Exam Review

Review for AP Final
Multiple Choice
Levels of organization in the body
Function of the central nervous system
The eyes have rods and cones
Function of neurotransmitters.
Function of the cerebrum
Find the cell body of the neuron on a picture.
Multiple Choice
8) The nose and mouth contain receptors sensitive
to chemicals.
9) Neurotransmitters are released at the end of the
10)Definition of tissue
11)Epithelial tissue
12)Muscle tissue
13)Connective tissue provides support for the body.
Multiple Choice
15.Function of the cerebrum
16.Function of skeleton
17.Function of cranium
18.Haversian canals
19.Red marrow makes blood cells.
20.Babies have cartilage in their skeletons.
Multiple Choice
21)Types of muscle cells
22)Striated muscle cells
23)Smooth muscle like that in your eyes
24)Where cardiac muscle is located.
25)Ligaments join bone to bone.
26)Tendons join muscle to bone.
27)The main function of the skin is protection
28)2 layers of the skin
Multiple Choice
29.Top layer of skin = dead cells
30.Keratin in skin cells on the top layer.
31.Hair and nails=keratin
32.Circulatory = transport system.
33.Parts of the circulatory system
34.SA node is in the right atrium
35.Direction of blood flow
36.Vein walls are thinner than artery walls.
Multiple Choice
37.Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels.
38.Lymph nodes and vessels are not blood vessels
39.Blood pressure
40.White cells attack germs.
41.Red cells are the most numerous blood cells
42.Endocrine system = glands
43.Function of endocrine system
44.Ductless glands are those of the endocrine
Multiple Choice
45.Testis and ovaries produce sex hormones.
46.Diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not
produce insulin.
47.Adrenal gland produces epinephrine and
norepinephrine (adrenalin).
48.Diagram of glands
49.Parathyroid regulate Ca level
50.Pancreas produces insulin and glucagon.
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice
Multiple Choice