Rapid Review Pathology 3e

Errata/Additions RR3 Pathology
Page 6
Add Margin note after ST segment depression ECG: subendocardial ischemia
MN: Cortex: proximal tubule most susceptible to hypoxia
Medulla: thick ascending limb most susceptible to hypoxia
Page 7
Add Margin note after Iron, copper: generate hydroxyl FRs
MN: FRs: “steal” electrons from molecules
Page 7
3. b. In the medulla, the Na+-K+-Cl- symporter….
Page 25
Add Margin note after MPO deficiency: normal respiratory burst
MN:  NADPH: microbicidal defect
Page 26
Table 2-1: Under Leukotrienes: Montelukast leukotriene receptor antagonist:  activity of LTC4,
Page 52
Fig. 3-5: C5 convertase should be C4b2bC3b
Page 54
c. Potassium (K+ ) is the major intracellular fluid (ICF) cation.
 Phosphate (PO42-) major anion.
Page 60
A low peritubular capillary hydrostatic pressure (PH) coupled with a high oncotic pressure (PO) is
responsible for enhancing the reabsorption of solutes from the tubular lumen into the tubular cell
out into the lateral intercellular space, and into the peritubular capillary (B). This occurs when
the EABV is decreased (e.g., ECF volume depletion, or hypovolemia). A high PH coupled with a
low PO results in the loss of solutes in the urine in conditions when the EABV is increased (A;
e.g., ECF volume overload, or hypervolemia).
Page 61
MN:  EABV  FF  PO > PH
MN:  EABV  FF  PH > PO
Page 62
Figure 4-6: Sodium, potassium, chloride symporter in the medullary segment of the thick
ascending limb. See text for description (From Goljan EF, Sloka KI: Rapid Review Laboratory
Testing in Clinical Medicine, Mosby Elsevier, 2008, p 34, Fig. 2-6).
Page 63
2. Thick ascending limb (TAL medullary segment)
b. Generation of fH2O primarily occurs in the active Na+-K+-2 Cl- symporter (Fig.
c. Water proximal to the symporter is obligated (o).
MN: Na++-K+-2Cl- symporter: generates free water
d. Symporter separates oH2O from Na+, K+, and Cl-.
g. Ca2+ is also reabsorbed by the symporter.
h. Cl- binding site in Na+-K+-2 Cl- symporter is inhibited by loop diuretics.
MN: Cl- binding site in Na+-K+-2Cl- symporter: inhibited by loop diuretics
Page 123
Margin note: 2nd one down in column: Epithelial,…
Page 125
C. Nuclear features
1. Benign tumors
2. Malignant tumors
a. Nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio is increased, and nucleoli are prominent
b. Mitoses have normal and atypical mitotic spindles
Page 128
3. Gynecologic cancer-related deaths (in descending order)
a. Ovary
b. Endometrium
c. Cervix
Page 137
Add following Margin Notes below Chylomicrons: turbid supranate
CPL: located in adipose, muscle, myocardium
CPL: induced by insulin
CPL: activated by apo C II
Page 141: Addition
c. (2) Oral contraceptives (OCP)
Page 141
a. Acquired causes of hypertriglyceridemia
(1) Diabetes mellitus
 Decreased muscle and adipose CPL
Page 141
Add following Margin Notes below Type IV hyperlipoproteinemia: most common cause is
alcohol excess
OCP: estrogen  TG synthesis in liver
Page 146
IV.Venous System Disorders
A. Saphenous venous system
1. Superficial veins drain blood into the deep veins via perforating branches.
Page 147
(1) Stasis dermatitis
(a) Orange discoloration….
(b) Caused by rupture of perforating branches
Page 150
Sturge-Weber syndrome
(Fig. 9-9D)
Nevus flammeus (“birthmark”) on the face in distribution of
ophthalmic branch of (delete) cranial nerve V (trigeminal)
Page 161
Systolic dysfunction is characterized by a low ejection fraction (EF) (
the stroke volume divided by the left ventricular end-diastolic volume. The normal value ranges
from 55% to 80%. Diastolic dysfunction is characterized by normal to high (delete) EF (stiff
ventricle) and an S4 atrial gallop due to increased resistance to filling in late diastole. There is
an increase in left atrial pressure and pulmonary congestion. If left ventricular filling is
significantly impaired, cardiac output is decreased.
Page 163
Margin note: LHF: most common cause RHF
Page 195
3.c. Iron deficiency
(1) Most common microcytic anemia with an increased RDW
Page 208
Margin note: PA:  incidence gastric cancer
Page 214
Margin note: PNH: intrinsic defect, intravascular hemolysis
Page 240
(6) Epitrochlear
● Cat-scratch disease, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL)
(7) Hilar
(a) Metastatic lung cancer
(b) Sarcoidosis (bilateral)
Page 254
F. 2. d. Thrombin converts fibrinogen….
Page 276
Margin Note: Normal FEV1sec/FVC: 4/5 L = 80%
Page 287
Table 16-4
Under Klebsiella pneumoniae: should be Typical not Atypical pneumonia
Page 359
Table 18-1: Should be CB <20% not UCB <20%
Page 364
Table 18-5
Under “Healthy” carrier (2nd row from bottom): under column for Anti-HBc-IgM, it should be 
not +
Page 393, Figure 19-1: Better schematics; explanation of schematics is good in the text. You
can download this.
Page 465
(2) Embryo is present.
(a) Triploid (69 XXY)