Class 3 Investment Decisions and Capital Budgeting Value of an Investment Project Recall the four factors that determine the value of an investment: Cost of the investment. Magnitude of future cash flows. Timing of future cash flows. Risk of future cash flows. We shall deal with the first three factors and defer the discussion of risk to a future date. The Net Present Value (NPV) Rule Net Present Value (NPV): NPV T t 1 CFt 1 r i d t I p CFt = after-tax cash flow in year t. rp = risk-adjusted discount rate for that investment. I = initial cost of the investment. Net Present Value (NPV) The NPV measures the amount by which the value of the firm’s stock will increase if the project is accepted. NPV Rule: Accept all projects for which NPV > 0. Reject all projects for which NPV < 0. For mutually exclusive projects, choose the project with the highest NPV. NPV Example Consider a drug company with the opportunity to invest $100 million in the development of a new drug that is expected to generate $20 million in after-tax cash flows for the next 15 years. What is the NPV of this investment project if the required return is 10%? What if the required return is 20%? NPV Example (cont.) rp = 10% $20[1 1 / (110 . ) 15 ] NPV $100 .10 NPV $52.12 million rp = 20% $20[1 1 / (1.20) 15 ] NPV $100 .20 NPV $6.49 million Eurotunnel NPV One of the largest commercial investment project’s in recent years is Eurotunnel’s construction of the Channel Tunnel linking France with the U.K. The cash flows on the following page are based on the forecasts of construction costs and revenues that the company provided to investors in 1986. Given the risk of the project, we assume a 13% discount rate. Eurotunnel’s NPV Year Cash Flow PV (k=13%) Year Cash Flow PV (k=13%) 1986 -L457 -457 1999 636 130 1987 -476 -421 2000 594 107 1988 -497 -389 2001 689 110 1989 -522 -362 2002 729 103 1990 -551 -338 2003 796 100 1991 -584 -317 2004 859 95 1992 -619 -297 2005 923 90 1993 211 90 2006 983 86 1994 489 184 2007 1,050 81 1995 455 152 2008 1,113 76 1996 502 148 2009 1,177 71 1997 530 138 2010 17,781 946 1998 544 126 NPV L251 Special Topics: Comparing Projects with Different Lives Your firm must decide which of two machines it should use to produce its output. Machine A costs $100,000, has a useful life of 4 years, and generates after-tax cash flows of $40,000 per year. Machine B costs $65,000, has a useful life of 3 years, and generates after-tax cash flows of $35,000 per year. The machine is needed indefinitely and the discount rate is rp = 10%. Comparing Projects with Different Lives Step 1: Calculate the NPV for each project. $40,000[1 1 / (110 . )4] NPV A $100,000 .10 NPV A $26,795 $35,000[1 1 / (110 . )3 ] NPVB $65,000 .10 NPVB $22,040 Comparing Projects with Different Lives Step 2: Convert the NPVs for each project into an equivalent annual annuity. $26,795 EAA $8,453 4 1 1 / (110 . ) . 10 $22,040 EAB $8,863 3 1 1 / (110 . ) .10 Comparing Projects with Different Lives Machine A 0 1 -100,000 40,000 8,453 2 40,000 8,453 3 40,000 8,453 Machine B 0 1 - 60,000 35,000 8,863 2 35,000 8,863 3 35,000 8,863 4 40,000 8,453 Comparing Projects with Different Lives The firm is indifferent between the project and the equivalent annual annuity. Since the project is rolled over forever, the equivalent annual annuity lasts forever. The project with the highest equivalent annual annuity offers the highest aggregate NPV over time. Aggregate NPVA = $8,453/.10 = $84,530 Aggregate NPVB = $8,863/.10 = $88,630 Special Topics: Replacing an Old Machine The cost of the new machine is $20,000 (including delivery and installation costs) and its economic useful life is 3 years. The existing machine will last at most 2 more years. The annual after-tax cash flows from each machine are given in the following table. The discount rate is rp = 10%. Replacing an Old Machine Annual After-Tax Cash Flows Machine Year 1 Year 2 Old $8,000 $6,000 New $18,000 $15,000 Year 3 $10,000 Replacing an Old Machine Step 1: Calculate the NPVof the new machine. NPV New $18,000 $15,000 $10,000 $20,000 2 3 110 . (110 . ) (110 . ) NPV New $16,273 Replacing an Old Machine Step 2: Convert the NPV for the new machine into an equivalent annual annuity. EANew $16,273 $6,544 3 [1 1 / (110 . ) ] . 10 Replacing an Old Machine The NPV of the new machine is equivalent to receiving $6,544 per year for 3 years. Operate the old machine as long as its after-tax cash flows are greater than EANew = $6,544. Old machine should be replaced after one more year of operation. How did we know that the new machine itself would not be replaced early? Alternatives to NPV Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Payback Profitability Index Internal Rate of Return (IRR) The IRR is the discount rate, IRR, that makes NPV = 0. NPV T CFt I b 1 IRR g t 1 IRR Rule Accept project if IRR > rp. Reject project if IRR < rp. t 0 IRR Example Consider, once again, the drug company that has the opportunity to invest $100 million in the development of a new drug that will generate after-tax cash flows of $20 million per year for the next 15 years. What is the IRR of this investment? IRR Example The IRR makes NPV = 0. 1 (1 IRR ) NPV IRR 15 20 100 0 Trial and error (or a financial calculator) gives IRR = 18.4%. Accept the project if rp < 18.4%. Problems with IRR Borrowing or Lending? Multiple IRRs Mutually Exclusive Projects IRR Problems: Borrowing or Lending? Consider the following two investment projects faced by a firm with rp = 10%. Project 0 1 A -1,000 1,500 B 1,000 -1,500 IRR 50% NPV 363.64 50% -363.64 Both projects have an IRR = 50%, but only project A is acceptable. NPV Profiles 600 Project A Project B 400 NPV 200 0 -200 -400 -600 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Discount Rate, k 0.7 IRR Problems: Multiple IRRs Consider a firm with the following investment project and a discount rate of rp = 25%. Year Cash Flows 0 -1,000 1 3,200 2 -2,400 IRR 20% 100% NPV 24 This project has two IRRs: one above rp and the other below rp. Which should be compared to rp? NPV Profile 100 50 NPV 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Discount Rate, k 1.2 1.4 IRR Problems: Mutually Exclusive Projects Consider the following two mutually exclusive projects. The discount rate is rp = 20%. Project 0 1 2 IRR A -5,000 8,000 0 B -5,000 0 9,800 NPV (k=20%) 60% 1,667 40% 1,806 Despite having a higher IRR, project A is less valuable than project B. NPV Profiles 5000 4000 Project A Project B 3000 NPV 2000 1000 0 -1000 0 -2000 -3000 0.2 0.4 Discount Rate, k 0.6 0.8 1 Payback Period Payback is the number of years it takes to recoup your initial investment. Payback Rule Accept the project if the payback is less than the maximum payback allowed. Reject the project if the payback is greater than the maximum payback allowed. Payback Example Consider the following two investment projects. Assume that rp = 20%. Project 0 1 2 A -1,000 200 800 B -1,000 200 200 3 Payback NPV (k=20%) 300 2.0 yrs. -104 2,000 2.3 yrs. 463 Which project is accepted if the payback period criteria is 2 years? Problems with Payback Ignores the Time Value of Money Ignores Cash Flows Beyond the Payback Period Ignores the Scale of the Investment Decision Criteria is Arbitrary Profitability Index Profitability Index PI = (I + NPV)/I = 1 + NPV/I Used when the firm (or division) has a limited amount of capital to invest. Rank projects based upon their PIs. Invest in the projects with the highest PIs until all capital is exhausted (provided PI > 1). Profitability Index Example Suppose your division has been given a capital budget of $6,000. Which projects do you choose? Project I NPV PI A 1,000 600 1.6 B 4,000 2,000 1.5 C 6,000 2,400 1.4 D 3,000 600 1.2 E 5,000 500 1.1 Profitability Index Example Suppose your budget increases to $7,000. Choosing projects in decending order of PIs no longer maximizes the aggreagate NPV. Projects A and C provide the highest aggregate NPV = $3,000 and stay within budget. Linear programming techniques can be used to solve large capital allocation problems.