What is the goal of testing?


What is the goal of testing?

Check all that apply

 To completely verify that the code is correct - 0

 Uncovering errors - 10

 Build confidence in the software -10

 prove correctness -3

Errors and Faults

Check all that apply

An error always leads to a fault in the software -0

 An error may lead to a fault -11

 faults can always be observed -0

Implementation outside of the specification is always faulty! -1

 An Omission can be intentional -4

 There can be several correct implementations of the same specification-10

A bug or fault can be found in

Check all that apply

 System Under Test 17

 Specification 12

 Requirements 7

 Operating System 14

 Hardware 14

What qualities are dynamically determined?

Check all that apply

 Source code is maintainable -1

 Source code is testable -3

 Source code compiles without errors

Documentation is Correct -2

 Documentation contains all intended aspects -2

 Software produces correct output-1

All requirements are implemented-2

 All GUI components are consistent-0

 The performance is as specified -7

What input is part of the methods input domain?

public int max(int A, int B) {

int ret = B;

if (A > B) {

return A;


return B;


 A = +5 B = 'C' -3

 A = 0 & B = 0 -5

 A = -5 & B = intvalue(4.3); -8

 All positive integers-10

 All negative integers-10

 A can be any number in [-214783648 -> 2147483647] if int is 32 bit-10

 B can be any number in [-214783648 -> 2147483647] if int is 32 bit-10

Reliability and Correctness

Check all that apply

 A program is 100% reliable if it is Correct -0

 A program is correct even if a requirement is not implemented -0

 A program can be correct even if it ends with an error output -9

 If there are two different numbers in the input domain and we have tested one with correct output, we have at least 50% reliability -1

 A program that receives input outside of its input domain and crashes can be correct -4

A test plan tells us:

Check all that apply

 The specific test-cases -0

 The requirements in use-case form -0

 The specific test-data -0

 How test results should be presented and reported. 6

 What qualities we are focusing on 10

Testing activities

Check all that apply

 Beta testing is done during coding -0

 Unit testing is done by programmers -11

 Regression testing can be automated -8

 Customers should be involved in testing -12

Testing Types

Check all that apply

 In black box testing we have knowledge of the requirements -10

 In black box testing we have knowledge of the code -0

 In white box testing we have knowledge of the code -13

 In white box testing we have knowledge of the requirements-13

 Interface testing is always black box testing 3

 Model based testing requires a formal model of the requirements -0

 Model based testing requires a formal model of the code -0


Check all that apply

 The oracle decides if the output is considered correct -8

 The oracle decides if the output is considered incorrect -5

 Humans can be oracles -6

 Oracles can be constructed from formal models -2
