Give the name of this organelle.


Chapter 3 Review

Let’s make sure we know our cells!!!

Answer each question. Make sure to write the letter AND answer for the multiple choice!

1. Name this organelle (pay attention to the sacs surrounding

the structure!).

2. Its function is to …..?

a) produce ribosomes b) process and package proteins in a vesicle c) produce and process lipids

3. Give the name of this organelle.

4. What is its function? a) contain enzymes to breakdown cell parts b) largest organelle for photosynthesis c) stores water, waste, ions, etc.

5. Name this type of organism.

6. Name the cell structure it has in common with plants but not animals.

7. Is this cell prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

8. Explain how you determined this.



Name the organelles pictured.

10. They function to ….?

a) - aid in moving chromosomes during cell division b) - directs all cellular activities c) - transports proteins through cell

11. These organelles are only found in ____________ cells.

12. Name the long thin structures found throughout the cytoplasm.

13. Which of the following describes their function? a) break down glucose to provide cell with energy.

b) produces ribosomes c) provide support and shape for cell

14. The long thin structures make up the cell’s skeleton known as the __________.

15. Name this organelle.

16. This organelle functions to ….?

a) - transport proteins through cell b) - breakdown glucose c) - directs all cell activities

17. Is this a prokaryotic or eukaryotic cell?

18. Name the organelles.

19. It functions to ….?

a) Transport proteins out of cell b) Store important information c) Breakdown worn out cell parts, proteins, macromolecules

20. Which type of cells contain this organelle (animal, plant, bacteria)?

21. Name the organelle.

22. It is also known as the _______ and the center of cellular ______.

23. It function to….?

a) Break down glucose to release ATP energy b) Break down proteins for use in cell c) To build glucose from amino acids

24. This organelle is found in ________ and ________ cells.

25. Name the organelle.

26. Which of the following best describes its function?

a) Produce lipids for structure of cell membrane b) Provides a pathway for proteins to travel through cell c) Assembles amino acids to make proteins

27. Name the organelle.

28. These organelles are found in ______________ cells only.

29. This organelle is the site of __________________

(process) which produces ___________.


30. Name the organelle labeled “A”.

31. Name the organelle that is being produced in structure “A”.

32. Where is this organelle found in the cell?


33. Name the type of cell (animal, plant, bacteria).

34. Name 2 organelles found only in this type of cell.

35 . Is this cell a prokaryote or eukaryote?

36. What is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

37. Name organelle labeled “A”. Notice it has bumps!

38. Name organelle labeled ”B”. Notice no bumps!

39. Organelle “B” produces ____________ used in the structure of the cell membrane.





40. Name the circular membrane pouch.

41. The function of this organelle is to transport ___________ within the cell and/or out of cell.

42. Name the thin uncoiled strands.

43. These strands are made up of the cell’s _____________.

Label the Cell Organelles




Label Cell






The animal and plant cell both have ________________ which provides energy for the cells.

52) In multi-cellular organisms there is a definite level of organization in which groups of cells must work together to carry out a specific function.

Groups of cells working together make a _________, while groups of organs working together form a


53) Types of organisms are divided into two groups depending on the number of cells they contain.

What type of organism is this?

