Overview of Transverse Single Spin Asymmetry Measurements at RHIC Outline Review of Findings on Transverse SSA at RHIC • Motivations/goals and methods • Findings from the first polarized proton collisions at RHIC (medieval times) • Findings from the renaissance L.C. Bland Brookhaven National Laboratory • First findings from the modern age • Possible paths forward (more on 3D parton structure, INT INT Workshop on 3D parton structure of the nucleon Friday) Seattle, September 2009 1 RHIC Spin Goals - I How is the proton built from its known quark and gluon constituents? As with atomic and nuclear structure, this is an evolving understanding In QCD: proton is not just 3 quarks ! Recall: simple quark model Rich structure of quarks anti-quarks, gluons 3D parton structure, INT 2 RHIC Spin Goals - II Understanding the Origin of Proton Spin Spin Sum Rules Longitudinal Spin Transverse Spin PRD 70 (2004) 114001 Understanding the origin of proton spin helps to understand its structure 3D parton structure, INT 3 RHIC Spin Goals - III Objectives • Determination of polarized gluon distribution (DG) using multiple probes • Determination of flavor identified anti-quark polarization using parity violating production of W • Transverse spin: connections to partonic orbital angular momentum (Ly) and transversity (dS) 3D parton structure, INT 4 RHIC Spin Probes - I Polarized proton collisions / hard scattering probes of DG quark pion or jet quark gluon c d dxa dxb dzc f a ( xa ) f b ( xb ) Dc ( zc )dˆ ab a ,b , c Describe p+p particle production at RHIC energies (s 62 GeV) using perturbative QCD at Next to Leading Order, relying on universal parton distribution functions and fragmentation functions RHIC Spin Probes - II Unpolarized cross sections as benchmarks and heavy-ion references 0 +cross Large ,K,p sections for p+p, s=200 GeV p + rapidity pp s =GeV 200 GeV + p, sX, = 200 PRD 76 (2007) 051106 PRL 97 (2006) 252001 jets PRL 98 (2007) 252001 PRL 92 (2004) 171801 direct g PRL 98 (2007) 012002 Good agreement between experiment and theory 3D parton structure, INT calibrated hard scattering probes of proton spin 6 Longitudinal Two-Spin (ALL) Status of probing for gluon polarization via measurements of ALLfor midrapidity jet,0 production 3D parton structure, INT 7 ALL: 0 PRL 103 (2009) 012003 [ 0.02, 0.3] 0.0 DGGRSV 0.2 0.1(stat) 0.1(sys) -0.4 (shape) 0.1(scale) 3D parton structure, INT 8 Inclusive ALLjets Results STAR arXiv:0805.3004 Data are compared to predictions within the GRSV framework with several input values of DG. B. Jager et.al, Phys.Rev.D70, 034010 GRSV-std The inclusive measurements give sensitivity to gluon polarization over a broad momentum range 3D parton structure, INT 9 Global Analysis Determining Dg from Existing World Data PRL 101 (2008) 072001 Dg(x,Q2) is small in the accessible range of momentum fraction [presently measured] 3D parton structure, INT 10 RHIC as a Polarized Proton Collider RHIC pC Polarimeters Absolute Polarimeter (H jet) BRAHMS & PP2PP PHOBOS Siberian Snakes Siberian Snakes PHENIX STAR Spin Rotators (longitudinal polarization) Spin Rotators (longitudinal polarization) - Pol. H Source LINAC BOOSTER Helical Partial Siberian Snake 200 MeV Polarimeter AGS AGS pC Polarimeter Strong AGS Snake 3D parton structure, INT 11 0 3D parton structure, INT AN measurements initially motivated by search for local polarimeter 12 Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetries (AN) Analyzing power is a tool to measure polarization and is one example of transverse single spin asymmetries (SSA) with origins yet to be fully understood Probing for (1) orbital motion within transversely polarized protons; (2) Evidence of transversely polarized quarks in polarized protons. 3D parton structure, INT 13 Expectations from Theory What would we see from this gedanken experiment? F0 as mq0 in vector gauge theories, so AN ~ mq/pT or,AN ~ 0.001 for pT ~ 2 GeV/c Kane, Pumplin and Repko PRL 41 (1978) 1689 3D parton structure, INT 14 A Brief History… p p X s=20 GeV, pT=0.5-2.0 GeV/c • QCD theory expects very small (AN~10-3) transverse SSA for particles produced by hard scattering. • The FermiLab E-704 experiment found strikingly large transverse singlespin effects in p+p fixed-target collisions with 200 GeV polarized proton beam (s = 20 GeV). 0 – E704, PLB261 (1991) 201. 3D parton structure, INT +/- - E704, PLB264 (1991) 462. • • 15 STAR • Large acceptance near midrapidity • Windows to large rapidity 3D parton structure, INT 16 PHENIX Detector EMCal 0/g/hdetection • Electromagnetic Calorimeter (PbSc/PbGl): • High pT photon trigger to collect 0's, h’s, g’s • Acceptance: |h|<0.35,f2x /2 • High granularity (~10*10mrad2) /• Drift Chamber (DC) for Charged Tracks • Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH) • High pT charged pions (pT>4.7 GeV). Relative Luminosity • Beam Beam Counter (BBC) ZDC • Acceptance: 3.0< h<3.9 BBC ZDC • Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) • Acceptance: ±2 mrad Local Polarimetry • ZDC • Shower Maximum Detector (SMD) 3D parton structure, INT 17 BRAHMS 3D parton structure, INT 18 Brahms •Transvers beam pol •Particle ID BRAHMS measured AN s=62.4 GeV and 200 GeV •Large xF dependent SSAs seen for pions and kaons •Collinear factorization and (NLO) pQCD describe unpolarized cross-section at RHIC in wide kinematic region 3D parton structure, INT 19 Medieval Times First polarized p+p collisions at RHIC 3D parton structure, INT 20 Transverse Spin Asymmetries at Midrapidity p+p 0/h± + X, s = 200 GeV PRL 95 (2005) 202001 Transverse single spin asymmetries are consistent with zero at midrapidity 3D parton structure, INT 21 Measuring AN: Inclusive 0 Production RHIC Runs 2-3 with Forward Pion Detector (FPD) PRL 92, 171801 (2004) PRL 97, 152302 (2006) STAR Cross-section is consistent with NLO pQCD calculations p+p0+X, √s=200 GeV, <η> = 3.8 Transverse spin asymmetries found at lower √s persist to √s=200 GeV 3D parton structure, INT 22 STAR-Forward Cross Sections Similar to ISR analysis J. Singh, et al Nucl. Phys. B140 (1978) 189. d 3 C -B E 3 1 - xF pT dp C 5 B6 Expect QCD scaling of form: a d 3 C -n C -a E 3 xT 1 - xF pT s / 2 1 - xF pT-n-a B n a dp Require s dependence (e.g., measure 0 cross sections at s = 500 GeV) to disentangle pT and xT dependence 3D parton structure, INT 23 The Renaissance 3D parton structure, INT 24 STAR Results vs. Di-Jet Pseudorapidity Sum Run-6 Result VY 1, VY 2 are calculations by Vogelsang & Yuan, PRD 72 (2005) 054028 AN pbeam (kT(50%+ S)T) Emphasizes jet quark Sivers Boer & Vogelsang, PRD 69 (2004) 094025 pbeam into page jet Idea: directly measure kT by observing momentum imbalance of a pair of jets produced in p+p collision and attempt to measure if kT is correlated with incoming proton spin AN consistent with zero ~order of magnitude smaller in pp di-jets than in semi-inclusive DIS quark Sivers asymmetry! 3D parton structure, INT STAR PRL 99 (2007) 142003 25 xF Dependence of Inclusive 0 AN RHIC Run 6 with FPD++ STAR PRL 101, 222001 (2008) arXiv:0801.2990v1 [hep-ex] Fits to SIDIS (HERMES) is consistent with data AN at positive xF grows with increasing xF U. D’Alesio, F. Murgia Phys. Rev. D 70, 074009 (2004) arXiv:hep-ph/0712.4240 C. Kouvaris, J. Qiu, W. Vogelsang, F. Yuan, Phys. Rev. D 74, 114013 (2006). 3D parton structure, INT 26 pT Dependence of Inclusive 0 AN RHIC Runs 3,5,6 with FPD STAR B.I. Abelev et al. (STAR) PRL 101 (2008) 222001 • xF dependence is consistent with Sivers model • Rising pT dependence is not explained STAR, PRL 101 (2008) 222001 3D parton structure, INT 6/1/2009 Chris Perkins 27 27 xF and pT dependence of AN for p+p±+X, s=62 GeV I. Arsene, et al. PRL101 (2008) 042001 • AN(+) ~ -AN(-), consistent with results at lower s and u,d valence differences • At fixed xF, evidence that AN grows with pT 3D parton structure, INT 28 Transverse Spin Effects for Kaons p+pK±+X, s=62 GeV I. Arsene, et al. PRL101 (2008) 042001 • Large transverse single spin asymmetries are observed for kaons 3D parton structure, INT 29 PHENIX Muon Piston Calorimeter 2.22.2 18 cm3 • 192 PbWO4 crystals with APD readout • Better than 80% of the acceptance is okay SOUTH 3D parton structure, INT 30 PHENIX Goes Forward First results with muon piston calorimeter from run 6 p+p0+X, s = 62 GeV Transverse SSA persists with similar characteristics over a broad range of collision energy (20 < s < 200 GeV) 3D parton structure, INT 31 Heavier mesons also accessible at high XF p p M X M g g s 200 GeV STAR 2006 PRELIMINARY Di-photons in FPD with E(pair)>40 GeV No “center cut” (requirement that two-photon system point at middle of an FPD module) With center cut and Zgg<0.85 Average Yellow Beam Polarization=56% 3D parton structure, INT arXiv:0905.2840 (S. Heppelmann, PANIC 2008) 32 Towards Modern Times • To separate Sivers and Collins effects need to move beyond inclusive production • To isolate Sivers effect, need to either avoid fragmentation or integrate azimuthally • Full Jets, Di-Jets (away side), Direct photons, Drell-Yan • To isolate Collins effect, need to look azimuthally within a jet. 3D parton structure, INT 33 Guzey, Strikman and Vogelsang Phys. Lett. B603 (2004) 173 • constrain x value of gluon probed by high-x quark by detection of second hadron serving as jet surrogate. • span broad pseudorapidity range (-1<h<+4) for second hadron span broad range of xgluon • provide sensitivity to higher pT for forward 0 reduce 23 (inelastic) parton process contributions thereby reducing uncorrelated background in Df correlation. 3D parton structure, INT PYTHIA Simulation 34 STAR Forward Calorimeter Projects F.Bieser2, L.Bland1, E. Braidot7, R.Brown1, H.Crawford2, A.Derevshchikov4, J.Drachenberg6, J.Engelage2, L.Eun3, M.Evans3, D.Fein3, C.Gagliardi6, A. Gordon1, S.Hepplemann3, E.Judd2, V.Kravtsov4, J. Langdon5, Yu.Matulenko4, A.Meschanin4, C.Miller5, N. Mineav4, A. Mischke7, D.Morozov4, M.Ng2, L.Nogach4, S.Nurushev4, A.Ogawa1, H. Okada1, J. Palmatier3, T.Peitzmann7, S. Perez5, C.Perkins2, M.Planinic8, N.Poljak8, G.Rakness1,3, J. Tatarowicz3, A.Vasiliev4, N.Zachariou5 1Brookhaven National Laboratory of California- Berkeley 3Pennsylvania State University 4IHEP, Protvino 5Stony Brook University 6Texas A&M University 7Utrecht, the Netherlands 2University 8Zagreb University These people built the Forward Meson Spectrometer (FMS) and/or its components STAR Forward Meson Spectrometer • 50 larger acceptance than the run-3 forward pion detector (FPD). • 2 azimuth for 2.5<h<4.0 • Discriminate single g from 0gg up to ~60 GeV PRL 101 (2008) 222001 North half of FMS before closing Runs 3-6 FPD Run 8 FMS 3D parton structure, INT 36 Run-8 Results from STAR Forward Meson Spectrometer (FMS) Full azimuth spanned with nearly contiguous electromagnetic calorimetry from -1<h<4 approaching full acceptance detector 3D parton structure, INT 37 Run 8 FMS Inclusive 0 Results y Octant subdivision of FMS for inclusive 0 spin sorting. x f P • Azimuthal dependence as expected • AN comparable to prior measurements arXiv:0901.2828 Nikola Poljak – SPIN08 3D parton structure, INT 38 pT Dependence RHIC Run 8 with East FPD/FMS Negative xF Positive xF Negative xF consistent with zero Indication of Positive AN persists up to pT ~5 GeV Needs more transverse spin running 3D parton structure, INT arXiv:0901.2763 (J. Drachenberg– SPIN08) Akio Ogawa – CIPANP 09 39 First Look at “Jet-like” Events in the FMS “Jet-shape” distribution of energy within jetlike objects in the FMS as a function of distance from the jet axis. Event selection: • • • • >15 detectors with energy > 0.4GeV in the event (no single pions in the event) cone radius = 0.5 (eta-phi space) “Jet-like” pT > 1 GeV/c ; xF > 0.2 2 perimeter fiducial volume cut (small/large cells) • “Jet shape” in data matches simulation well • Reconstructed Mass doesn’t match as well • High-Tower Trigger used in Run 8 biases Jets 3D parton structure, INT arXiv:0901.2828 (Nikola Poljak – SPIN08) 40 High xF Vector Mesons RHIC Run 8 with FMS Triple Photons : w0g 3 photon events to look for w0g BR8.9% •PT(triplet)>2.5 GeV/c •E(triplet)>30 GeV •PT(photon cluster)>1.5 GeV/c •PT(π0)>1 GeV/c Background only MC Run8 FMS data Fit is gaussian + P3 μ=0.784±0.008 GeV σ=0.087±0.009 GeV Scale=1339±135 Events Significant (10) w0g signal seen in the data. •Comparison to dAu Next : •Spin-1 meson AN 3D parton structure, INT arXiv:0906.2332 A Gordon– Moriond09 41 STAR Detector • Large rapidity coverage for electromagnetic calorimetry (-1<h<+4) spanning full azimuth azimuthal correlations • Run-8 was the first run for the Forward Meson Spectrometer (FMS) 3D parton structure, INT 42 Azimuthal Correlations with Large Dh E. Braidot (for STAR), Quark Matter 2009 Uncorrected Coincidence Probability (radian-1) p+p0+h±+X, s=200 GeV 0 requirements: pT,>2.5 GeV/c 2.8<h<3.8 h± requirements: 1.5<pT,h<pT, |hh|<0.9 • clear back-to-back peak observed, as expected for partonic 22 processes • fixed and large h trigger, with variable hh map out Bjorken-x dependence • of greatest interest for forward direct-g trigger 3D parton structure, INT 43 Forward 0 – Forward 0 Azimuthal Correlations • Possible back-to-back di-jet/di-hadron Sivers measurement • Possible near-side hadron correlation for Collins fragmentation function/Interference fragmentation function + Transversity • Low-x / gluon saturation study – accessing lowest xBjgluon 3D parton structure, INT 44 Akio Ogawa- CIPANP 09 Proposals for the Future SSA beyond inclusive meson production • Forward jets • Forward photons • Forward virtual photons (Just mentioned here… much more about future prospects on Friday) 3D parton structure, INT 45 Conclusions and Summary • Transverse spin asymmetries are present at RHIC energies • Transverse spin asymmetries are present at large h • Particle production cross sections and correlations are consistent with pQCD expectations at large h where transverse spin effects are observed • Essential to go beyond inclusive production to disentangle dynamical origins 3D parton structure, INT 46