Ancient Greece Project Menu

Ancient Greece Project—20-50-80
For this project, you will be presented with a 20-50-80 menu. Your goal is to complete activities to equal 100
points. A 20 item= 20 points. A 50 item= 50 points, and an 80 item= 80 points. You may select any
combination of activities you like as long as you r total equals 100. You cannot receive an A or B grade if your
total does not equal 100.
Ancient Greece Menu
20 point items
The Greeks respected many gods. Create a mobile, poster, collage, or drawing to show some of the
gods and goddesses and their characteristics. You will submit this choice by submitting a digital photo
of your project.
Make a PowerPoint or Prezi to share information on Ancient Greece and its people. 3 slide minimum.
Write a song or poem about the people of Ancient Greece.
50 point items
Research the history of the Olympic Games. Prepare a PowerPoint (or other media such as Prezi or
Mixbook) to discuss their history and importance in Greece.
Create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the Olympic games of Greek times and Modern day.
Research the history of the Olympic Games and write a 1-2 page paper discussing their history and
importance in Greece.
Make an acrostic for three of the Greek gods or goddesses. For each letter of the gods’ names, use
words or phrases to describe his or her personality. Submit a picture (found online or drawn by you,
for each god or goddess.
80 point items
Many myths have been written about Greek gods. Develop your own myth about their latest
adventure or problem. Your myth should be at least one type-written page.
Great Greek philosophers created plays to tell the stories of the gods. Create your own play to tell a
new story about Poseidon.
Find a Greek myth. Make a diorama for the myth. (You will submit this by taking a photo of your
Make a movie telling the life and times of a Greek god or goddess or make a movie dramatizing a
Greek myth or legend. Use the movie making software of your choice.
Write a 2 page paper researching the origins of 3 different Greek myths.
Your choices must total 100 points to equal an A grade. You will submit the projects in Schoology. You are
allowed to complete several files in the same drop box. You may submit the projects as you complete them or
submit all at the end. Any work submitted after the due date will receive a 0.
You will receive full credit for a project submission if:
Content chosen represents the best choice for the product and graphics are well chose and related to content.
All information needed is included and product meets the product criteria and the task as stated. Product is
original and includes an element of interest. All information is correct and accurate. All information is neat
and easy to read.
You will receive less than full to half credit if:
Information or graphics are related to content, but not best choice for the product. If some important
information is missing, and the product still contains an element of interest or fun. If the product does not
contain all correct information and not all of the product is neat and easy to read.
You will receive less than half credit to no credit if:
The product is not submitted or the work submitted is off topic and incomplete. If important information is
missing and there is no evidence of new thought or effort. If the product is off task and does not meet the
product criteria. If the information is incorrect, and the product is not easy to read or in the appropriate