Stellar model 1: PROBLEM SET Constant density model PROBLEM 1. Show that if the density is constant then = PROBLEM 2. Show that r 3 m(r) = 4r2dr = 4r = 3 0 3M . 4R3 Mr3 . R3 PROBLEM 3. written Show that the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium can be PROBLEM 4. Show that the equation in PROBLEM 3 can be written as R 3 P(R) - P(r) = - G(4r2)dr . 3r r R 2 0 - P(r)= - G4 rdr . 3 r PROBLEM 5. Show that the equation of PROBLEM 4 results in P(r) = 2G2(R2 - r2) . 3 PROBLEM 6. Show that the equation in PROBLEM 5 can be written in each of the two forms P(r) = 3GM2(R2 - r2) GM(R2 - r2) , or P(r) = . 2R3 8R6 GM 2R = 3GM2 . 8R4 PROBLEM 7. Show that Pc = PROBLEM 8. Taking the earth to have a constant density, find Pc. PROBLEM 9. Taking the sun to have a constant density, find Pc.