2015 Regional Development Report Preparation Guide 1. The Results Matrix (RM) and the accomplishment reports of the RLAs and SUCs shall be the bases of the assessment. 2. The format of RM is attached to be used as template for the submission of inputs. 3. The RLAs and SUCs shall provide the actual data for 2013-2015. The targets identified in the RM shall be used. If there are change/s in target/s or additional indicators, the agencies should notify the Secretariat. 4. The RLAs and SUCs shall provide the: a) reasons for the non-achievement of 2015 targets and decline of performance compared to 2013 and 2014, and b) facilitating factors including programs and projects that contributed to the achievement of target outcomes. 5. The RLAs and SUCs shall also submit to the Secretariat their accomplishment report for CY 2015 in support to the RM. 6. The RDR chapters shall be consistent with those contained in the RDP. The list of RDR chapters and the agencies concerned to provide inputs to the chapters are as follows: Chapter Sector/Sub-Sector Sector Agencies Chapter I In Pursuit of Inclusive Growth DOLE, PSA Chapter II Macroeconomy DOLE, PSA Chapter III Competitive Industry and Services BPAP, CHED, DTI, DTIBPS, DTI-IPO, DOLE, DOST, DOT, PEZA, PSA, SUCs Chapter IV Competitive and Sustainable Agriculture and Fisheries Sector BFAR, CHED, DA, DA-PCIC DBP, DOLE, LBP, PSA, SUCs, SRA Chapter V Accelerating Infrastructure Development DA, DAR, DOE, DOH, DPWH, DOST-ICTO, DOTCLTO, LWUA, MWSS, NEA, NIA, NTC, PPA Chapter VI Towards a Resilient and BLGF, BSP, CDA Inclusive Financial Sector Good Governance and the Rule BIR, BLGF, CHR, COA, of Law CSC, DAR, DILG, DENR, DTI, DBM, DOLE, DOJ, DSWD, HLURB, NAPCI, NBI, PAO, PPA Chapter VII Chapter Sector/Sub-Sector Sector Agencies Chapter VIII Social Development CHED, DAR, DOH, DepEd, DSWD, FNRI, HUDCC, NCIP, NHA, NNC, NYC, OWWA, PAG-IBIG PhilHealth, SUCs, TESDA Chapter IX Peace and Security AFP, CHED, DILG, DENR, DepEd, DOH, DSWD, OCD, OPAPP, PNP, PDEA Chapter X Conservation, Protection and Rehabilitation of the Environment and Natural Resources AFP, BFAR, BFP, CHED, DENR, DepEd, DILG, DOST, DSWD, EMB, LLDA, NCIP, OCD, PNP 7. The RDC Secretariat shall prepare the write-up of each chapter of the RDR. 8. A workshop will be conducted to review and validate the indicators and the facilitating factors of the sectoral performances, as well as identify the challenges and opportunities for the remaining plan period. 9. The RDR shall be presented to the Sectoral Committees for review, comments, and endorsement to the RDC for approval. 10. Timetable for the preparation of the RDR is presented in Annex A. 11. The RM can be accessed at the NEDA Region IV-A website at nro4a.neda.gov.ph.