Lake Travis High School Spanish 3 preAP Course Syllabus 2014 – 2015 Department: Languages Other Than English Course Title: Spanish 3 Pre-AP Grade Level: 10, 11, 12 Prerequisites: Spanish 1, Spanish 2 (with an A) Website: YouTube channel: Tutorials: B day mornings before school or by appointment Instructor: Beth Day Room: B200 E-mail: Phone: 533-5811 Sign up to use Schoology to find assignments and participate in class. You can use from your home computer, your smart phone and the free app! You should link your e-mail account in case you lose your password and to receive updates. You can also link your cell phone number to get text updates as well. Access Codes: A1 6ZNRR-9SXVH A4 MH5TD-9HH3R A2 M9NGN-8CKXH B5 KR77S-2FRRB A3 HD2TP-FCB8X Schedule: A 1. Spanish 3 preAP 2. Spanish 3 preAP 3. Spanish 3 preAP 4. Spanish 3 preAP B 5. Spanish 3 preAP 6. Spanish 4 AP 7. Conference 8. Spanish 4 AP Spanish 3 preAP is a “flipped classroom.” In a flipped classroom, students will receive instruction via instructor-made videos on my website as ‘homework.’ During class, students will spent the entire period practicing with the language: vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing and SPEAKING! This allows students to repeat instruction when necessary and to receive my guidance through their practice (what was traditionally called ‘homework’). “By making lecture materials available for students to review before class, class time is freed up to engage students in conversations around course content and assess student learning. Along with creating shifts in teaching methods, flipping the classroom challenges beliefs often held by both students and instructors about their roles in the classroom.” (cited: Education Technology Services of Penn State University) Course Pacing At the beginning of each chapter, students will receive a calendar with a suggested pace for learning and a schedule of assessments (quizzes, tests, projects, etc). Additionally, students will be given a list of objectives for each chapter. During class, I will spend 45-60 minutes working with the students as a group: speaking, reviewing questions from the video, practicing reading/writing, etc. The other 30-45 minutes of class the students will work through independent practice of their given objectives. There will be multiple ways to show mastery of each objective. Some of these may include: worksheets of varying difficulty, presentations, written summary, etc. In order to get credit for mastery of an objective and move on, a student must earn at least 85 points. Some students may stay exactly on-pace with the calendar while others may choose to work faster through their objectives. Students that complete objectives more quickly than the assigned class pace will spend the remaining time in class working with Spanish. This time can be used in various ways: working ahead on chapter objectives, working on their independent study, reviewing vocabulary using, re-watching instructional videos, watching up-coming instructional videos, etc. All students will complete assessments (quizzes, tests, projects, etc.) at the same time. At the beginning of each 9 week grading period, students will decide on an independent study project. Some previous independent studies have been: organizing and reviewing the 5 most common verb conjugations, 100 most common verbs in Spanish, 100 new vocabulary words associated with the medical field, 50 common expressions for lawyers, reading and analyzing a short work of literature in Spanish. The students will create their own notes, practices (homework), informal assessment (quiz), formal assessment (to prove mastery) and keys to check all work. This decreases wasted time in class, allows freedom and encourages a love for the language! Course Description This course is designed for students who have previously had two years of formal Spanish language instruction and are now able to initiate and participate in short conversations/discussions on a variety of subjects. In order to develop their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and creative writing composition in Spanish, students in this class need to be willing to work on these areas in and out of the classroom. Students will speak ONLY Spanish in the classroom. Expected Graduated Outcomes Students will be able to: Greatly expand their Spanish vocabulary, increasing their capacity to develop more creative oral and written dialogues, stories, reports, and some correspondence. Improve their Spanish skills to a level at which they can engage in more complex spontaneous conversation and discussions Develop their higher order thinking skills as they move from guided practice to open-ended expression on a wide range of topics with an enriched vocabulary and enhanced speaking skills. Extend their skills from simple observing, sorting, identifying, restating, describing, etc., to higher levels of justifying, persuading, predicting, and hypothesizing. Students will improve their Spanish speaking proficiency, reading, writing and listening comprehension skills by extensive practice in the classroom. Students will gain a deeper understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures and recognize the importance of these cultures and communication in a world that is becoming increasingly globalized. Regular attendance and daily participation in class activities are extremely important for satisfactory progress in this course. This class will provide continuity for students and the best opportunity for rapid advancement in learning to communicate in Spanish. Resources ¡Exprésate! 3 Humbach and Velasco – Holt, Rinehart & Winston ( Evaluation 60% Major (minimum of 3 grades) including tests, projects and quizzes. Tests/projects will be entered in the grade book twice, quizzes will be entered once. Therefore, tests/projects are worth twice as much as quizzes. 40% Minor (minimum of 10 grades) including video notes, in-class assignments and informal assessments. Make-up Work When absent, students are responsible for missed work and assignments. Students must make up missed tests and quizzes before school by scheduling an appointment with me. The quiz/test should be made up before the next scheduled assessment.