of adjusting GDP, using the particularly successful approach of extending national accounts to include the environmental and social domains, but draws attention to the theoretical difficulties involved and the extensive resources needed for expressing social aspects in monetary terms, especially when it comes to regional and municipal accounts, and also doubts whether the results of such a complicated approach can be easily communicated to the public; Reason Since sustainable development is a policy objective, the conventional measurements should be extended to include social as well as economic and environmental aspects. In this context, and for the sake of consistency with point 20, the social dimension should be added. Am. 11 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 12 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 23 Insert a new point: Draft opinion PUIG I FERRER Ximo ARMENGOL I SOCIAS Francina BARCOS BERRUEZO Miren Uxue FERNÁNDEZ MARISCAL Cruz GAMALLO ALLER Jesús HERRERA CAMPO Juan Vicente MARTÍNEZ SUÁREZ Guillermo Amendment proposes considering the use of the alternative Human Development Index, with indicators on a long and healthy life, education and a decent standard of living, with a methodology adapted to the European Union framework, following the example of the UN and the United Nations Development Programme; Reason The United Nations criteria measure other widely accepted social variables, enabling progress to be made towards the objectives set and the impact of EU policies to be assessed. Am. 12 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 13 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 24 Expand as follows: Draft opinion believes, in this context, that the most suitable methodology for policy-making at any governance level is one that comprehensively measures well-being, including economic issues (inter alia productivity, innovation, exports), labour (inter alia employment rate, unemployment rate), environmental issues (inter alia energy intensity of the economy, share of renewable energy, CO2 emissions), social inclusion (inter alia people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, distribution of income); BIANCHI Matteo Luigi ÁRGYELÁN János D'ATTIS Mauro DE MEO Salvatore GAMBACORTA Domenico KERESZTES László Lóránt KOVÁCS Raymund MAGYAR Anna ZAIA Luca Amendment believes, in this context, that the most suitable methodology for policy-making at any governance level is one that comprehensively measures well-being, including economic issues (inter alia productivity, innovation, exports, the percentage of the tax burden on the income of individuals and legal entities), labour (inter alia employment rate, unemployment rate), environmental issues (inter alia energy intensity of the economy, share of renewable energy, CO2 emissions), social inclusion (inter alia people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, distribution of income); Reason There are some Member States that have a disproportionate tax burden that structurally depresses the economy and its momentum. This taxation is perceived as an economic and bureaucratic pressure on businesses and individuals and constitutes a negative systemic factor. Am. 13 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 14 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 24 FERNÁNDEZ MARISCAL Cruz ARMENGOL I SOCIAS Francina CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando ELORZA ZUBIRÍA María Ángeles GAMALLO ALLER Jesús IBARROLA DE LA FUENTE Yolanda Amends as follows: Draft opinion believes, in this context, that the most suitable methodology for policy-making at any governance level is one that comprehensively measures well-being, including economic issues (inter alia productivity, innovation, exports), labour (inter alia employment rate, unemployment rate), environmental issues (inter alia energy intensity of the economy, share of renewable energy, CO2 emissions), social inclusion (inter alia people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, distribution of income); Amendment believes, in this context, that the most suitable methodology for policy-making at any governance level is one that comprehensively measures well-being, including economic issues (inter alia productivity, innovation, exports), labour (inter alia indicators on employment and on the quality of employment), environmental issues (inter alia energy intensity and efficiency of the economy, protected natural spaces and biodiversity, share of renewable energy, CO2 emissions), social inclusion (inter alia people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, distribution of income); Reason The quality of jobs created is important mainly in terms of their duration and other working conditions. The protection of natural areas and of biodiversity and the level of energy efficiency achieved should be among the indicators used. Am. 14 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 15 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 24 MARTÍNEZ SUÁREZ Guillermo ARMENGOL I SOCIAS Francina ELORZA ZUBIRÍA María Ángeles GAMALLO ALLER Jesús HERRERA CAMPO Juan Vicente SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ Pedro Antonio Amends as follows: Draft opinion believes, in this context, that the most suitable methodology for policy-making at any governance level is one that comprehensively measures well-being, including economic issues (inter alia productivity, innovation, exports), labour (inter alia employment rate, unemployment rate), environmental issues (inter alia energy intensity of the economy, share of renewable energy, CO2 emissions), social inclusion (inter alia people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, distribution of income); Amendment believes, in this context, that the most suitable methodology for policy-making at any governance level is one that comprehensively measures well-being, including economic issues (inter alia productivity, innovation, exports), labour (inter alia employment rate, unemployment rate), environmental issues (inter alia energy intensity of the economy, share of renewable energy, CO2 emissions), demographic issues (including indicators on the current demographic situation and any movements), social inclusion (inter alia people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, distribution of income); Reason Demographic indicators should be included in the design of public policies at all governance levels. Demographic trends have become a key factor in measuring social well-being. Am. 15 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 16 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and Beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 24 KALOGEROPOULOS Dimitrios CHIOTAKIS Nikolaos KATSIFARAS Apostolos KOURAKIS Ioannis SGOUROS Ioannis SPYRIDON Spyros Amend as follows: Draft opinion believes, in this context, that the most suitable methodology for policy-making at any governance level is one that comprehensively measures well-being, including economic issues (inter alia productivity, innovation, exports), labour (inter alia employment rate, unemployment rate), environmental issues (inter alia energy intensity of the economy, share of renewable energy, CO2 emissions), social inclusion (inter alia people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, distribution of income); Amendment believes, in this context, that the most suitable methodology for policy-making at any governance level is one that comprehensively measures well-being, including economic issues (inter alia productivity, innovation, exports), labour (inter alia employment rate, unemployment rate), environmental issues (inter alia energy intensity of the economy, share of renewable energy, CO2 emissions), social inclusion (inter alia people at risk of poverty or social exclusion, distribution of income) and territorial issues (including accessibility and carrying capacity; Reason Issues concerning the territorial dimension of a policy (e.g. cohesion) such as accessibility in a range of sectors (transport, energy, funding), and the carrying capacity (capacity/resistance of ecosystems and human systems) of a particular zone, play a role in shaping equitable, sustainable development. Am. 16 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 17 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and Beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 25 MARQUES Mário Sérgio Quaresma AZEVEDO João BRAGANÇA FERNANDES António CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando GOMES Luís HORTA Basílio Amend as follows: Draft opinion suggests, moreover, that the choice of indicators should be oriented mainly towards those that measure the possible effects of the policies implemented, especially by measuring the results and impacts as well as the costs; Amendment suggests, moreover, that the choice of indicators should be oriented mainly towards those that measure the possible effects of the policies implemented, especially by measuring the results and impacts as well as the costs; points out that in the case of outlying regions there is a particular need for data on certain shortcomings and adverse conditions, which should be considered before policies are devised and implemented; Reason For outlying regions, indicators measuring the results of policies, such as those identifying and measuring territorial circumstances or conditions where the policies are implemented, are exceedingly important. Such indicators promote effective territorial cohesion. Am. 17 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 18 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 26 Amend as follows: Draft opinion proposes, therefore, that consideration be given to the establishment of an EU trends observatory involving cooperation between all the EU institutions, following up the valuable work done by the European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS), and providing an early warning system for all government levels concerning economic, social or environmental trends of European relevance that might have an effect on strategic goals or require an adjustment of strategic priorities; SONDEREGGER Harald BUCHMANN Christian HÄUPL Michael ILLEDITS Christian KAISER Peter LINHART Markus PRÖLL Erwin SCHADEN Heinz SCHAUSBERGER Franz SIGL Viktor VAN STAA Herwig WAGNER Hanspeter Amendment proposes, therefore, monitoring EU trends within all EU institutions, following up the valuable work done by the European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS), and cooperating in this process. This would provide an early warning system for all government levels concerning economic, social or environmental trends of European relevance that might have an effect on strategic goals or require an adjustment of strategic priorities; Reason There is no need for a separate entity for monitoring EU trends. Rather, this can be carried out within the EU institutions and through cooperation between them. Am. 18 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 19 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and Beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 26 Insert a new point as follows: Draft Opinion ZIMOLA Jiři BENEŠÍK Ondřej BRANDA Pavel FRAŇKOVÁ Štĕpánka JIRÁNEK Dan JURÁNEK Stanislav KRNÁČOVÁ Adriana LÍNEK Roman NOVOTNÝ Josef OSVALD Petr VAŇHOVÁ Jana VLASÁK Oldřich ZACHARIAŠ István Amendment appreciates the current cohesion policy system, which provides a huge contribution and added value to the regions and noticeably assists the development of the regions affected. It calls upon the European Commission to devise a strategy for the functioning of cohesion policy for the period 2021-2027; Reason Am. 19 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 20 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 27 HERRERA CAMPO Juan Vicente BALAS TORRES Rosa FERNÁNDEZ MARISCAL Cruz GAMALLO ALLER Jesús MARTÍNEZ SUÁREZ Guillermo SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ Pedro Antonio Amends as follows: Draft opinion emphasises that the Europe 2020 strategy has established a set of targets with associated key indicators and acknowledged the importance of complementing data on economic growth (GDP) with further economic, social and environmental indicators to measure sustainable progress; adds that this finding is equally valid at subnational levels; Amendment emphasises that the Europe 2020 strategy has established a set of targets with associated key indicators and acknowledged the importance of complementing data on economic growth (GDP) with further economic, social and environmental and demographic indicators to measure sustainable progress; adds that this finding is equally valid at subnational levels; Reason It is vital to take into account demographic indicators which assess the different aspects of the current demographic situation and population trends. This is a key element which can complement data on economic growth and sustainable progress. Am. 20 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 21 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and Beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 27 Insert a new point as follows: Draft Opinion ZIMOLA Jiři BENEŠÍK Ondřej BRANDA Pavel FRAŇKOVÁ Štĕpánka JIRÁNEK Dan JURÁNEK Stanislav KRNÁČOVÁ Adriana LÍNEK Roman NOVOTNÝ Josef OSVALD Petr VAŇHOVÁ Jana VLASÁK Oldřich ZACHARIAŠ István Amendment calls upon the European Commission to maintain or increase financing of cohesion policy vis-à-vis the current level for the next programming period and to preserve the current method of implementation using "national envelopes", in which GDP plays a vital role in assessment and implementation; Reason Am. 21 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 22 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and Beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 28 BRANDA Pavel BENEŠÍK Ondřej FRAŇKOVÁ Štĕpánka JIRÁNEK Dan OSVALD Petr VLASÁK Oldřich ZIMOLA Jiři Insert a new point as follows: Draft Opinion Amendment highlights in this context the different focus of cohesion policy's European Territorial Cooperation objective. In particular, the development of cross-border collaboration aims to support the integration of border regions in all areas of people's lives – thus going above and beyond the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy. Methods and indicators need to be worked out in this area that would map and evaluate this kind of progress better; Reason The CoR has already pointed out, in its opinion on the sixth cohesion report, that insufficient account has been taken of European territorial cooperation. Due to its increasing importance it makes sense to focus on evaluating progress made in this area. Am. 22 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 23 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and Beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 32 MARQUES Mário Sérgio Quaresma AZEVEDO João BRAGANÇA FERNANDES António CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando GOMES Luís HORTA Basílio Insert a new point: Draft opinion Amendment advocates decoupling cohesion policy from the future EU 2020 strategy in the post-2020 period, so that cohesion policy can return to its original function of reducing development disparities between regions and be the main policy for EU-wide investment; Reason The Committee of the Regions has always maintained that the link-up between the Europe 2020 strategy and cohesion policy has entailed less flexibility for cohesion policy, adding to regions' difficulties, particularly in absorbing structural funds. It is important to emphasise the Committee's stance here. Am. 23 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 24 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and Beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 34 MARQUES Mário Sérgio Quaresma AZEVEDO João BRAGANÇA FERNANDES António CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando GOMES Luís HORTA Basílio Amend as follows: Draft opinion points out that, consequently, eligibility decisions are basically blind to social and environmental aspects across European regions, while the logical step would be to base future instruments on a more comprehensive, uniform method, making increased use of social and environmental indicators; Amendment points out that, consequently, eligibility decisions are basically blind to social, environmental and territorial aspects across European regions, while the logical step would be to base future instruments on a more comprehensive, uniform method, making increased use of social, environmental and territorial indicators, which would in particular reveal the specific regional features set out in the Treaty, which have to be considered in the regions' eligibility; Reason Decisions on eligibility neglect social and environmental aspects, as well as the territorial features of certain regions which, in keeping with the Treaty, warrant different treatment in the various European policies, particularly in cohesion policy. Am. 24 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 25 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 35 Amend text as follows: Draft opinion questions what is the ability of NUTS level 2 to reflect real communities and real geographies when in many Member States NUTS areas are purely statistical geographies based on population rather than reflecting real boundaries or functional geographical areas. While noting that NUTS are also used to date to allocate EU Structural Funds, their use to formulate and evaluate the territorial impact of EU cohesion, transport, environment and other policies has a pervasive effect which results in EU policies being out of step with the situation on the ground; MARINI Catiuscia BALAS TORRES Rosa BORE Albert BRIGHT Robert DELEBARRE Michel FREEHILL Mary HÄUPL Michael KATSIFARAS Apostolos OSVALD Petr PEEL Kevin PUIG I FERRER Ximo TŰTTÖ Kata ZRIHEN Olga Amendment questions what is the ability of NUTS level 2 to reflect real communities and real geographies when in many Member States NUTS areas are purely statistical geographies based on population rather than reflecting real boundaries or functional geographical areas. While noting that NUTS are also used to date to allocate EU Structural Funds, their use to formulate and evaluate the territorial impact of EU cohesion, transport, environment and other policies has a pervasive effect which results in EU policies being out of step with the situation on the ground. In this respect, for the sake of a fairer allocation of the funds it is crucial that decisive shortcomings of GDP, such as the territorial bias caused by commuting over NUTS borders, need to be counterbalanced by taking into account the social and environmental situation in the regions when decisions on eligibility are made; Reason Self-explanatory. Am. 25 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 26 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 42 HERRERA CAMPO Juan Vicente BALAS TORRES Rosa FERNÁNDEZ MARISCAL Cruz GAMALLO ALLER Jesús MARTÍNEZ SUÁREZ Guillermo SÁNCHEZ LÓPEZ Pedro Antonio Amends as follows: Draft opinion welcomes the fact that, since the last CoR Opinion on " GDP and beyond", the data available at EU level, particularly with regard to the local and regional level, has steadily grown, but regrets that it still contains significant gaps; therefore suggests that the European Commission provide – as early as possible – an analysis of the current and future gaps in the provision of a comprehensive set of economic, social and environmental data in Europe, going beyond GDP; Amendment welcomes the fact that, since the last CoR Opinion on " GDP and beyond", the data available at EU level, particularly with regard to the local and regional level, has steadily grown, but regrets that it still contains significant gaps; therefore suggests that the European Commission provide – as early as possible – an analysis of the current and future gaps in the provision of a comprehensive set of economic, social, environmental and demographic data in Europe, going beyond GDP; Reason There must be a comprehensive set of demographic data for Europe, providing data at EU level that go beyond GDP - particularly in relation to local and regional levels. Am. 26 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 27 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 45 Expand as follows: BIANCHI Matteo Luigi ÁRGYELÁN János D'ATTIS Mauro DE MEO Salvatore GAMBACORTA Domenico KERESZTES László Lóránt KOMPATSCHER Arno ZAIA Luca Draft opinion Amendment highlights the need to go beyond the current system of statistics and indicators (based on the NUTS regulation) when measuring progress at local and regional level, particularly with regard to the concept of "functional regions" and cross-border areas, and suggests that the European Commission further develop the concepts and indicators which go along with this; highlights the need to go beyond the current system of statistics and indicators (based on the NUTS regulation) when measuring progress at local and regional level, particularly with regard to the concept of "functional regions" and cross-border areas, and suggests that the European Commission further develop the concepts and indicators which go along with this, as well as take account of areas that form part of macro-regional strategies; Reason Macro-regions, which have a certain social, economic and cultural uniformity, have a value in statistical terms, and not just from a cross-border perspective. Am. 27 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28 AMENDMENT 28 Indicators for territorial development – GDP and Beyond COTER-VI/009 Point 46 MARQUES Mário Sérgio Quaresma AZEVEDO João BRAGANÇA FERNANDES António CLAVIJO BATLLE Fernando GOMES Luís HORTA Basílio Insert a new point: Draft opinion Amendment urges the European Commission to include in the European statistical programme the measures needed for dealing with shortcomings in statistical information on territorial diversity and specific features in the EU, namely measures for compiling data and building up indicators on regions' remoteness and isolation, so as to improve the process of devising and implementing European policies better adapted to regions affected by these phenomena, in keeping with the principle of territorial cohesion. Reason Given the need for regional and territorial statistical information, it would seem appropriate that the EU commit to ensuring that the gaps in this domain be plugged before the debates begin on post-2020 EU policies. Am. 28 COR-2015-04287-00-00-AMP Am. 1-28