Intelligent Cargo in Efficient and Sustainable Global Logistics Operations Workpackage 4: iCargo Ecosystem Infrastructure WP4 Innovation Agenda iCargo 1st Review May 2012 05/12/2012 Avenue de Beaulieu, Brussels Position and dependencies of WP4 WP4: Aims and Objectives • The WP4 aims to design and prototype the iCargo Ecosystem Infrastructure allowing iCargo business and technical services to interoperate in order to realise the iCargo business goals o utilising technologies from semantic Web and ontologies, distributed data and event management, Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Services (IoS), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Cloud technologies (Cloud Bus)}. • Test and deploy the Ecosystem, integrating WP2 and WP3 components, to support pilots development and demonstration. iCargo Ecosystem: What is it a shared virtual infrastructure (for providing and consuming cargo services) between different organizations (the iCargo Ecosystem participants) governed primarily in a distributed manner channels Shipment from factory Long haul transport Road transport In-city delivery The iCargo Ecosystem is a ‘parallel universe’ mirroring logistic processes, resources and data and offering capabilities for co-operative, synchronized and real-time management of transport resources (i.e. intelligent planning and controlling transport logistics chains) to optimise efficiency, quality and environmental performance. 5 iCargo Ecosystem: High Level Architecture Common iCargo Services Registration & Configuration Support Application Application Application Application Semantic mediation Network of Cooperating peer to peer Logistics Nodes The Ecosystem is set up as a network of semantically compatible services ( and…‘common and distributed’ participation / cooperation rules, Registration and Common iCargo Services. This Hybrid Service Network is based on loosely connected, distributed, compliant, Access Points (> Semantic Gateways) exposing Entity Centric Services or Application Services for cooperative use Participants use the Ecosystem Services to compose solutions in their own environment or residing in the Ecosystem itself. 6 Logistic chain composition External services Logistic network awareness Emission monitoring External devices iCargo Applications and services Access point Access point Access point Semantic gateway Semantic Tooling iCargo Generic components Entity repository WP4 Entity discovery Service registry Distributed storage Service repository Semantic repository Semantic models e.g. Common Framework Hybrid service network Lifecycle management iCargo IT infrastructure 7 Service provisioning Service orchestration Service authorisation Resource management Innovation Agenda Cooperative Services (ICS) Cloud Infrastructure Intelligent User support •entity centric and application services Access Points > Channels > Semantic Gateways•Semantic service descriptions category, purpose, characteristics, values, rules /semantic repository •peer to peer connected network of service registries •IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service (virtual machines) ICS deployed •Common Services - participation rules for Securely Shared Services – configuration support - Linked Data -Data quality •Cloud Bus that allows services to talk to each other and to be composed •Registration and Configuration support •Collaborative Learning •Intelligent Recommendation System for SMEs •Usability monitoring and management Common Framework – iCargo domain Ontologies - semantic standard: “Logistic chain composition”, “Logistic network awareness”, “Emission monitoring” ... 8 Main innovations introduced in Workpackage 4 Service virtualisation: Business services can be discovered and invoked (contracted, composed) irrespectively of the physical locations and physical implementations in the IT systems that host them. Dynamic service composition: Heterogeneous services can exchange data with each other and cooperate over a Cloud Bus. Secure and customised access to services: Channels are used for secure access to service status and data, according to the nature of the service (e.g. Cargo status notification updates, CO2, calculators,...) the service provider and subscriber (e.g. A mobile logistics unit), and the business model supported (e.g. paid for services) 9 Why should I use the iCargo Cloud? Because: • I want to scale up the sharing of my data with my partners without having to create dedicated connections and interfaces to their systems • I want to access data from other participants to which I do not have dedicated connections, to execute queries on large, distributed sets of cargo data • I want to share and scale up to support many users, the cargo related services (e.g. CO2 calculations) I provide (free or paid-for) • I need regular updates to the status of logistics objects without having to subscribe to multiple web sites/portals or other online (non Cloud) sources 10 Next steps Current Achievements High Level architecture (first cut) defined Major architectural components identified Existing technologies to be used off-the-shelf identified Initial work allocation to WP4 participants done Plans for next 12 months Define interfaces between components Detailed design of components Adjust architecture if necessary in the light of changes in WPs: 2,3,5: Implement components from WP2 and WP3 Provide ‘toolkit’ to support development of pilots (WP5) 11 THANK YOU! Takis Katsoulakos Bill Karakostas Inlecom 12 Channels –Access Points – Semantic Gateways • • • • • Channels are the mechanisms with which you supply to or obtain information from the Cloud A Channel connects one provider of logistics information to many consumers (through the Cloud), or one consumer to multiple providers Same as with real life (TV channels!) there are free and paid-for channels, as there are high speed and normal speed ones. How information is transmitted (i.e. by using discrete events or continuous streams) and the speed of the transmission also varies depending on the type of channel. Access Points will be developed as evolution of ‘agents’ in Euridice, EAPs with profiling regarding messages, and Semantic Gateways 13 iCargo Cloud: Services • User Services o entity centric services: information about physical entities o Application services –WP3 o orchestration services: combination of entity centric services to deliver added value, for example, to allow Ecosystem participants to compose and coordinate (‘orchestrate’) complex logistics chains – used by logistics applications such as the iCargo organizer (WP3) • Infrastructure services o make the Ecosystem a predictable, auditable, secure, and useful environment for its participants - Authentication Service /Resources Access Service/Gateway Services / Link / Data Mining Service /Events Subscription Service /Discovery Service Payment Services • Services amplification • To deal with the pragmatic issue that in reality many organisations will use proprietary formats, technologies and protocols, the Ecosystem’s HSN adopts different mechanisms such as software virtualisation and semantic technologies. 14 Architectural view owner Simple busines logistics service description Composite business logistics service Business service description Domain ontologies Sizing requirements Infrastructure Cloud services (identity, payment etc) Service composer Other deployed Cloud services Simple IT logistics service Cloud service configurator Service deployed on Cloud bus the Cloud owner 15 Service access channrel Service access channrel Cloud bus user Implementation - iCargo Cloud APIs iCargo Application Programming Interfaces allow you to publish information about your logistics chain resources (data, services), or to subscribe to such resources provided by other participants in the iCargo Ecosystem • APIs are defined in an implementation independent way, abstracting away the specific underlying Cloud technologies • One of the most suitable technologies for this purpose is Representational State Tranfer (REST) • Most of the Cloud Storage industry strongly believe that a key capability of a storage cloud is the REST style Web Services API. Many of the most popular storage cloud services include or exclusively use REST, including SoftLayer's CloudLayer, Amazon S3, Nirvanix SDN and Rackspace Cloud Files Implementation alternatives: • Use the services of an existing commercial Cloud • (e.g. Microsoft Azure or Amazon EC2): no iCargo specific API • Implement core services and APIs on an open source Cloud platform • Define a generic iCargo Cloud API and map it to specific APIs • (e.g. language specific such as Apache LibCloud and/or general • ones defined by OCC, OGF and other standardisation bodies) Entity centric register Secure access Individual processing Single access point Freight Management Objects Entity centric Semantic support Active & Context awareness TEP Transport Service Traffic Management Objects Network CO2 footprint Order Flow TES Generic Service Objects Vehicle Route Other Domains Objects Engage, cooperate, disengage Cross-domain service Semantic mediation Obj. Discovery Settlement Payment Interaction Protocols Ontology Composition Services Smart gateways Search Sensor WS ERP system LS eR SO VS P eR eR Secure & single point of access eR K eR Cloud services Mobile agent 17 A R Comm. unit Roads. unit Sensor Pallet Tag Intelligent Cargo Objects KB SG Container Device Semantic Web Objects GPS Intelligent Vehicle Objects Gate Sensor Infrastructure Objects 18 Business (driven) vision 1 Technical vision 2 Interpretation of data - Semantic interoperability - Common Framework Accessibility of data - Seamless connectivity - Controlled & secure access Organisation of data 19 - Entity-centric approach - Reduction of complexity Semantic Gateways Erik Cornelisse 20 Dependencies with Workpackage 2, 3 WP2 architecture: source: Logica Application Smart Gateways Semantic Web Components Digital Shadows (software agents) Knowledge base incl. standards Mobile resources User desktop Physical Server Computing resources 21 Composition Services Semantic Web services Cloud resources • Physical and logical Persistent Logistic Objects (PLOs) provided by WP3, as well as from users’ systems and existing platforms from logistics and related domains. • Generic support components, (WP2) that provide the basic capabilities for PLOs to be searched, combined and engage in interactions, in a “Logistics cloud” environment. • An ontology based on the Common Framework to support interoperability based on the semantic web approach, by integrating the knowledge management tools developed by WP2 in the overall architecture Cloud Ecosystem Cloud APIS