Name: Anatomy & Physiology CP - Final Exam Review Spring

Anatomy & Physiology CP - Final Exam Review Spring 2013
1. In correct anatomical position, the palms of the hands are:
2. Which plane separates a body into dorsal and ventral halves? . . .left and right halves? . . . top and bottom halves?
3. List the major body cavities and the organs found in them:
4. What is homeostasis?
5. What are the 3 components of a homeostatic control mechanism, in the correct order?
6. All human proteins are composed of various combinations of only 20 different _________
7. What substances compose the plasma membrane?
8. What molecule provides chemical energy for use by all cells?
9. The movement of particles from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration as a result of their
kinetic energy:
10. A group of cells similar in structure and function is a _________________.
11. What type of tissue includes bone, cartilage, blood, and adipose?
12. What type of tissue lines body organs, covers the body surface, and is found in glandular tissues?
13. Which tissue has few cells and lots of matrix?
14. The two major layers of the skin are:
15. What are the functions of skin?
16. Hair, nails, and the outer layer of the skin are made mostly of a tough waterproof protein called __________________.
17. The dermis is abundantly supplied with _____________ which play a role in maintaining body temperature homeostasis.
18. Sebaceous glands secrete __________; sudoriferous glands secrete ______________.
19. Which layer of the dermis is responsible for making fingerprints?
20. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light causes the skin to darken by stimulating the production of ______________.
21. First and second-degree burns are referred to as __________________________ burns.
22. What are the functions of the skeletal system?
23. The cell responsible for secreting the matrix of bone is called an ___________________.
24. Yellow bone marrow contains a large percentage of ________. Red bone marrow produces ____________________.
25. Define these bone markings: foramen, process, fossa, suture, condyle
26. Which structure allows the diaphysis of the bone to increase in length until early childhood?
27. Where would a fracture in the diaphysis of a bone be located?
28. _________ cartilage found at the ends of the long bones serves to provide a smooth surface at the ends of synovial joints.
29. How moveable are each of these types of joints: 1) amphiarthroses, 2) Synarthroses, 3) Diarthroses
30. What are ligaments?
31. List the properties of muscle tissue:
32. Explain the function of each of the following in a muscle group: 1) a synergist 2) a prime mover 3) an antagonist 4) a fixator
33. Describe how muscles work on bones to produce movement. (Use the terms: lever, bone of insertion, bone of origin, direction
of movement, and pull.)
34. What causes skeletal muscle cells to appear striated?
35. What is the microscopic functional unit of a skeletal muscle?
36. Explain the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction; include all components that were included in your model project.
37. What 3 muscles make up the “hamstrings”? What 4 muscles make up the “quadriceps”? Which of these groups flexes the
38. The brain stem consists of the ________, __________, and ____________.
39. The vital centers for the control of heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure are located in the ________.
40. Shallow grooves on the surface of the cerebral hemispheres are called ________; ridges are called _____.
41. The ___________ is the “thermostat” of the body because it regulates temperature; it also controls hunger & thirst.
42. Which lobe of the cerebrum is involved in problem solving, memory, judgement, & impulse control:
43. Define gray matter and white matter and tell where each can be found in the central nervous system (brain & spinal cord):
44. __________ (or sensory) nerves carry impulses toward the CNS: _____ (or motor) nerves carry impulses away from the CNS.
45. List the structures of the eye in the order that light passes through them:
46. Receptors for hearing are located in which structure of the inner ear?
47. What is the function of the circulatory system?
48. List the flow of blood through the heart, lungs, and body beginning and ending in the left ventricle:
49. The trachea branches into two _______, which branch further into __________, which end in round air sacs called __________.
50. Oxygen is picked up by the blood and carbon dioxide is removed from the blood in what structures of the lungs?
51. List the structures of the alimentary canal, in correct order, beginning with the mouth and ending with the anus.
52. What accessory digestive organ produces bile to aid in the digestion of fats, converts excess glucose to glycogen, and clears the
blood of drugs?
53. Most of the absorption of nutrients in the bloodstream occurs where in the digestive system?
54. Which organ system filters the blood to remove wastes, regulate chemical composition of blood, and maintains fluid and
electrolyte balance?
55. List the structures of the urinary system in the correct order of flow of urine.
56. Structures in testes that produce sperm through meiosis:
57. What are the 3 glands that contribute secretions to semen? What do they each contribute?
58. Where would you expect a vasectomy to be performed?
59. What structures in females produce estrogen and progesterone?
60. Fertilization occurs in the _________________________, then the fertilized ovum implants in the ___________________ and
grows into an embryo.