MENDEL´S LAWS Výukový materiál GE 02 - 40 Tvůrce: Mgr. Šárka Vopěnková Tvůrce anglické verze: ThMgr. Ing. Jiří Foller Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/03.0005 Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR TERCIE 2014 MENDEL´S LAWS founder of the science of heredity: Johann Gregor Mendel a Moravian priest he published results of his experiments with pea crossing in 1865 in Brno the result of Mendel´s experiment: some „elements" are responsible for a particular property, the character of the organism (eg. flower colour) MENDEL´S LAWS in 1865 he talked about their attempts to „Experiments on Plant Hybridization“ in Brno lecture remained misunderstood and did not raise a larger response result of his research was recognized only 40 years later MENDEL´S LAWS elements are transmitted through sexual cells he called these elements endowments nowadays they are called genes at the birth of every individual combine the talents of male and female origin are combined all together determine the shape of a feature through the combination of genetic information of two individuals arises original set of information for the growth of a new individual MENDEL´S LAWS gene = endowment: information about the formation of certain features of organisms allele: particular shape of a gene gene may have 1,2 or more alleles GENES genotype: set of all alleles in a cell genome: set of all genes of a particular organism phenotype: is the external manifestation of the genotype set of all features of the organism form a specific shape of features (flower colour, stature) 1st MENDEL´S LAW of uniformity F1 generation crossing of a dominant and a recessive homozygot parents gametes: posterity AA P: F1: x A A Aa Aa aa a Aa a Aa MENDEL´S LAWS crossing of identical homozygotes parents A gametes: posterity AA P: F1: AA x A AA AA A AA A AA 2nd MENDEL´S LAW of heterogeneity F2 generation crossing two heterozygotes parents A gametes: posterity Aa P: F1: AA phenotypic splitting ratio genotypic splitting ratio x a Aa Aa A Aa a aa 3:1 AA : Aa : aa 1 : 2 : 1 MENDEL´S LAWS crossing a homozygote and a heterozygote parents A gametes: posterity Aa P: F1: Aa x a a Aa aa a aa aa aa posterity is splitting in the relation 1 : 1. so called backcrossing is used to determine the genotype of an individual with a dominant form of character MENDEL´S LAWS to simplify the notation can be used so called combination squares gamety A a A AA Aa a Aa aa possible genotypes WORKSHEET indicate the possible genotypes :1) crossing of two different homozygotes 2) crossing of two identical homozygotes 3) crossing of two heterozygotes gamety SOURCES HANČOVÁ, Hana. Biologie v kostce 1: Obecná biologie. Mikrobiologie. Botanika. Mykologie. Ekologie. Genetika. 2. vyd. Havlíčkův Brod: Fragment, 1999, 112 s. ISBN 80-720-0340-2. DOBRORUKA, Luděk J. Přírodopis: Obecná biologie. Mikrobiologie. Botanika. Mykologie. Ekologie. Genetika. 1. vyd. . Praha: Scientia, 2000, 159 s. ISBN 80-718-3167-0