Staff Newsletter 22 May 2015

22nd May 2015
Issue 009
QLS Office Details
108 Mort Street Toowoomba
QLD 4350
B/H Phone:
07 4659 5476
A/H Phone:
0408 349 644
07 4659 5452
Staff Representative:
Staff Newsletter
In This Issue
Page Number:
Opportunity of a Lifetime...................................................................................
Hazards in the Workplace.................................................................................
What will the NDIS mean for Advocacy ............................................................
Knowledge is a powerful tool ............................................................................
Fraud Week ......................................................................................................
Consultations begin on Australia’s new Disability Employment Framework ....
5 Reasons to Employ People with a Disability .................................................
24 Hour Time Format on Rotaville ....................................................................
Policy and Procedure Questions Answered .....................................................
Janet is going on Holidays ................................................................................
What’s happening in your region?
Brisbane Region ..............................................................................................
Gold Coast Region ..........................................................................................
Sunshine Coast Region ...................................................................................
Darling Downs Region .....................................................................................
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22nd May 2015
Issue 009
We are very fortunate to have been asked to assist Dan and
Maddy Mulvihill with a new movie that they are making in
Townsville this week!
Aliesha Reimers, Andrew Hart and Leonie Wessling have
travelled to Townsville to be extras alongside Andy McPhee,
an actor that has been in “Sons of Anarchy”, “Saving Mr
Banks” and “Neighbours” just to mention a few!
It will be a wonderful experience for them all being on a set,
attending the after-parties etc. I am sure that you will hear all
about it when we have returned!
Just be careful! It might go to their heads and when requiring
a signature for your timesheet book they just may charge you
for it.
Tara Tippett
Slips and trips in the workplace account for thousands of injuries every year. These range from slight cuts and
bruises to serious injuries including fractures, dislocations, muscular-skeletal problems, deep cuts and burns.
Minimising and eliminating the risks associated with slips and trips is a practice that needs to include the following
 Identify any and all hazards
 Assess the risks those hazards pose
 Implement measures for risk control
 Periodically assess for new risks and review risk control measures
Reducing the hazards of slips and trips vary in degree from workplace to workplace to protect the health and
safety of Clients, Support Workers and visitors. For example, a factory and a shopping centre share similar
associated risks on a daily basis. In both cases it is important to make sure that all floor surfaces are well
maintained and free of surface damage and obstacles.
If any spills or leaks occur, then they are to be cleaned up quickly and the area avoided until it’s completely dry
to eliminate potential injuries to Clients and Support worker.
Trip hazards can be eliminated or at the very least reduced in work places by making sure that everyone works
 Keeping stairways, and other entry/exits clear of unnecessary obstacles and clutter.
 Minimising power cords running along floors if new sockets cannot be installed.
 Stacking all goods securely and avoid towering too high.
 Cleaning, removing trash and all other obstructions as needed throughout the day.
 Practice good housekeeping measures particularly how to recognise and reduce slip and trip hazards.
Keith Hart
WH&S Officer
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22nd May 2015
Issue 009
What will the NDIS mean for advocacy?
As we transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme there is a real fear advocacy services will become
harder to access, Ya’el Frisch writes. This, at a time when their services will be needed most. It's both an exciting
and uncertain time. The system is undergoing perhaps the biggest change it has ever experienced and in the
middle of it all we are making some pretty important life choices.
However, Ms Frisch writes that when the NSW Government committed to handing over 100 per cent of its
disability funds to the Commonwealth National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) that also meant the money
that funded advocacy services. NSW has obligations under its recently released Disability Inclusion Plan to
encourage the inclusion and participation of people with disability. Whether the Commonwealth will be happy to
fund advocacy that helps NSW agencies meet their own legislated obligations is unclear.
The federal government NDIS website states that advocacy will largely be undertaken by advocates funded by
the National Disability Advocacy Scheme, which they state aims to operate outside the NDIS ( 2015).
Meanwhile, NDIS is being rolled out a year ahead of schedule west of Sydney as the NSW State Government
signed an agreement on Tuesday to fast-track the NDIS beginning with Hawkesbury, Lithgow, Penrith and Blue
Mountains, and eventually the whole state (Ford 2015). At least this will give us in Queensland an opportunity
to see if Ms Frisch’s concerns about advocacy are realised in practice.
Adapted from: Frisch, Ya’el (2015), ‘We must protect advocacy in the NDIS transition’, ABC’s The Drum [online],
20th May, accessed 21st May, <>.
Ford, Mazoe (2015), ‘NDIS to be rolled out in NSW starting with Sydney's west, one year ahead of schedule’,
ABC News [online], 19th May, accessed 21st May, <>. (2015), ‘Advocacy’, National Disability Insurance Scheme [online], accessed 21st May, <>.
Geoff Davis
Knowledge is a powerful tool. Lack of knowledge is a powerful tool for someone else.
What do you know about the disability sector? This is often bandied around, and is frequently seen as a throw
away statement. But it shouldn’t be. What do you know about the sector? Of course some of us who have been
around for a while will probably know more than those who are new to it, but this is not always the case. There
is a difference between experience and knowledge. Sure, they often correlate and both can enhance each other,
but experience is limited, whereas knowledge is infinite. How many times do most people look something up on
the internet in relation to the sector? Do you wait to be informed of something or are you active in finding out?
I was in a discussion group the other day about inclusion and I thought that I was making valid points, but I was
being shot down by most others. I could not understand it, what I was saying made sense. Then it occurred to
me that my experience is based in Australia and the people I was talking to were not, they were from the states.
It became very clear that their disability system was different to ours, and not for the better. They could not
comprehend how we could “allow” clients to do certain things such as go to the pub, go to places that weren’t
specifically dedicated to people with disabilities etc. In turn, I could not comprehend how they thought it was
legitimate to “allow” other adults to do something. It is 2015 and people still have these beliefs. Have we not
learnt anything?
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22nd May 2015
Issue 009
I started looking at what does actually occur in the world to people with disabilities. There are places where
governments educate the population that people with disabilities will just be vegetables throughout their lives
and that parents are told that the best thing they can do is to give their child up and have them institutionalised.
There are crisis and wars all around the world at the moment, and we hear so little information about them,
usually just a minute or so on the news. We hear about influxes of refugees trying to escape. What we don’t
hear is that people with disabilities are being left behind. They are refused medicine because it is needed for the
injured. Imagine how horrific it is to have your town bombed and raided and then not even have the option of
escape. Then add the fact that you have a disability.
There are genuine feelings in the United States that the government is doing the wrong thing by continually
closing disability institutions. People do not understand that these places are archaic, have been proven to be
ineffective and do nothing to allow rights of people. They do not know what they will do.
All of these instances could be addressed by knowledge, research and understanding of accurate information.
The problem is though, that the majority of people do not gain this knowledge. They rely on what is told to them,
what they have seen on the television or they listen to rumours. The lack of knowledge is therefore working
against people and feeding agendas that are not in the people’s best interests.
In relation to the discussion I was having regarding inclusion, my comments were based mostly on experience
whereas it should have been based on knowledge and experience as the knowledge would have allowed me to
understand the context which others were speaking from.
Paul Crowe
B.Soc.Sc (Human Services)
Senior Administration
Fraud Week is an initiative of the Australasian Consumer Fraud Taskforce (ACFT) and is a national campaign
aimed at raising awareness of consumer fraud. Over 100 government and industry bodies which work side by
side to promote consumer protection.
The theme for the 2015 campaign is 'get smarter with your data' and will focus on the importance of protecting
your personal information. We want to help Australians understand how valuable their personal information is to
scammers, and provide them with some practical guidance on how to minimise the risk of becoming a victim of
identity crime.
To leave scammers out in the cold, follow SCAMwatch’s Top 6 Protect Yourself tips:
Keep your personal details secure
Think twice about what you say and do in an online environment
Keep your mobile devices and computers secure
Choose your passwords carefully
Beware of any request for your details or money
Get a copy of your credit report
For more information on Fraud Week,
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22nd May 2015
Issue 009
Consultations begin on Australia's new disability employment framework
The Australian Government is seeking consultations regarding a new disability employment framework that puts
more choice and control in the hands of people with disability and delivers better outcomes for employers.
A new taskforce has been established to review the entire disability employment system and develop a National
Disability Employment Framework to boost employment rates for people with disability.
The Taskforce is leading a national public consultation to better understand what is and is not working in the
current service system and find ways to improve on this approach.
Want to hear from people with disability, their families and carers, service providers, employers and peak bodies
to explore ways to improve disability employment in Australia.
An Issues Paper will be available shortly and will outline what the Australian Government is currently doing to
help people with disability find and keep jobs. It will also pose questions to encourage discussion.
Interested in your views on nine specific topic areas:
Workforce Participation of People with Disability
Different needs of People with Disability
Principles for Changes to Disability Employment Services
National Disability Insurance Scheme
Personal Helpers and Mentors
Australian Disability Enterprises
Disability Employment Services
Job Services Australia
Support for Employers.
Join the discussion by attending a public forum.
Seeking public submissions from 25 May 2015.
Please share with your networks and make sure to contribute to the conversation. This is your opportunity to
have a say directly to government so ensure that the best ideas are put forward.
For details go to:
Paul Crowe
B.Soc.Sc (Human Services)
Senior Administration Officer
Quality Lifestyle Support
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22nd May 2015
Issue 009
5 Reasons to Employee People with a Disability
For those of you who were fortunate enough to attend Michael Kendrick’s lecture, you will recall the importance
of employment for people with a disability. Listed below are 5 reasons that employers have stated it is important
to focus on people’s abilities instead of their disabilities.
Reason #1: Innovation – different paths, new discoveries
Stephen Hawking. Ludwig Van Beethoven. Helen Keller. Some of the greatest innovators made their mark in
history, perhaps, not in spite of their disability but thanks to it.
People with disabilities are constantly innovating, as they often need to find different ways to accomplish
common tasks. This type of creative thinking can translate into the creation of new processes
Reason #2: Home, Work & Community Culture – the benefits of another perspective
Individuals with disabilities add to the rich culture of the workplace and can even use their experiences to help
employers and colleagues gain new perspectives. Workers actually benefit from increased workplace diversity
as the range of experiences and approaches stimulates and interests staff.
Reason #3: Social Cohesion – creating a positive environment
Perhaps the most visible impact of diversity is the effect it has on daily relationships within the workforce. That
integrating individuals with disabilities increases camaraderie and cooperation among co-workers. Furthermore,
employees with disabilities overwhelmingly expressed positive attitudes towards their bosses and colleagues,
with more than 90% citing that they got along well with their supervisors. These types of positive relationships
can have an overall impact on the quality of life at work.
Reason #4: Performance – numbers don’t lie
A 2006 study showed that workers with disabilities are consistently rated average or above average in terms of
performance, quality and quantity of work.
Reason #5: Reliability – someone you can count on
Employees with disabilities are often described by their employers as, having a strong commitment to work, as
well as good punctuality records and lower absentee rates. According to a 2001 Canadian survey conducted by
deloitte, people with disabilities rated 86% better in attendance and 72% better in staff retention rates.
Suzanne Richardson
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22nd May 2015
Issue 009
As all staff would be aware, QLS uses 24 hour time format when writing out times. It has been noted that the
times on Rotaville are in 12 hour time format. For this to change each staff person will have to change their
settings on Rotaville individually.
To change to 24 hour time please follow these directions:
1. Log in to your Rotaville account
2. If not already, click on the home tab to show your home page. (This is where you will see your user
3. Click on settings on right hand of your user name.
4. Click on the box beside – Use 12 hour time (1pm) instead of 24 hour time (1300) – to uncheck the box
5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Save Settings button.
6. You will notice your times have now changed to 24 hour times.
If you are having issues with changing the times, please contact the office and administration will be able to
assist you with this.
Policy and Procedure Questions Answered
I am making myself available to answer any questions in relation to policy and procedures. This will ensure that
all staff are given the opportunity to clarify requirements, better understand the logic behind them. This time can
also be used to discuss other matters such as service delivery, ideas you may have, concerns and rumours etc.
Conversations are confidential in line with policy and legislative requirements. Essentially this is your chance to
make sure you have the knowledge to do your job to the best of your ability.
The dates and times I will be available specifically for this purpose will be:
Tuesday, 26 May 2015: 10am - 12 midday
Tuesday, 2 June 2015: 12 midday to 2pm
Should there be a higher demand, more will be scheduled. All staff are also able to contact me during work
hours at any time to discuss policy and procedures. I’m always happy to help.
Paul Crowe
B.Soc.Sc (Human Services)
Senior Administration
Janet is going on Holidays
I will be absent from the Senior Administration role for six weeks commencing Friday, 22 May 2015 as I am
travelling overseas to see my family. Roll on safe arrival, wonderful time, good weather and safe return.
Everybody look after themselves whilst I am away, stay safe, stay happy and watch for updates and photos.
Kind regards
Janet Radke
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22nd May 2015
Issue 009
What’s happening in Your Area?
23rd May 2015
Max Watts, 125 Boundary Street, West End
See below website
On the back of yet another marquee festival announcement with the regional Groovin The Moo in April/May, the
unstoppable time-traveling maestro, Hot Dub Time Machine, announces the one and only Australian tour for
Arguably one of Australia’s most popular entertainers, Hot Dub Time Machine has had an enormous 12 months
with massive sold-out shows across the globe as well as headlining the 100,000 strong Hogmanay NYE Festival;
centre-stage in the domain for Sydney Festival; main stages for “Falls Festival” nationally; not to mention the
lauded “Splendour In The Grass” performance!
Partygoers will travel through a plethora of the best music from each decade; the Hot Dub Time Machine
experience will surely put the fire in your dancing pants. First time Hot Dubber? Here’s a taste of what to expect.
For More Information Visit:
23rd & 24th May 2015
Musgrave Park, South Brisbane
23rd: from 12noon, 24th: from 10am
Adults: $10, Pensioner: $3 Child (13 and under), Free
Sample the tastes, recipes and secrets of food from all corners of Greece and see famous Greek dances the
Zorba, Sirto, Kalamatiano and Sousta performed to music played on traditional Greek instruments.
For more information visit:
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22nd May 2015
Issue 009
23rd May 2015
Palm Beach Currumbin Sports Club, Thrower Drive
3 tries for $10
0491 106 041
Akuna Dragon Boat Club has been in operation since 2009 and is always keen to take on new members. We
have competed in the World, National and State titles as well as a lot of local, social and charity events.
Dragon Boating is for all ages, sizes and abilities - so if you are male or female, over 8 and under 80, want to
keep/get fit, make friends and have fun then Dragon Boating is for you.
We are a friendly relaxed club and we welcome anyone who is willing to get out doors and on the water, no
matter what your fitness level as long as your attitude is good.
Be sure to bring your smile, hat, sunscreen, water bottle and water safe shoes, if you like to swim and the
conditions are right wear your swimming costume under your sun safe clothes and you just might be lucky...
For More Information visit:
23rd & 30th May 2015
The Village Theatre, 33a Masthead Way, Gold Coast
Starting at $59
1300 360 270
Witness some of the world's most impressive Las Vegas style grand Illusions Live on the Gold Coast with 5 time
champion of magic and Australian Entertainer of the Year, Master Illusionist Matt Hollywood. He'll shock, stun
and amaze you with an action packed evening of mind blowing entertainment.
For More Information visit:
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22nd May 2015
Issue 009
23rd May 2015
Corbould Park Race Course, Pierce Avenue, Caloundra
0448 964 444
Bazaar Saturday markets is the Sunshine Coast\'s newest, most fabulous Saturday Markets. Set in the pretty,
shady grounds of the Corbould Park Racecourse at Caloundra, the Bazaar showcases wonderful examples of
the creative energy abounding on the Sunshine Coast and aims to support regional small businesses wherever
possible. Bursting with fresh produce, delicious snacks, clever crafts, original fashion and loads more the Bazaar
is the perfect place for a family day out as we also feature live music and entertainment for the kids. Make a day
of it, we can't wait to see you there!
For More Information visit:
22nd & 23rd May 2015
The J Noosa, 60 Noosa Drive, Noosa Junction
22nd – 7pm, 23rd – 1pm & 7pm
Adults: $25, Child/Student: $15
5329 6560
THE ADDAMS FAMILY features an original story, and it's every father's nightmare. Wednesday Addams, the
ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable
family - a man her parents have never met.
And if that weren't upsetting enough, Wednesday confides in her father and begs him not to tell her mother.
Now, Gomez Addams must do something he's never done before - keep a secret from his beloved wife, Morticia.
Everything will change for the whole family on the fateful night they host a dinner for Wednesday's 'normal'
boyfriend and his parents.
For More Information Visit:
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22nd May 2015
Issue 009
21st – 23rd May 2015
Warwick Town Hall
Adults: $15, Concession: $10
07 4666 9222
Everyone is invited to come and watch Warwick State High School Musical. All welcome!
For More Information Visit:
28th – 31st May 2015
618 Ruthven Street
Starting at $56
The Banks family live in a big house in London on Cherry Lane and things are not going well for the family, with
the children, Jane and Michael, out of control and are in need of a new nanny. Jane and Michael have their own
ideas about what sort of caretaker they should have, while their parents—and in particular Mr. Banks—are
insistent on someone strict for the job.
When a mysterious young woman named Mary Poppins appears at their doorstep, the family finds that she’s
the answer to their prayers, but in the most peculiar way. Mary Poppins takes the children on many magical and
memorable adventures, but Jane and Michael aren’t the only ones she has a profound effect upon. Even grownups can learn a lesson or two from the nanny who advises that “anything can happen if you let it.
For More Information Visit:
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